Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Xcode Cloud Documentation






Invalid `Podfile` file: cannot load such file -- cocoapods-catalyst-support
I encountered this error 2023-01-24T22:14:41.500565325Z Installing ri documentation for cocoapods-catalyst-support-0.2.1 2023-01-24T22:14:41.500827390Z Done installing documentation for colored2, concurrent-ruby, i18n, tzinfo, zeitwerk, activesupport, nap, fuzzy_match, httpclient, algoliasearch, ffi, ethon, typhoeus, netrc, public_suffix, addressable, cocoapods-core, claide, cocoapods-deintegrate, cocoapods-downloader, cocoapods-plugins, cocoapods-search, cocoapods-trunk, cocoapods-try, molinillo, atomos, nanaimo, rexml, xcodeproj, escape, fourflusher, gh_inspector, ruby-macho, cocoapods, cocoapods-catalyst-support after 50 seconds 2023-01-24T22:14:41.500997230Z 35 gems installed 2023-01-24T22:14:42.023353910Z [in /Volumes/workspace/repository] 2023-01-24T22:14:42.023798292Z 2023-01-24T22:14:42.024448317Z [!] Invalid `Podfile` file: cannot load such file -- cocoapods-catalyst-support. 2023-01-24T22:14:42.024714192Z 2023-01-24T22:14:42.024976712Z # from /Volumes/workspace/repository/Podfile:1 2023-01-24T22:14:42.025200239Z # ------------------------------------------- 2023-01-24T22:14:42.025463448Z > require 'cocoapods-catalyst-support' 2023-01-24T22:14:42.025663811Z # 2023-01-24T22:14:42.025900158Z # ------------------------------------------- from my post-clone script, which is #!/bin/sh # ci_post_clone.sh export GEM_HOME="$HOME/.gem" gem install bundler brew install cocoapods gem install cocoapods-catalyst-support # Install dependencies managed with CocoaPods. pod install
Jan ’23
Xcode Cloud
Hi I'm using flutter and integrated the repository to xcode cloud to compile the app and in my machine compiles and uploads fine to testflight but using xcode cloud it throws an error could not find included file 'Generated.xcconfig' in search paths it does not make sense to me if I'm honest, but I'm running out of options The other thing I like to confirm is if xcode cloud works at all with flutter, I'm getting the feeling that is the case
Feb ’23
App Store API for Xcode Cloud
Can we get a new feature? Ability to set the bundle ID via the API for Xcode Cloud? When we run multiple version - we want to set it to be the same as our Bitbucket bundle number. And we do a ton of builds that are not sent to Xcode Cloud. So if we could set the next build number (the UX already has this - but need it programmatically). https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/xcode_cloud_workflows_and_builds
Feb ’23
Xcode cloud cannot grant access to GitHub
I'm new to Xcode cloud and I am having trouble granting my GitHub repository access to Xcode cloud on my corresponding iOS app project, and I discovered that the username specified in the grant access window is listed my old GitHub username. Therefore, when trying to grant access to the corresponding source code, it gives me an error. I already unlinked and relinked my GitHub account to Xcode and it doesn't resolve. How can I relink my GitHub account so that on Xcode it will show as my current GitHub username? Also my repository is private. Does it only work when it's public?
Mar ’23
Xcode cloud builds are are failing
Xcode cloud builds were failing with the following error. It wasn't the problem before yesterday morning 26.Apr.2023 before 1:00 PM. Please let me know what the issue is or if there is anything I can do to solve this. Additional information: The app is a react-native app. error: RPC failed; HTTP 502 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 502 fatal: expected flush after ref listing info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install for documentation about this command. [in /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios] [!] Invalid Podfile file: cannot load such file -- /Volumes/workspace/repository/node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods. from /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Podfile:1 ------------------------------------------- require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods' require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules' ------------------------------------------- Error Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 1
Apr ’23
Xcode Cloud IPA path issue
Hello, I am inquiring about the custom build script of Xcode Cloud. I added ci_post_xcodebuild.sh to the Post-Xcodebuild step according to the guide in the official document. I have some questions while using environment variables in Custom script. Will the IPA files stored in the environment variables CI_AD_HOC_SIGNED_APP_PATH, CI_APP_STORE_SIGNED_APP_PATH, CI_DEVELOPMENT_SIGNED_APP_PATH be uploaded to the App Store? If not, I wonder how the IPA files uploaded to the AppStore are processed and saved in which path. Also, if number 1 is wrong, for what purpose are these environment variables provided? I'll be waiting for the reply. Thank you.
