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Long waitlist
I have been waitlisted on playground for a week and a half almost two weeks and I still don’t have access to playground. Whenever I open the app and click done telling me I am on the waitlist it shows me the app and force closes. Anyone know why I haven’t gotten access when people have who have been on the waitlist shorter than me.
Image Playground Error: Cannot find protocol declaration for 'ImageGenerationViewControllerDelegate'
@available(macCatalyst 18.1, *) @available(iOS 18.1, *) extension CKImageSelectionManager: ImagePlaygroundViewController.Delegate { public func imagePlaygroundViewController(_ imagePlaygroundViewController: ImagePlaygroundViewController, didCreateImageAt imageURL: URL) { } func presentImagePlayground() { let imagePlaygroundVC = ImagePlaygroundViewController() // Set delegate to self to receive the callback imagePlaygroundVC.delegate = self imagePlaygroundVC.isModalInPresentation = true // Prevents dismissal with swipe if needed self.delegate?.presentImageSelectionViewController(imagePlaygroundVC) } } This generates an error in the xcode generated swift header.
Image Playground is not available Xcode 16.2 beta
Hello, I am trying to show an imagePlaygroundSheet but when I open it in the 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max iOS 18.2 simulator, I see "Image Playground is not available. Image Playground is not available on this iPhone". The environment variable supportsImagePlayground always returns false. I changed the simulator language and region to US but still see the error. Is this expected? Screenshot
[18.2b2] How do I test an OpenIntent?
So, I've declared an AppIntent that indicates my app can "Open files" that conform to UTType.Image. I've got a @AssistantEntity(schema: .files.file) and a @AssistantIntent(schema: .files.openFile) declared. So I navigate to the files app, quicklook an image, and open type-to-siri. I tell siri "open this in " and all it does is act like "open ". No breakpoint is hit in my intent's perform method. Am I doing something wrong? How can I test these cross-app behaviors? Are they... not actually possible? Does an "OpenIntent" only work on my app's own URLs and not on file URLs from other apps?
Torchaudio Models convert to cormel
I have seen a lot of tutorials on pytorchvision models being able to be converted to coreml models but I have not been able to google or find any tutorials for torchaudio models. Is converting to a torchaudio to coreml model even possible? Does anybody have links that show how to do it?
Apple Intelligence & iMac M1
Trying to get on the waitlist for the above and the computer is saying: “Apple Intelligence is not available when Mac is set to English (Singapore)”. When just a few more bullet points below my Language selection shows “English (United States)”. That’s the only thing I can see, of course you guys are the experts. I would like to be part of this AI experiment/experience. Thanks for any help you can give to this 35+ year Mac user. Lee W
Can't disable Writing Tools for SwiftUI TextField
I'm trying to disable Writing Tools for a specific TextField using .writingToolsBehavior(.disabled), but when running the app on my iPhone 16 Pro with Apple Intelligence enabled, I can still use Writing Tools on the text box. I also see no difference with .writingToolsBehavior(.limited). Is there something I'm doing wrong or is this a bug? Sample code below: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State var text = "" var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Enter Text", text: $text) .writingToolsBehavior(.disabled) } .padding() } } #Preview { ContentView() }
Sep ’24
Getting ValueError: Categorical Cross Entropy loss layer input (Identity) must be a softmax layer output.
I am working on the neural network classifier provided on the coremltools.readme.io in the updatable->neural network section(https://coremltools.readme.io/docs/updatable-neural-network-classifier-on-mnist-dataset). I am using the same code but I get an error saying that the coremltools.converters.keras.convert does not exist. But this I know can be coreml version issue. Right know I am using coremltools version 6.2. I converted this model to mlmodel with .convert only. It got converted successfully. But I face an error in the make_updatable function saying the loss layer must be softmax output. Even the coremlt package API reference there I found its because the layer name is softmaxND but it should be softmax. Now the problem is when I convert the model from Keras sequential model to coreml model. the layer name and type change. And the softmax changes to softmaxND. Does anyone faced this issue? if I execute this builder.inspect_layers(last=4) I get this output [Id: 32], Name: sequential/dense_1/Softmax (Type: softmaxND) Updatable: False Input blobs: ['sequential/dense_1/MatMul'] Output blobs: ['Identity'] [Id: 31], Name: sequential/dense_1/MatMul (Type: batchedMatmul) Updatable: False Input blobs: ['sequential/dense/Relu'] Output blobs: ['sequential/dense_1/MatMul'] [Id: 30], Name: sequential/dense/Relu (Type: activation) Updatable: False Input blobs: ['sequential/dense/MatMul'] Output blobs: ['sequential/dense/Relu'] In the make_updatable function when I execute builder.set_categorical_cross_entropy_loss(name='lossLayer', input='Identity') I get this error ValueError: Categorical Cross Entropy loss layer input (Identity) must be a softmax layer output.
Apr ’23
Apple intelligence
I recently updated my iPhone to iOS 14.2 and the playground app came and then I couldn't open it because I hadn't released it yet. Today it released it and I rediled the notification but I went to look for it to test it and I couldn't find it anymore. How do I make the PLAYGROUND app come back from Apple smart. Como faço para baixar novamente o app?