I can't seem to find an album using MusicKit containing RecordLabel. I am using album.with([..., .recordLabels, ...] but I only see an empty recordLabels collection returned for every album I am trying...
Is this actually available / populated through MusicKit?
Explore the integration of media technologies within your app. Discuss working with audio, video, camera, and other media functionalities.
This Apple provided program “SideBySideToMVHEVC” removes the audio track from our videos resulting in useless content.
Advise for:
code changes required permitting keeping the audio track
advise for Apple tools permitting re-inserting the audio track after “SideBySideToMVHEVC”
Hello everyone,
I was playing a livestream when I received the error -16831/START-TIME is too close to live returned from the AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntry function. I don't know why the error is returned.Can you explain to me the reason for this error?
I play livestream thì bị lỗi : -12888 -"Playlist File unchanged for longer than 1.5 * target duration" , I also read error -12888 in the documentation page 170: https://docs.huihoo.com/apple/wwdc/ 2018/502_measuring_and_optimizing_hls_performance.pdf but still don't understand the reason. Please explain to me the reason for the error?
How Can I update the cookies of the previously set m3u8 video in AVPlayer without creating the new AVURLAsset and replacing the AVPlayer current Item with it
Dear Team,
I am trying to add contact from QRCode. But it seems that the built-in QR code reader of
iphone camera isn't able to decode the FullName with space containing in last name correctly
ex:-Collin A. Al Miller.
I have attached all the screenshot for your reference.
Here are the examples:
When I am trying to focus iphone camera on QRCode the fullname (Collin A. Al Miller). scan the
The full name its giving the empty result without the fullname.
The attached screenshot details a)CameraQRNotWorking b)NotWorkingQRCOde
2)When i try to removed the blank space and tried to add comma or - in the full name its getting
recognised and its working perfectly.
The attached screenshot name a)CameraQRCodeWorking b)workingQRCODE
3)Both the full name are working perfectly in QR camera scanner of android
Collin A. Al-Miller or Collin A, Al Miller.
The attached screenshot name AndroidQRCODE
Hope this issue will get resolved in upcoming release. Kindly provide the feedback relatedto this
Code to generate vcard
var str = "BEGIN:VCARD \n" +
"VERSION:2.1 \n" +
"FN:\("Collin A. Al Miller") \n" +
"TITLE:\("") \n"
if options.showPersonalPhone {
str.append(contentsOf: "item1.TEL;CELL:\("+91987654320") \n")
str.append(contentsOf: "item1.X-ABLabel:Mobile\n")
if options.showWorkPhone {
str.append(contentsOf: "item2.TEL;WORK;VOICE:\("+91987654320") \n")
str.append(contentsOf: "item2.X-ABLabel:Work Phone\n")
if options.showEmail {
str.append(contentsOf: "item3.EMAIL;WORK;INTERNET:\("test@gmail.com") \n")
str.append(contentsOf: "item3.X-ABLabel:Work Email\n")
if options.showWebsite {
str.append(contentsOf: "URL:www.test.com \n")
if options.showLocation {
str.append(contentsOf: "ADR;WORK:;;\("Bangalore") \n")
str.append(contentsOf: "END:VCARD")
We develop virtual instruments for Mac/AU and are trying to get our AU-Plugins and our Standalone player to work with Audio Workgroups.
When the Standalone App or Logic Pro is in the foreground and active all is well and as expected.
However when the App or Logic Pro is not in focus all my auxiliary threads are running on E-Cores. Even though they are properly joined to the processing thread's workgroup. This leads to a lot of audible drop outs because deadlines are not met anymore.
The processing thread itself stays on a p-core. But has to wait for the other threads to finish.
How can I opt out of this behaviour? Our users certainly have use cases where they expect the Player to run smoothly even though they currently have a different App in focus.
Dear Apple Engineers,
I have downloaded the FairPlay Streaming SDK 4.4 - In which i could able to make use of the fps_safari_hls_example.html file to make a successful playback of fairplay protected content in safari, by pointing our fairplay license server, .m3u8 file & certificate.
Now that, i'm trying to achieve the renewal concept, so i tried to use the fps_safari_hls_key_renewal.html file also setting up the ContentKeyDuration to 20sec in FP license server backend. But client didn't make any subsequent FP license request around when nearing 20th sec or post 20th sec. I wonder if this use case be achieved in safari,
the only extra functionality i could see in renewal html file is below piece of code
await runAndWaitForLicenseRequest(session, keyURI, () => {
Based on the above piece, i assume that we are making sure that client to aware the when to renew the license. But in my case, there were no FP request is made , in-fact, this piece of code got executed immediate after the 1st FP license request call & protected media continues to play despite setting the ContentKeyDuration to 20sec with LIMITED as contentkeyType .
