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Custom SF Symbol gets error "not interpolatable"
I'm trying to make a custom SF Symbol. I've made some new custom symbols successfully, combining existing SF Symbols, so I understand the process. But as soon as I use vector files from my previous work, I get the error, "The provided variants are not interpolatable." - even though it has shapes made with vector path. Template set up - Variable I use sketch to work on the template I have separate layers for Ultralight-S, Regular-S, Black-S File saved as SVG What is wrong with my template? Thanks!
Oct ’21
Can we use SF Pro fonts in apps?
I'm confused about the SF Pro fonts. Can these be used in our apps? I tried pasting characters from SF Pro into a label, but was unable to get them to display properly. "SF Pro" doesn't appear in the list of available fonts in Xcode. If these are not intended to be used by app developers, then what is their purpose? Are "SF Symbols" different that SF Pro? What about the list of icons that appears in the "Symbols Library" in Xcode? There are so many different sources of symbols and icons, it is very confusing. If any of these sources is OK to use in an iOS app, is it also OK to export them for use in the event that business needs require me to create an alternate version of my app for some hypothentical non-iOS platform? Thanks, Frank
Nov ’22
New Back for Iphone, design
Hello , i am a tech i fix phones on the side as a second source of income, Apple, can you design a back that is as easy to take off as the front with clip or locking system, instead of using the glue to bond the glass back to the frame, this is a headache for most techs people who do not have the funds to buy the laser glue blasting machine, can you guys go back to the drawing board and design a new concept for the back to make it easy to fix. thank you.
Sep ’23
SF Symbols usability on my app's website
Hi everyone, If I’m using SF Symbols in my app, am I allowed to use those same symbols on my app’s website? So in other words, I've used SF Symbols in my app to indicate what certain things are. For example "person.fill" to indicate a contact of a person. So now that I'm at a point where I'm developing a site for my app, I'm hoping to use those same symbols to indicate what they are for when the user uses the app. Seems a little silly that I might not be able to use them on my app, but I can’t use them to indicate what they’re for on my site? Thanks!
Oct ’23
SF symbol
Hi I'm using Xcode and I was using SF symbol 4 before. I couldn't use it this time tried to download #5. Apparently not working in Canada, App Store said. Right now I have no symbols for my app. thanks Sumer
Oct ’23
Handling Orders from my new App
I am a bit new to app development, spent the last month or so doing an app that handles orders and I integrated the use of firebase as well as notification and apple pay. Now once the payment is done from the app, how do i know what the order is and where do i receive the money, Do i need to create mote handling for that or does it automatically come from apply pay ? Any pointers on this would be very helpful
Oct ’23
Any way to use Symbols including effects in other Apple Apps (FCPX, Keynote)
Hello, I've discovered symbols and it gave me idea that if use them in FCPX or Keynote, it would be lot easier to tell story to people. It is minimalistic and huge library. For example, in a camera review, I would use symbols to describe buttons of it, so in a long run, all cameras have same buttons as working but in different shapes and locations, in a language of symbols, it would a lot easier to understand especially in classic film cameras. 📸 This is my first post in Developer Forums, so Hello World! Thanks.
Oct ’23
Xcode should include simple themes. Agree??
The themes that bundle with Xcode are all very complex, in the sense that they highlight every token-type a different color, and often use colors that are only slightly different (as there aren't nearly enough distinct colors). Given that these themes are intended to be used, they should be optimized for practicality (not just flexing the power of Xcode). Syntax highlighting is most useful when it distinguishes between things that the programmer distinguishes between conceptually (if I don't know why one variable is blue, while another, apparently similar, variable is red, the highlighting actually makes the code harder to parse correctly). I've also observed a trend towards more minimal highlighting schemes, just generally. I don't have any evidence for this, but assume other people have noticed it too. To offer a concrete example, the following scheme does the usual kinda thing with keywords, comments and literals, but sets everything else to look like plain text, except types, which are gold when they're being declared, and copper otherwise: In my experience, it's notably easier to parse like this, which helps when learning Swift & Co. This is the same theme, applied to a C-family language (Metal): I'm not asking for feedback on the theme specifically. I'm just asking whether you agree that Xcode should bundle a couple of these simpler themes.
Nov ’23
SF Symbols / SF Pro defunct after upgrade to macOS 14.1.1 (23B81)
Has anyone a workaround here? ...a lot of font shuffling appeared after I upgraded my system to Sonoma. Cant get SF Pro to work in SF Symbols, meaning I cant copy any symbols, since the Apple fonts don't land properly there. Tried to delete all appal fonts, re-download them from Apple, reinstall and reboot the system. Nothing worked. I run all this on a MB Air M2 Any clues, anyone? Super grateful if anyone can help!
Nov ’23
Can't get custom fonts to work
Hey I'm struggling to get to use Custom fonts to work In Xcode 15, I have installed 3 fonts that I downloaded from googlefonts.. I'm new to Xcode and can't seem to get the coding right or may have done something wrong when installing them however, it isn't throwing an error code, it's just not showing the typeface. font(.custom("IslandMoments-Regular2", size: 60, relativeTo: .title)) (This is the code I have been using) Thanks, Caitlin
Nov ’23
Our app rejected by Guideline 4.3 - Design Please Help!
Hello, Our app rejected by following reason: Guideline 4.3 - Design We noticed your app shares a similar binary, metadata, and/or concept as apps previously submitted by a terminated Apple Developer Program account. Submitting similar or repackaged apps is a form of spam that creates clutter and makes it difficult for users to discover new apps. Next Steps Since we do not accept spam apps on the App Store, we encourage you to review your app concept and submit a unique app with distinct content and functionality. Resources Some factors that contribute to a spam rejection may include: Submitting an app with the same source code or assets as other apps already submitted to the App Store Creating and submitting multiple similar apps using a repackaged app template Purchasing an app template with problematic code from a third party Submitting several similar apps across multiple accounts Learn more about our requirements to prevent spam in App Store Review Guideline 4.3. iOS App 1.0App Version Rejection Reasons: 4.3.0 Design: Spam The application is 100% developed by our team and I am 100% sure of it. How can we do it ? Please help.
Nov ’23
Question about coding style guide at Apple with continue and break keywords
Hi there! I recently got into a discussion with my Java professor. In her style guide she specifically mentions to never use the break or continue keywords in loops as they are, according to her, outdated and unviable. I have tried to prove by counter example when they are more useful than alternatives, without success. This has gotten me wondering if these keywords are actually outdated, I am still a student after all. So I wanted to know from someone at Apple if using break or continue is forbidden, discouraged or fine to use (specifically in java but general guidelines are also fine) and why? Any answer from a current or former Apple employee would help me greatly to have an insight into how the industry handles these keywords and I thank you in advance for your response. If there is a better place to ask this please direct me towards that.
Nov ’23