I am testing my app with TestFlight. The app is developed with React Native Expo.
Step 1: Log into the app – everything works fine.
Step 2: Use the app – everything works fine.
Step 3: Close the app without logging out, just close it.
Step 4: Remove the app from the recent apps window.
Step 5: Try to open the app again, but it requires login again.
I don’t understand why the login parameters are not retained and why the app asks me to log in again.
Code used for login handling:
import AsyncStorage from "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage";
useEffect(() => {
const loadToken = async () => {
const token = await AsyncStorage.getItem(TOKEN_KEY);
if(token) {
axiosInstance.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${token}`;
try {
const response = await axiosInstance.get('/auth/check');
const data = response.data;
} catch (e) {
loadToken().then(() => setIsLoading(false));
}, []);
Important Note:
This issue only occurs when we switch to production. In the test environment, everything works fine, and we don’t experience this problem. However, as soon as we build for production and test on multiple devices, this issue appears.
Thanks in advance!
Apple Developers
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Hi all,
With version 18.4 beta, I have a problem with the display of webviews in the app. In particular, the app of my bank has webviews inside it, and as they are not loading, I am unable to access it. Can you help me? Thank you.
Since updating to iOS 18.4 the auto-lock on iPhone 16 Pro isn’t functioning. All settings remain unchanged from previous versions, however the display will not turn off.
Same iOS on my older iPhone 11 doesn’t have the issue and screen turns off as usual with the same system settings.
Have tried a force restart on the 16 Pro, nothing changed. Any ideas?
We found that Iphone16 will have a purple screen when using the native wallpaper when the screen is turned off or locked, and there is no abnormality in other functions. Has this problem been improved so far?
a group of hackers have been illegally accessing my iPhone, all my accounts on my phone, my online university portal, all my stored passwords, and my iCloud. I have changes to my iPhone that I did not do. No one has had access to my iPhone other than myself. I have been dealing with these hackers for five+yrs. they have locked me out of my accounts for several years by changing all my login information. They have disabled my laptop and they have reset my previous phone remotely. I was sent a message from my provide t-mobile that they locked
my phone due to someone trying to remotely reset it. Now I am dealing with the same people again. My iphone heats up tremendously, my battery drains constantly, I cannot access my accounts because they are changing my passwords, and now they have disabled access to my sim.
i can’t turn off autofill of an input field from background noise
We have recently encountered a problem running our App on iPads with A9, A10 chipset. Since recently we have migrated our Network module to swift 6 our app has stoped working on these devices.
Anyone else has noticed that too or if someone know why that is happening only for iPads with specific hardware?
Dear Apple:
The program we developed uses BLE broadcasting to discover devices. The discovered device sends three broadcasts, but when we debug the program, we found that the addresses reported by centralManager::didDiscoverPeripheral for the same device's three broadcasts are actually different CBPeripheral * addresses. I would like to ask how we can identify that these three broadcasts are from the same device? Are there any variables in the peripheral that can identify it as the same device? Thanks。
Hello, I am trying to enroll to apple developer program as solo developer. While trying to enroll via app my passport and drivers license are not validated. When trying to enroll via web, I fill in the details and try to make the payment, but payment itself is not deducted from my bank account. I receive email that payment is being processed, but nothing further happens.
我更新到了最新的ios18.4beta,但是突然发现我的image playground告诉我正在下载playground,但是之前已经下载并成功使用过
I was waiting especially for the public beta. ZKB's Twint-App doesn't work properly either. I use a iphone 16 pro Max
Hello Apple Developer Community,
I’m hoping someone can advise me on a serious issue. Our organization’s Apple Developer Program account has been effectively locked because our Account Holder’s Apple ID is inaccessible. I need to either unlock that Apple ID or transfer the Account Holder role so we can manage our apps.
I’ve already reached out to Apple Developer Support, but so far, I haven’t received a response. This situation is critical because our clients rely on us to maintain and update our apps.
Key details (some info is masked for privacy):
• We’re enrolled as an Organization/Company.
• The current Account Holder’s Apple ID is locked and cannot perform any actions.
• I have admin/manager access through another Apple ID.
I’ve reviewed the documentation on transferring the Account Holder role, but it appears the transfer can only be initiated by the current Account Holder, which is impossible at this point. If anyone has encountered a similar issue or knows a more efficient route to escalate, I’d be extremely grateful for your insights.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can share. This is critical to our organization, and we’d appreciate any pointers on how to navigate or expedite the support process.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Trying to build a calendar/planner app for public school teachers. Classes are held on multiple dates so there is a need for swiftdata to save multiple dates.
There are lots of tutorials demonstrating a multidatepicker but none of the tutorials or videos save the dates, via swiftdata.
My goal is to save multiple dates.
Step 1 is to initialize mockdata; this is done a class called ToDo.
var dates:Set = []
Step 2 is the view containing a multidatepicker and other essential code
Step 3 is to save multiple dates using swiftdata.
Lots of tutorials, code snippets and help using a single date.
