I want use the Safari Extension to decorate the window.fetch function, But No matter how I try, I can't get the fetch function to execute correctly. I was going through the documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/using-injected-style-sheets-and-scripts
and found this sentence:
"Injected scripts have an implied namespace — you don’t have to worry about your variable or function names conflicting with those of the website author, nor can a website author call functions in your extension. In other words, injected scripts and scripts that you include in the webpage run in isolated worlds, with no access to each other’s functions or data."
Does this mean I can't modify the window object in the content script just like a Chrome extension does with the webpage?
BTW, In chrome I use chrome.scripting.executeScript API, and in
plasmo I just use world: "MAIN" content script's config to achieved this feature.
RSS for tagExplore the integration of web technologies within your app. Discuss building web-based apps, leveraging Safari functionalities, and integrating with web services.
We have a Web Extension that uses firebase for auth. It was working fine until the latest version of Safari 18.3 got released few days ago on January 27, 2025.
All of out extension versions stopped working on it; even the ones that are published on App Store. It uses FirebaseJS v9.23.0.
Same version of the extension are working fine on other browsers. We use onAuthStateChanged to listen to auth related events; but it is never fired now.
When you open the Directorate General of civil Aviation, India website then in the top bar bring the cursor to “Regulations and Guidance” under that there will be a drop down which will give numerous options. In that go to Centre Column “Civil Aviation Requirements”. Then click on ”Section 7” then click on “Part II”. Actually on a laptop it’s a 4 page document but on my iPad it’s just an image of the first page. I can’t read any of the PDF’s.
I am developing Safari Content Blocker extension and discovered that it frequently fails to load with large amount of rules. Currently I have over 45k and most of the time when I reload the extension on iOS 18 (iPhone 12) it ends with error:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named com.apple.SafariServices.ContentBlockerLoader" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.apple.SafariServices.ContentBlockerLoader} #0
And the simpler message is just:
Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.
From what I managed to find (for example here - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/756931) the limit for blocking rules should be 150k items.
It was previously 50k but got increased years ago.
Is there anything special I need to do to get the extension to work reliably with say 100k items?
I am usng the JSON format from the docs:
"trigger": {
"action": {
"trigger": {
"action": {
My trigger is url-filter and the action is type: block
I was thinking about providing multiple JSON files in attachments property of NSExtensionItem but apparently that is not supported.
Thanks for help!
input type="file"でアップロードした画像データからGPS情報が除去されます。
I was going through the Apple Pay API documentation and noticed ambiguity on the exact process to complete merchant validation.
One of the documentation mentions that the validation url will be
Your server posts a request using mutual TLS (mTLS) by calling the Apple Pay server’s Payment Session endpoint.
Endpoint (Global)
POST https://apple-pay-gateway.apple.com/paymentservices/paymentSession
Endpoint (China region)
POST https://cn-apple-pay-gateway.apple.com/paymentservices/paymentSession
Referencing the url: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple_pay_on_the_web/apple_pay_js_api/requesting_an_apple_pay_payment_session
whereas the other references that the value should be used as provided by the onvalidatemerchant event object with the property validationURL.
Refer: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/apple_pay_on_the_web/apple_pay_js_api/providing_merchant_validation
Can someone confirm which is the correct approach to follow ?
I am using SFSafariViewController to process payments via a Stripe checkout URL. Once the payment is completed, the user is redirected to a success URL. I have also added associated domains for deep linking. Below is my implementation:
func presentCheckout(url: String) {
let checkoutURL = URL(string: url)!
safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: checkoutURL)
safariVC.delegate = self
self.present(safariVC, animated: true)
// Delegate method implementations
func safariViewControllerDidFinish(_ controller: SFSafariViewController) {
print("SafariViewController dismissed")
// Handle dismissal
func safariViewController(_ controller: SFSafariViewController, initialLoadDidRedirectTo URL: URL) {
if URL.absoluteString.contains("xsworld/payment/stripe/checkout/success") {
controller.dismiss(animated: true) {
if URL.absoluteString.contains("/v1/resources/xsworld/payment/stripe/checkout") {
name: Notification.Name("StripePaymentStatus"),
object: nil,
userInfo: ["url": URL]
} else if URL.absoluteString.contains("xsworld/payment/stripe/checkout/cancel") {
// Handle failure
name: Notification.Name("StripePaymentStatus"),
object: nil,
userInfo: ["url": URL]
func safariViewController(_ controller: SFSafariViewController, didCompleteInitialLoad didLoadSuccessfully: Bool) {
if didLoadSuccessfully {
print("Initial page loaded successfully")
} else {
print("Initial page load failed")
The safariViewController(_:initialLoadDidRedirectTo:) method does not always get called after the payment is completed. Sometimes it works as expected, and sometimes it does not trigger at all.