May ’23
Xcode Cloud does not find my tag
I have a repo with hundreds of tags (we make a tag for every build and for every version, and it has a browser extension project pulled in as a subtree where all those commits can and do have version tags of their own). I am trying to create a simple tag-triggered workflow to release my app to the external users and the app store, so I want to trigger it every time I update and push an e.g. latest tag. I created a workflow and setup the tag trigger accordingly, but, in the workflow config, it says it can't find the tag. I saved the workflow anyway, however, when I try to manually trigger the workflow and browse the Tags tab, I only see a subset of the repo's tags. I suspect Xcode Cloud might be limiting the number of tags it pulls and consequently shows when searching tags. I think this is a bug/shortcoming of Xcode Cloud. Is there any way to work around this?
Jun ’23
Unable to have app signed and distributed to TestFlight in Xcode Cloud
I've noticed that, as of a couple of weeks ago (8 July 2023 for me), I'm unable to export my iOS app via Xcode Cloud for TestFlight. Locally, I'm able to build, archive, and publish normally, and Xcode Cloud can still run unit tests just fine. I looked at some forum posts here to look for similar behaviors, but it's mixed. There was a suggestion to try removing the entitlements file, but that didn't change anything. Looking into the logs, I notice this small section (redacted sensitive information): 2023-07-15T22:36:04.870127483Z 2023-07-15 15:36:03.163 xcodebuild[6074:28093] [MT] DVTServices: No capabilities user data file found for team [REDACTED], appID Optional("[REDACTED]") and appIDType DVTPortalAppIDType(rawValue: 0) 2023-07-15T22:36:04.870197463Z 2023-07-15 15:36:03.163 xcodebuild[6074:28093] [MT] DVTServices: Platform " iOS" is provisioning with the following filtered set of entitlements, "[:]" 2023-07-15T22:36:04.914691936Z error: exportArchive: codesign command failed (/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: replacing existing signature 2023-07-15T22:36:04.914761632Z /Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: Operation not permitted 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915067844Z ) 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915208428Z 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915743970Z DVTFoundation.DVTCodeSignerError.signingFailed("/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: replacing existing signature\n/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: Operation not permitted\n") 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915864076Z Has anyone else run into this issue recently? My environment for Xcode Cloud: Xcode Version: 15.0 beta 4 macOS Version: 14.0 (Sonoma) beta 2
Jul ’23
Xcode Cloud Error: Authorization Issue with Cloning Git Submodule from Self-Hosted GitLab
I'm encountering an authorization issue while attempting to build my app project using Xcode Cloud. My project includes a Git submodule hosted on our self-hosted GitLab instance (the main repository is on the same instance). During the build process, I receive the following error message: "An additional repository requires authorization." The logs are are showing that there was an attempt to clone the submodule via ssh. When I created the workflow, It managed to establish the connection between App Store Connect and the Gitlab instance. For both the main repository and the submodule. The settings of my app shows the primary repository but no additional repositories. Adding the submodule to the primary repositories did not help. Changing the cloning configuration for the submodule from SSH to HTTPS is NOT an option. Are there any additional steps which need to be taken?
Aug ’23
WhatToTest.da.text file from last git tag
Hi I'm trying to automatically create a what's new file based on the commits since the last tag However I keep on getting an error message in the logs. It off course works when I run it locally Any ideas git pull git fetch origin --all lastTag=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) echo $lastTag log=$(git log --pretty=format:"%s" "$lastTag..HEAD") echo $log echo $log > "$CI_WORKSPACE/TestFlight/WhatToTest.en-US.txt" The error is: fatal: No tags can describe 'cdae20770802a7d6b7e290c21bc2580e62c56d92'. Try --always, or create some tags.
