Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Xcode Cloud Documentation






Unable to have app signed and distributed to TestFlight in Xcode Cloud
I've noticed that, as of a couple of weeks ago (8 July 2023 for me), I'm unable to export my iOS app via Xcode Cloud for TestFlight. Locally, I'm able to build, archive, and publish normally, and Xcode Cloud can still run unit tests just fine. I looked at some forum posts here to look for similar behaviors, but it's mixed. There was a suggestion to try removing the entitlements file, but that didn't change anything. Looking into the logs, I notice this small section (redacted sensitive information): 2023-07-15T22:36:04.870127483Z 2023-07-15 15:36:03.163 xcodebuild[6074:28093] [MT] DVTServices: No capabilities user data file found for team [REDACTED], appID Optional("[REDACTED]") and appIDType DVTPortalAppIDType(rawValue: 0) 2023-07-15T22:36:04.870197463Z 2023-07-15 15:36:03.163 xcodebuild[6074:28093] [MT] DVTServices: Platform " iOS" is provisioning with the following filtered set of entitlements, "[:]" 2023-07-15T22:36:04.914691936Z error: exportArchive: codesign command failed (/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: replacing existing signature 2023-07-15T22:36:04.914761632Z /Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: Operation not permitted 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915067844Z ) 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915208428Z 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915743970Z DVTFoundation.DVTCodeSignerError.signingFailed("/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: replacing existing signature\n/Volumes/workspace/tmp/XcodeDistPipeline/XcodeDistPipeline.~~~LNLf0B/Root/Payload/Fedigardens.app: Operation not permitted\n") 2023-07-15T22:36:04.915864076Z Has anyone else run into this issue recently? My environment for Xcode Cloud: Xcode Version: 15.0 beta 4 macOS Version: 14.0 (Sonoma) beta 2
Jul ’23