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Use TestFlight in App Store Connect to invite and manage beta testers for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. Discuss questions here and share app builds publicly via TestFlight under the Community topic.

TestFlight Documentation






TestFlight for macOS broke for one account
For some reason, TestFlight for one account on one Mac is no longer able to accept a TestFlight invitation. On that Mac, I am logged into iCloud with the relevant Apple ID. In TestFlight, I sent an invite to that Apple ID. I open the email with the invite, click on the link, and I get an alert in TestFlight saying: Couldn't Load App Your request couldn't be completed. Try again. (OK Button) If I log out of iCloud with that account and log in with another account (which I also sent the invite too), TestFlight shows the app and I can download it. I have been doing continuous clean installs on this Mac for testing, and I am reusing that Apple ID. Have I hit some hard limit at Apple for how many times I can login with an Apple ID? Any suggestions on how I can use that Apple ID with TestFlight?
Jan ’24
The requested application is unavailable or does not exist
Hello friends While everything was normal until last night, my TestFlight versions for all my applications were expired after a version I installed last night, and the newly installed versions are not usable in TestFlight. I get the error "The requested application is unavailable or does not exist". I tried to contact Apple officials, but I did not receive any response. How can I get rid of this error?
Dec ’23
The requested application is unavailable or does not exist
Hello friends While everything was normal until last night, my TestFlight versions for all my applications were expired after a version I installed last night, and the newly installed versions are not usable in TestFlight. I get the error "The requested application is unavailable or does not exist". I tried to contact Apple officials, but I did not receive any response. How can I get rid of this error?
Dec ’23
Multiple Test groups?
As the Product Manager, I want to have more control over the testing our company does before releasing an app update. Currently, I'm able to set up only one group of testors in TestFlight. But I want to be able to do a more controlled release, with more rounds of testing. Something like this: testing by only me testing by key stakeholders internal to our company testing by interested parties of our parent company testing by power users publish to app store Is there any way I can do this, given Apple's tools and constraints for app testing?
Dec ’23
App is status Testing in Test Flight
Hi, just uploaded App to Test Flight and it is appear in status Testing, I need it to be Ready for submitting in order to upload it to App Store. When uploaded this builds from Archive I noticed that upload widget has been changed, it showed me two options: Upload to test and production, upload to test/ I choose the upload to test, may be this is a reason? Should I upload again with "upload to test and production"? Is there a way to move from status "Testing" to "Ready for submission"? Thanks
Dec ’23
TestFlight Error: Could not install app. The requested app is not available or doesn't exist.
This seems like an age-old error that I've never found the answer to. I created a simple app with a button that changes a text field for a demonstration of the TestFlight app and have never gotten the internal test to work. Created another simple app. Still can't download the app in TF. I've tried just about everything, but when I choose install in the TF app I get the error. I'm the only person listed in App Store Connect as a developer, so I chose myself as the only internal tester in the group. I've tried various builds also. In TF under app details it shows that my test apps will work on my phone. Everything seems in order when I push my archived apps from XCode to the App store. Showing up as Ready to test in the TestFlight section of the App store. I have no clue what to try next, other than moving on to external testers - which looks even more complicated to configure.
Dec ’23
How do I restore TestFlight access after re-installing TestFlight.app with a different AppleId?
I originally installed TestFlight.app using a different AppleId (AppleId-A) than what I am currently logged in with (AppleId-B via Settings) on my phone. To improve the app update experience (i.e. not have to supply the AppleId-A password every time) I removed the app and re-installed using AppleId-B and now TestFlight.app requires an invitation redeem code to continue. I am a developer with access to our TestFlight dashboard and I cannot find a way to generate a redeem code or invite link for my AppleId-B user. I can remove myself from internal groups but re-adding does not give me a code or a link. How can I restore the ability to install TestFlight builds again on my phone? Thanks, Jim
Dec ’23
Can't Add App to User with Developer Role
I am unable to add apps to users with the developer role under "Users and Access". I click on the apps for the user, select the apps I want to add, and click "save." But I get an error shown at the top of the page "There was an issue granting apps for 1 user." That's it. No other context about whatever the issue is at all. All the users that I am trying to add apps to have multiple apps already assigned to them.
Dec ’23
Build visible available to test for internal testers, but invisible in Testflight app
Hello, I have built and submitted an app to AppStoreConnect using Github Actions and Fastlane. My build show up in the Testflight tab of the AppstoreConnect, and was attributed to a team of internal testers, including myself. The build number 4, version 2.2.5 is listed as "Waiting for Review", and in the internal test group listing it is green and "Testing". However, the build doesn't show up in the iOS Testflight App. Other apps and build are there, just not this one. How is it possible ? The app requires iOS 16 and the devices we test on are iOS 16 and iOS 17.
Nov ’23
New build does not reach external testers
I recently ran into an issue that I don't understand. I've uploaded a new version and submitted to test by Beta App Review. It takes about 1 day and the status had changed from "In review" to "Testing". I've already assigned that build to External tester group but the app has not been updated in the Testflight app and testers only see the old builds. Should I wait or update new build?
Nov ’23
Cannot sign in to TestFlight App on macOS
Since updating to 14.2 beta 2 I see the following error when trying to sign in to the TestFlight App on macOS. "Password reuse not available for account" It seems like it possibly affecting the AppStore too, from the device logs I see: Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=2 \"Password reuse not available for account\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Password reuse not available for account, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The account state does not support password reuse.}" I've tried signing out of the App Store to fix it but now I can't sign into either the store of TestFlight. I've also tried, multiple restarts and safe mode. Things seem fine on other platforms. Is this a known issue? Are others seeing it? Any ideas for how to reset things or what the error might be referring to?
Nov ’23