But after almost 2 weeks of researching youtube tutorials, and google searches, I have not found an answer on how to save multiple dates via swiftdata.
Also, I don't know how how to initialize the array of for the mockdata.
Here are some code snippets used but the initialization of the array of DateComponenets doesnt work. And saving multiple dates doesn't work either
class ToDo {
var dates:Set<DateComponents> = []
init(dates: Set<DateComponents> = []) {
self.dates = dates
struct DetailView: View {
@State var dates: Set<DateComponents> = []
@Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext
@State var toDo: ToDo
@State private var dates: Set<DateComponents> = []
MultiDatePicker("Dates", selection: $dates)
.frame(height: 100)
.onAppear() { dates = toDo.dates }
Button("Save") {
//move data from local variables to ToDo object
toDo.dates = dates
//save data
#Preview {
DetailView(toDo: ToDo())
.modelContainer(for: ToDo.self, inMemory: true)
Hi team,
I am trying to enroll my company, in the Apple Developer Program - I am repeatedly receiving a rejection from Apple’s system. It shows in review and when I continue to enrollment, nothing happens. It submits as a new request.
I have:
✅ Verified my business name and address with D&B (matches exactly).
✅ Checked that my business is a legal entity (LLP).
✅ Ensured all details match across D&B, UPIK, and Apple’s lookup tool.
✅ Attempted re-submission multiple times without success.
However, despite these steps, I am still unable to proceed.
Please help.
The Bluetooth on my iPhone 14 hasn’t been working for a week now. Everything was fine until, at some point, it started endlessly turning on and off by itself. I’ve tried resetting the settings, doing a hard reset, updating to iOS 18.3—none of these helped. I even deleted all VPN profiles just in case (I saw this suggested on forums), but that didn’t work either. According to forums, this bug has existed since September and affects thousands of people. The constant cycling causes the Bluetooth settings to freeze. Please help! My watch, headphones, car—everything has turned into a pumpkin!
The following is my code, which runs successfully and is recommended to succeed, but it still does not show Siri's suggestion to users in the system sharing in Safari
import AppIntents
import Contacts
import CoreSpotlight
import Intents
import UIKit
class TestViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
DispatchQueue.global().async {
self.donateMessageInteraction(recipientName: "张三", phoneNumber: "+8613812345678")
func donateMessageInteraction(recipientName: String, phoneNumber: String) {
INPreferences.requestSiriAuthorization { status in
guard status == .authorized else { return }
// 1. 创建接收者
let recipientHandle = INPersonHandle(value: phoneNumber, type: .phoneNumber)
let recipient = INPerson(
personHandle: recipientHandle,
nameComponents: nil,
displayName: recipientName,
image: nil,
contactIdentifier: nil,
customIdentifier: "com.yourapp.recipient.\(phoneNumber)"
// 2. 创建发送者(你的应用身份)
let senderHandle = INPersonHandle(value: "15210639372@163.com", type: .emailAddress)
let sender = INPerson(
personHandle: senderHandle,
nameComponents: nil,
displayName: "我的应用",
image: nil,
contactIdentifier: nil,
customIdentifier: "com.yourapp.sender"
// 3. 创建消息意图
let intent = INSendMessageIntent(
recipients: [recipient],
outgoingMessageType: .outgoingMessageText,
content: "最近怎么样?", // 常用消息内容
speakableGroupName: nil, // 群组名称(一对一设为nil)
conversationIdentifier: "com.yourapp.conversation.\(phoneNumber)", // 唯一会话ID
serviceName: "My Chat Service", // 你的消息服务名称
sender: sender, // 发送者身份
attachments: nil
// 4. 配置意图参数
intent.setImage(INImage(named: "user0"), forParameterNamed: \.sender)
// 5. 创建并捐赠交互
let interaction = INInteraction(intent: intent, response: nil)
interaction.direction = .outgoing
interaction.donate { error in
error.map { print("捐赠失败: \($0)") }
When trying to activate the VPN in the Settings menu of 18.4 beta (22E5200s) an error message pops up: ”The connection failed due to an irrecoverable error” The VPN works as expected with iOS and iPadOS 18.3.1 (22D72) and earlier releases.
I installed iOS 18.4 on Friday evening, all worked well during Saturday and Sunday, Monday morning the Phone rebooted and appeared to have installed an Update, I didn´t notice, I was about to answer a WhatsApp and the TestFlight beta didn´t start up, a renew of the App was not possible due to TestFlight not being available. So I thought a reboot would help, but I did a reset, since then BOOT LOOP.
I brought in recovery mode, updated with the 18.4 ipsw, no change - BOOT LOOP
Hi Apple.I‘m currently using iPhone SE2 and Today I damaged my Finger with which I’m using Touch ID and now I cannot get access to password even I cannot delete fingerprint because I need to use my finger to delete fingerprint. Please help
I've just installed the iOS 18.4 beta but I can't access features like Genmojis or others. I don't understand why knowing that I have the iPhone 16.
Could someone help me?