What I’ve Tried:
Ensuring the associated domains for deep linking are correctly set up.
Checking the success and failure URLs.
Debugging to see if the redirect happens but is not detected.
What I Need Help With:
I want to ensure that the redirection always works after the payment process is completed, whether through deep linking or another reliable approach. How can I guarantee that my app correctly detects and handles the redirect every time?
Any guidance or best practices would be greatly appreciated.
In the Safari browser on mobile devices, the tags in an HTML element are styled with the system's default styles. I want the text inside the tags to be displayed without line breaks. However, in reality, the text wraps according to its length. May I ask if there are any methods to achieve this?
(ps: CSS-related properties such as white-space: nowrap do not work.)
I’m encountering an issue with CSS not displaying when using WKURLSchemeHandler to load local HTML files.
When I package the app using Xcode 15.3 or above, the CSS styles do not display on iOS 17 or higher. However, on iOS 16.7.1, the CSS displays correctly.
• If I use Xcode 15.2 to package the app, the CSS loads and displays correctly on all iOS versions.
I am using WKURLSchemeHandler to intercept and load the local HTML files. Is there any known issue or workaround for this?
You can now post this in the “Safari & Web” section of the Apple Developer forums for further assistance!
// CustomURLSchemeHandler.m
// HTMLTest
// Created by lvxue on 2024/9/23.
// CustomURLSchemeHandler.m
#import "CustomURLSchemeHandler.h"
@implementation CustomURLSchemeHandler
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView startURLSchemeTask:(id<WKURLSchemeTask>)urlSchemeTask {
NSURL *url = urlSchemeTask.request.URL;
//NSString *filePath;
NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"index" ofType:@"html" inDirectory:@"LoaclHtml.bundle/A4"];
if ([url.lastPathComponent hasSuffix:@".css"]) {
filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"style" ofType:@"css" inDirectory:@"LoaclHtml.bundle/A4/css"];
} else if ([url.lastPathComponent hasSuffix:@".js"]) {
filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"yourJSFileName" ofType:@"js" inDirectory:@"LoaclHtml.bundle/A4/js"];
NSData *htmlData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
NSString *mimeType = [self mimeTypeForPath:filePath];
NSURLResponse *response = [[NSURLResponse alloc] initWithURL:url
[urlSchemeTask didReceiveResponse:response];
[urlSchemeTask didReceiveData:htmlData];
[urlSchemeTask didFinish];
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView stopURLSchemeTask:(id<WKURLSchemeTask>)urlSchemeTask {
- (NSString *)mimeTypeForPath:(NSString *)path {
NSString *fileExtension = [path pathExtension];
if ([fileExtension isEqualToString:@"html"]) {
return @"text/html";
} else if ([fileExtension isEqualToString:@"css"]) {
return @"text/css";
} else if ([fileExtension isEqualToString:@"js"]) {
return @"application/javascript";
} else if ([fileExtension isEqualToString:@"png"]) {
return @"image/png";
} else if ([fileExtension isEqualToString:@"jpg"] || [fileExtension isEqualToString:@"jpeg"]) {
return @"image/jpeg";
} else if ([fileExtension isEqualToString:@"gif"]) {
return @"image/gif";
return @"application/octet-stream";
I am currently operating an app using an embedded web server that communicates over local HTTP.
Recently, when opening Safari, I started encountering the following error message:
"Safari cannot open the page. Error: Failed to navigate to an HTTP URL with HTTPS-only mode enabled."
However, I am currently in a situation where switching to HTTPS is difficult. Are there any solutions to resolve this issue besides using HTTPS?
Thank you.🙏
I have an extension which was working fine on older Safari version, but it is getting killed after I upgraded the browser to Safari 18 and higher.