Aug ’23
How Do We Change Build Number to Match With Our Project Target's Build Number with Xcode Cloud
Is there a way to use the build number that appears in Xcode Project Target's build number when we're deploying to Testflight using Xcode Cloud? I'm using Xcode cloud for both PR workflows (which also increases the build number in every build for checking whether the build is success or not) and for releasing our app to the Testflight and App Store. When we try to release our app to the Testflight using Xcode Cloud, it uses the build number that we used for PRs but I want to seperate them. I need to use the project target's build number. I tried to change the build number using Xcode Cloud settings in App Store connect, but it gives an error "The number entered must be greater than the latest Xcode Cloud build number". I need Xcode Cloud workflow to increment the latest Testflight build number, not the other build numbers that we use only for PRs. For instance; in my Testflight; the latest build number for v1.0 is 282, I want this to increment by 1 and when I use Xcode Cloud, I want this number to be 283 as it appears in my Xcode project target's build number. But when I use Cloud workflow, it uses the latest PR workflow's build number which is 2866. I can do this by creating manual builds using Xcode archieve. It takes the correct build number but I couldn't be able to do this by using Xcode Cloud workflows.
Aug ’23
Xcode Cloud "Environment variable names cannot start with c" error
Over the past few months in Xcode Cloud I've have Environment Variables that have had the prefix "TEST_RUNNER_". In the Apple Documentation it was mentioned that this was correct - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/110361/. Environment variables can provide parameters to both the XCTest test runner app on your device and the test host running xcodebuild. In Xcode Cloud, environment variables prefixed with TEST_RUNNER_ get passed into the XCTest test runner. This prefix will be stripped prior to the variable being made available to your code. So, for example, a variable in your test code named BASE_URL would be passed in as the environment variable named TEST_RUNNER_BASE_URL. Test plans require the same format as test code. Namely, we do not add the TEST_RUNNER_ prefix. As of last week I'm now getting an error when I add "TEST_RUNNER_" in front of my environment variable in Xcode Cloud. Is this a bug on Apple's end or is there a way for me to fix this?
Aug ’23
Error while Building on XCode Cloud (Automatic Dependancy Resolution)
I got the app building and running in simulator and in my iPhone without problems. I use the KingFisher framework and i can see it under Project -> Package Dependancies with Version Rules 7.0.0 - Next Major and Location its GitHub repo. After trying to build in XCode Cloud in order to see the app in the App Store Connect (and ultimately prepare it for TestFlight) I got : a resolved file is required when automatic dependency resolution is disabled and should be placed at /Volumes/workspace/repository/Explore Mars.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved. Running resolver because the following dependencies were added: 'kingfisher' (https://github.com/onevcat/Kingfisher.git)fatalError This Error appears twice under 'All Issues', in Configuration Issues and in Swift Package Dependancies. I have tried clean, rebuild, delete and re-install the KingFisher, ask ChatGPT - nothing works. Also worth noting that I checked in Finder and I dont have folder 'swiftpm' in the 'xcshareddata' neither ofcourse 'Package.resolved' (I also tried to mkdir swiftpm but I have no idea what the Package.resolved should include. PLS HELP :)
Aug ’23
Could not configure Xcode Cloud for a repo with a recent git account username change - how to solve
I have an Xcode project under git version control (github). I recently had changed the github user name. Xcode detects the name change and shows it correctly under Settings/accounts. Push and pull still work as expected. When I tried to configure Xcode Cloud I got an error message similar to '...Xcode Cloud could not connect with your source control provider...' during initial setup procedure. [1] The solution for me has been to edit the git config file, updating the URL for [remote "origin"] to the new path reflecting the new git user name. I would have expected that Xcode would have updated this config file when recognising the github user name change. [1] A exact German language error has been: "Die Verbindung von Xcode Cloud mit Ihrem Quellcodeverwaltungsanbieter konnte nicht erstellt werden. Versuchen Sie den Einrichtungsablauf erneut, um Xcode Cloud Zugriff auf Ihren Quellcode zu gewähren. Weiter in Xcode"
Sep ’23