Explore best practices for creating inclusive apps for users of Apple accessibility features and users from diverse backgrounds.

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Carrier File MCC MNC
We are Telecom company and we are already registered in GSMA We have started testing our product environment and everything has been working smoothly with Android handsets. However, we are facing some challenges with iPhone handsets. We only use IPV6 for UE addresses allocation and we are seeking your support and guidance on how to register our MVNO MCC and MNC in the iPhone carrier file. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Why my Enrollment is always pending?
I am in the process of registering a new apple developer account for my company. For now I have finished the DUNS code register and applied it for the enrollment. But I received an email said that I should give Apple a phone call from the entry of "Contact Us". My question is I could not find any phone call entry at any time no matter it is operation time or not. There is only one email contact entry for me. So I am very confused and in a great hurry.
Keyboard bug in MacOS
Keyboard selection is inconsistent, and I believe it's a bug - it's definitely not a behavior I would expect or have seen in any well-respected editor that comes with custom key bindings. The problem is that Cmd+Shift+Right/Left selects the text by expanding the selection to the end/start of the line without ever deselecting the text if the cursor goes over existing selection. The above behavior is opposite of selection by word via Option+Shift+Right/Left which has the right behavior. This behavior exists in all apps that don't come with custom selection behavior. For example, Google Chrome, TextEdit, Slack, etc. I spent a long time with Apple Support to fix this because this behavior doesn't work for me in XCode and it can be frustrating at times because I often have to use mouse which I don't like. Can anyone help me improve this please?
Accessibility for DAC user issue, focus is on same place after we switch from one web app page to another page
Hi, We have an Accessibility for DAC user issue, We are using Angular 17 for our Front End application. there is a case where after they press a section one page it re-reroutes to next page to show some details, where the focus is persist on the same place whatever we select the previous place. this is only issue on ios 17.5.1 version, all the andriod and desktop this is fine.
ios 18 app tint error
I ’m not sure if it’s just me but i recently updated my phone to ios18.3 beta or something like that, ive had ios18 beta for a while and just updated it last night. I tried changing my app tint to a purple colour, but every single time i tried to do so, the app tint automatically changed to a very dark blue?? Ive reset my phone, powered it off, i’m not sure why it’s happening but it wont fix. Anyone got any tips?
Voice over sound volume decrease
Hi, we encounter an issue while using voice over in our app. On a given page, voice over is running through the items but at some point (randomly) the volume of the voice over decreases dramatically. It is only possible to restore the original volume by killing the app and launch it again. It does not happen systematically and is pretty difficult to reproduce but it happens on a regular basis. No interaction occurs with other apps (music or navigation apps) and there is no interaction with bluetooth or other air play devices. The code does not involve any voice over changes. We are looking for any clue that can lead to the issue root cause. Thanks for the help !
Create 3D models with Object Capture VS Create 3D models with MAC
Create 3D models with Object Capture VS Create 3D models with MAC 1.After testing the model generated by the pictures taken on the mobile phone and comparing the .raw progress generated by the same set of data on the MAC side, the highest accuracy model has different effects. Sometimes the mobile phone model has higher accuracy, and sometimes the MAC model has higher accuracy. What are the two ends? The difference is that according to WWDC2023 MAC, a higher-precision model can be generated. However, in actual testing, it is possible that the integrity of MAC generation is not as good as that of the mobile phone. This is why. 2.Is it possible to set the accuracy of the generated model on the mobile phone?
AccessibilityUIServer has microphone locked
Just installed iOS 18 Beta 3. I am seeing my AccessibilityUIServer using the microphone and this is causing no notification sounds, inability to use Siri by voice and volume is grayed out. If I start to play anything with sound AccessibilityUIServer releases the microphone and I am able to use the app. Calls still work since AccessibilityUIServer will release and the phone will ring. Feed back ID is FB14241838.
FaceTime background macOS 15 Beta
I'm just joining FaceTime with the background setting that I have been advocating for a long time. It is about the Accessibility Lens, which we want to change the background of FaceTime video calls. I want to make suggestions or comments on those features we would like to have. Is there somewhere we can have this forum to discuss specifically with the FaceTime ecosystem?
Toolkit/API for Interacting with Active Editable Text Boxes on macO
I am developing an application that needs to interact with active editable text boxes on macOS, similar to how Grammarly functions. Specifically, my application needs to: Read and write text in the currently active editable text box where the keyboard input is directed. Move the writer cursor and mark text within the text box. Ideally, the solution should support cross-platform functionality, covering both macOS and Windows. Does anyone know of any toolkits, libraries, or APIs that can facilitate this kind of functionality on macOS?
Toolkit/API for Interacting with Active Editable Text Boxes on macOS
I am developing an application that needs to interact with active editable text boxes on macOS, similar to how Grammarly functions. Specifically, my application needs to: Read and write text in the currently active editable text box where the keyboard input is directed. Move the writer cursor and mark text within the text box. Ideally, the solution should support cross-platform functionality, covering both macOS and Windows. Does anyone know of any toolkits, libraries, or APIs that can facilitate this kind of functionality on macOS?
“Past”Text Keyboard Feature
After double tapping a text space. Allow to press and hold “Paste” to ase a pop up list of the last 5 text copies you’ve made. While still keeping the one “Paste” touch to the most recent. This we help when we accidentally copied or cut different text before pasting what we were saving to paste later.
Developing Carplay App for fragrance system
Greetings, I am currently conceptualizing an application designed to interface with Carplay, enabling control over aftermarket automotive fragrance systems and ambient lighting within vehicles. Having perused your development guidelines, I am interested in understanding how my project might be classified within your framework. Specifically, I am exploring whether it would be appropriate to categorize this endeavor under the 'Driving Task' category, given its direct interaction with the vehicle environment. Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Best regards!
Localization for multiple targets
I have one project where I have XYZ scheme and target. I have Localizable.string under XYZ target for localization. I want to create a ABC target (duplicate of XYZ) and set custom language support for it. Let's say I have english, french and german for XYZ, I want hindi, japanese and chinese for ABC. I did the below steps I went to Manage scheme and duplicated the XYZ (duplicate scheme = ABC). I added new localization file only for ABC (LocalizationForABC.string) and made sure those reflect in File Inspector -> Target (only ABC selected) and also checked in Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources (LocalizationABC exists). When I run the ABC target under let's say french, it works fine but when I build the project ABC, and remove french from XYZ, ABC is broken and it only runs in english. Am I missing something here ?