From the system logs I could see, Safari is sending the KILL signal to my browser
2024-11-12 13:51:01.536167-0600 0x95b672 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [pid/45238/SafariExt [45463]:] signal service: caller = Safari[45238], value = 0x9
2024-11-12 13:51:01.536453-0600 0xfab Default 0x0 382 7 WindowServer: (SkyLight) [com.apple.SkyLight:default] [ ConnectionDebug ] Closing conn 0xf955b, PID 45463 in session 257 on console2024-11-12 13:51:01.536474-0600 0x95b674 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [gui/503 [100018]:] service inactive: com.apple.xpc.launchd.unmanaged.SafariExtension.45463
2024-11-12 13:51:01.536479-0600 0x95b674 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [gui/503 [100018]:] removing inactive unmanaged service: com.apple.xpc.launchd.unmanaged.SafariExtension.454632024-11-12 13:51:01.537354-0600 0x95b907 Default 0x0 354 0 launchservicesd: [com.apple.processmanager:front-35286506] QUITTING: pid=45463 asn=0x-0x176176 foreground=0 wasFront=0
2024-11-12 13:51:01.537375-0600 0x95b672 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [pid/45238/SafariExt [45463]:] exited due to SIGKILL | sent by launchd[1], ran for 342ms
2024-11-12 13:51:01.537380-0600 0x95b672 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [pid/45238/SafariExt [45463]:] service state: exited
2024-11-12 13:51:01.537384-0600 0x95b672 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [pid/45238/SafariExt [45463]:] internal event: EXITED, code = 0
2024-11-12 13:51:01.537385-0600 0x95b672 Default 0x0 1 0 launchd: [pid/45238/SafariExt [45463]:] job state = exited
Just before this, I see a macOS error
2024-11-12 13:51:06.789342-0600 0x95b74f Default 0x0 45238 0 Safari: (Security) [com.apple.securityd:security_exception] MacOS error: -67054
This occurs only in my customer machines but not in my test machines. I have verified the code signing, certificate validity & entitlements are fine.
I built and extension for chrome, edge, and firefox. I'm porting the chrome extension to safari using the safari-web-extension-converter tool. This has worked successfully and I was able to publish my extension to the app store.
I made some updates to the service worker code recently and I'm now being hit with an error when trying to load my unsigned extension into safari:
The service_worker script failed to load due to an error.
I've looked online at some other forums and haven't found anything helpful around how to debug this kind of error. Because the service worker is non-persistent in safari, I don't have access to the console logs of the service worker through the Develop > Web Extension Background Context menu.
Has anyone successfully debugged this kind of error? Are there logs I can pull directly from safari that would help me here? Thanks in advance for the help!
Hi, we are experiencing a strange issue with our Web App. Our web app runs entirely on the same domain , and we are making several AJAX requests to the same server. The Error occurs only on Iphones, the app works completely fine on androids and computers.
Most of the requests work fine, but suddenly, one specific request always fails with the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://demo2.artios.cz/app37g/v105/php/endpoint.php due to access control checks
What we have checked so far:
✅ CORS headers seem correct. Also we operate entirely on the same domain, client and server.
✅ The same request works fine in computer and android devices.
✅ The issue occurs only on iPhone (tested on Chrome and Safari).
✅ Some requests to the same endpoint pass, but suddenly, this specific request always fails.
✅ There is no OPTIONS preflight request logged in the network tab, but we use only simple requests.
✅ We are making a POST request with multipart/form-data.
What is Your advice, or where I can find more info about this error? We do not think the CORS is the problem. We have tried to inspect with WebInspector but with no relevant answers. Thank You very much!
Title: Content Overlapping Address Bar After Clicking Links in Safari, tested on iPhone 11 (iOS 18.1.1)
When browsing in Safari on iPhone (iOS 18.1.1), the one-tab bar (address bar) collapses as expected when scrolling down a page. However, after clicking on a link and loading the next page, the content appears to overlap the collapsed address bar. This results in parts of the content being hidden or obscured by the address bar, which affects the user experience, especially on mobile devices with limited screen space. This issue is reproducible on Next.js applications and can be observed on websites such as rotterdam.nl and halderberge.nl.