Could you please suggest on how to achieve the subsequent renewal request from client based on the ContentKeyDuration send in the CKC response using this sample renewal html file..? Is there any tewaks to be made in html file, kindly suggest.
I know there have been a lot of questions about playing back spatial/immersive/MV-HEVC video content on the Vision Pro. Today, I released an example player on GitHub that might answer some questions. Of course, without official documentation on some of these formats, it could be that Apple will eventually do something a little different. We'll just have to wait.
In the meantime: https://github.com/mikeswanson/SpatialPlayer
I am developing an app using a data cable to link a camera. When I enter the page for the first time, I can detect the camera device, and then when I exit the page and enter again, I cannot detect the linked camera.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
[self addImageCaptureCore];
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(1.0 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self checkCameraConnection];
- (void)checkCameraConnection {
if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
NSArray<ICDevice *> *connectedDevices = self.browser.devices;
if (connectedDevices.count > 0) {
NSLog(@"Camera is connected");
} else {
NSLog(@"Camera is not connected");
else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
if (self.cameraDevice) {
if (self.cameraDevice.hasOpenSession) {
[self.cameraDevice requestCloseSession];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.browser stop];
self.browser.delegate = nil;
self.browser = nil;
else {
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.browser stop];
self.browser.delegate = nil;
self.browser = nil;
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
- (void)addImageCaptureCore {
if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
ICDeviceBrowser *browser = [[ICDeviceBrowser alloc] init];
browser.delegate = self;
[browser start];
self.browser = browser;
else {
#pragma mark - ICDeviceBrowserDelegate
- (void)deviceBrowser:(ICDeviceBrowser*)browser didAddDevice:(ICDevice*)device moreComing:(BOOL) moreComing API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){
NSLog(@"Device name = %@",device.name);
if ([device isKindOfClass:[ICCameraDevice class]]) {
if ([device.capabilities containsObject:ICCameraDeviceCanAcceptPTPCommands]) {
ICCameraDevice *cameraDevice = (ICCameraDevice *)device;
cameraDevice.delegate = self;
[cameraDevice requestOpenSession];
self.cameraDevice = cameraDevice;
- (void)deviceBrowser:(ICDeviceBrowser*)browser didRemoveDevice:(ICDevice*)device moreGoing:(BOOL) moreGoing API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){
if (self.cameraDevice) {
if (self.cameraDevice.hasOpenSession) {
[self.cameraDevice requestCloseSession];
self.cameraDevice.delegate = nil;
self.cameraDevice = nil;
else {
self.cameraDevice.delegate = nil;
self.cameraDevice = nil;
#pragma mark - ICCameraDeviceDelegate
- (void)cameraDevice:(ICCameraDevice*)camera didAddItems:(NSArray<ICCameraItem*>*) items API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){
if (items.count > 0) {
ICCameraItem *latestItem = items.lastObject;
NSLog(@"name = %@",latestItem.name);
#pragma mark - ICDeviceDelegate
- (void)device:(ICDevice*)device didOpenSessionWithError:(NSError* _Nullable) error API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Failed to open session %@",error.localizedDescription);
else {
NSLog(@"open session success");
- (void)device:(ICDevice*)device didCloseSessionWithError:(NSError* _Nullable)error API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){
if (error) {
NSLog(@"close session error = %@",error.localizedDescription);
else {
- (void)didRemoveDevice:(ICDevice*)device {
Mediastreamvalidiator error:
all .m3u8 files relevant have already the REQ-VIDEO-LAYOUT="CH-STEREO" parameter set.
Nevertheless mediastreamvalidator check/reports for HLS Authoring Specification for Apple Devices states:
General requirements
Must Fix Issues
You MUST declare REQ-VIDEO-LAYOUT for variants containing other then standard monoscopic video
Variant #1
Hi hope all are well!
We've been working on a live streaming app and it's going quite well!
Just got the aspect ratio locked as desired.
Now the audio, its volume is extremely low. It sounds like it's using the headset mic instead of the bottom mic that's used on Facetime or on speakerphone calls.
We tried flipping cameras and specifying sample rates, almost every constraint in MediaConstraints - no go!
Is there any way to specify this?
Thanks in advance!
I'm currently working on an iPad application that uses a third party sdk to scan a drivers license, and then allows the user to take a picture of themselves. However, when the user is directed to the self photo view, the AVCaptureSession preview will freeze. The app as a whole does not freeze. Only the view preview. I believe this is an issue with the OS, because this only happens on iPad 9s. All the other iPads work fine. Has anyone else seen this issue? Also, is there anyway to see logs from the AVCaptureSession so I can see what is happening? Maybe there is a way I can see when it freezes and then restart it.
I often find when doing basic actions in MusicKit it is incredibly slow compared to Apple's Music App. I've tried different versions, devices, networks, Apple's sample code, it all throughout the last several years, and it is all the same. Does anyone else have this issue?
I'm creating an app that uses AVCaptureSession to pass camera input to AVCaptureMetadataOutput and scan QRCode.
After updating to iPadOS 17.4, an issue has occurred where the delegate method of AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate is not called on some devices.
The following devices are experiencing this issue.
iPad (7th Gen)
iPad (6th Gen)
iPad Pro (10.5)
iPad Pro (12.9 2nd Gen)
This issue has not occur on any other devices I have.
This may only occur on devices with model number "iPad7,x".
I tried running the AVFoundation sample code on the Apple Developer site on the above device. The same problem still occurs.
Are any additional settings required after iPadOS17.4?
Or is there some problem on the OS side?
Hi all, I am a graduate student who is looking into making MV-HEVC videos streamable. May I ask that is it possible to encode mv-hevc videos with the HLS (Http Live Streaming) protocol?
I've been trying to use the HLS tool by Apple to encode a spatial video recored by VP.
mediafilesegmenter -iso-fragmented -t 4 -f sp_video-1-vp spatial-video-by-vp.MOV
But the output HLS playlist file doesn't look like the format that Apple proposes in the WWDC video. For example, the attribute EXT-X-VERSION is 7 instead of 12, and no attr REQ-VIDEO-LAYOUT=CH-STEREO which should be the key indicator of the spatial video type.
From what the WWDC video showcased, I assume Apple's HLS tool supports it. Maybe my usage is not correct. Just curious what you guys think about it, thank you!
The methods described in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/715452?answerId=729571022#729571022 to obtain 48 MP image captures no longer seem to work on iOS 17.4 under certain circumstances.
Previously, the following steps were sufficient to get 48 MP capture from AVFoundation:
Set the active AVCaptureDevice.Format to a format where supportedMaxPhotoDimensions contains the (8064, 6048) size
Set AVCapturePhotoOutput.maxPhotoDimensions to (8064, 6048)
Set AVCapturePhotoOutput.maxPhotoQualityPrioritization to .quality
Taking a photo
Set AVCapturePhotoSettings.maxPhotoDimensions to (8064, 6048)
Set AVCapturePhotoSettings.photoQualityPrioritization to .quality
As of iOS 17.4, the exact same code that worked through 17.3 no longer works if the session was configured manually (resulting in the .inputPriority session preset) rather than using a session preset (like .high). When configuring the session manually, all the intervening steps work (an active format can be found with the appropriate dimensions, the photo output settings can be set to 8064x6048 successfully, etc.), but the resulting photo is 4032x3024. Again, these same steps worked flawlessly prior to iOS 17.4.
Am I missing something? Did iOS 17.4 change the requirements for 48 MP capture, or is this a bug?
Hi everyone! Are there any plans or existing alternatives to include the date a track was added to a playlist within Apple Music's API[1]? This functionality exists on Spotify[2] (with their "added_at" attribute), and it would be helpful for ordering tracks retrieved from playlists. Thank in advance for any help!
When I receive the InterruptionBegan notification (the interruption type is AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeBegan) , I pause playing music.
When I receive the InterruptionEnded notification (the interruption type is AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeEnded), I resume playing music.
however, sometimes i has got the error code: AVAudioSessionErrorCodeCannotInterruptOthers (560557684)
Some Solutions
I searched stackoverflow, there's some similar questions, and some solutions here are not very satisfying as :
I don't want my app to mix with others, and once again, it all works most of the time.
My app already uses remote control events so this doesn't solve anything.
1.Have someone ever encountered this problem ?
2.Can we solve this problem and how ?
3.In addition, I noticed that there's property named otherAudioPlaying in AVAudioSession, we can know there's another app is playing,the quetion is if we can know which app is playing ?
Some of installers which we have suddenly become broken for users running the latest version of OS X, I found that the reason was that we install Core Audio HAL driver and because I wanted to avoid system reboot I relaunched coreaudio daemon via from a pkg post-install script.
sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/com.apple.audio.coreaudiod
So with the OS update the command fails, if a computer has SIP enabled (what is the default).
sudo launchctl kickstart -kp system/com.apple.audio.coreaudiod
Could not kickstart service "com.apple.audio.coreaudiod": 1: Operation not permitted
It would be super nice if either the change can be:
reverted OR
I and similar people to know a workaround of how to hot-plug (and unplug) such a HAL driver.