Steps to Reproduce:
Enable the One-Tab Bar: Go to Settings > Safari and enable the one-tab bar feature.
Open the website rotterdam.nl or halderberge.nl in Safari on an iPhone 11 (iOS 18.1.1).
Scroll down the page so that the top address bar collapses.
Click on any link on the page to load a new one.
Once the new page loads, observe that the content appears on top of the collapsed address bar, causing parts of the content to be hidden or obscured.
Expected Result:
The content should not overlap or be hidden behind the collapsed address bar after the page reloads. The layout should adjust properly without interference from the address bar, providing a smooth user experience.
Actual Result:
When the new page loads, the content overlaps or appears on top of the collapsed address bar, causing parts of the content to be hidden or obscured.
Device(s) Affected:
iPhone 11 running iOS 18.1.1.
OS Version:
iOS 18.1.1
Technical Notes:
To address this issue, the following solutions have been attempted with no success:
Viewport Meta Tag:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover" />
This was added to help ensure proper layout on mobile devices, but did not resolve the issue.
CSS Safe Area Insets:
body {
padding-top: env(safe-area-inset-top);
This CSS rule was applied to account for the safe area and prevent content from being hidden under the address bar, but it did not solve the overlapping issue.
Scroll Position Adjustment (for scroll-to-top button):
Adjusting the scroll behavior by changing the scroll position to {top: 1} instead of {top: 0} was a successful workaround to keep the address bar collapsed when clicking the "scroll to top" button. However, this did not resolve the issue when navigating between pages or changing routes, where the content still overlaps the collapsed address bar.
We seem to be having an issue with a webservice here which is used within our network and IOS Safari. For the service to work , we need to access it with an unencrypted HTTP API call, which acts as a trigger. The server does not respond to HTTPS requests. (the HTTP API call does not contain any data that is privacy sensitive or that can be abused)
Since recently the service does not seem to work anymore properly, but this only happens with Safari and IOS. With all other browsers the service is still working normally, only with Safarai it fails.
No matter what I do in the settings of the phone, the Safar browser seems to stop immediately after the HTTP request. What is going on here ??
The issue seems to occur only when you don't have an iCloud+ account. With an iCloud+ account I get the same issue when you switch Apple Private Relay on, but that make sense. When I have Apple Private Relay switched off, there is no issue.
I am using videojs player to play my hls m3u8 proxies, and there was no issue with ipad os 16, ater i upgraded it to 18, i started getting this warning ->
[Warning] VIDEOJS: – "WARN:"
"Problem encountered with playlist 0-https://coludFront.m3u8. Trying again since it is the only playlist."
After this warning logs, the player just freeze's and even the source is not loaded into player.
This issue doesn't exist in mac safari and iphone safari with latest os.
In my content blocker I have a bunch of rules that block some content in Safari, but I want my users to be able to whiltelist a website so the blocker rules don't apply on that site.
I have something like this:
"action": {
"trigger": {
"trigger": {
"url-filter": ".*",
"if-domain": ["*mydomain.com"]
"action": {
"type": "ignore-previous-rules"
I think that should block any a link where the href includes Bobbins but not if the site is mydomain.com. However, that simply doesn't work. It doesn't matter what I put in the array of domains to whitelist, it just doesn't apply it. In every case, the a link is blocked.
How do you actually whitelist a website in a Safari content blocker?
Hello, following problems described here:
Last version of Safari apparently corrected previous bugs, however we encountered another problem. Right now Safari uses autocomplete feature of some kind (Siri suggested websites/Top hit) which triggers blocking while writing the name of the website. Probably somehow loads website in the background. Problem is, that this behavior is impossible to debug, because this autocomplete doesn't work, while the browser console is open. We are using content script for blocking.
Please advise.
Thanks very much
Hello All,
On our iOS app, we plan to show tutorial (WKWebview) only in case user has safari extension disabled.
How can iOS app know about status of Safari extension.
Hi, I'm here to Report a Problem with the IOS 18.3 UPDATE.
So, when i Download a file, any file. The Download Progress has no problems, but when the download complete, Nothing happens it just keeps the blue line of the download, and then I can’t open that file…this only happened to me when i downloaded the IOS 18.3… hope it'll be fixed ASAP.