Explore the integration of web technologies within your app. Discuss building web-based apps, leveraging Safari functionalities, and integrating with web services.

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Webview Application Crash WebProcessProxy & WebPageProxy
I randomly get this crash in my webview application when loading data. There is no pattern to it, it can happen in all areas where images are being loaded into vram. Here is the error: 2023-09-16 19:57:55.404378+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [Process x10d004350 - [PID=3445] WebProcessProxy: :didClose: (web process 0 crash) 2023-09-16 19:57:55.404500+0200 Bluelife3284:194440] [Process] 0x10d004350 - [PID=3445 WebProcessProxy::processDidTerminate0rFailedToLaunch: reason=Crash 2023-09-16 19:57:55.404579+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10c01dfe - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS Background assertion 'XPCConnectionTerminationWatchdog' for process because PID 0 is invalid 2023-09-16 19:57:55.410251+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [Process] 0x130856218 - [pageProxyID=14, webPageID=15, PID=3445] WebPageProxy: :processDidTerminate: (pid 3445), reason=Crash 2023-09-16 19:57:55.411392+0200 Bluelife[3284:211863] [ProcessSuspension] 0x10c01dfe - ProcessAssertion::acquireSync Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'XPCConnectionTerminationWatchdog' for process with PID=0, error: (null) 2023-09-16 19:57:55.424321+0200 Bluelife[3284:194440] [Loading] 0x130856218 - [pageProxID=14, webPageID=15, PID=3445] WebPageProxy::dispatchProcessDidTerminate: reason=Crash
Sep ’23
Extension downloads files as "Unknown.txt"
Hello, I am trying to download a file from the extension's settings page with the following code, but I cannot set the filename no matter what I try. It keeps downloading as Unknown.txt. The same code works well if I do it through a hosted page with an actual URL. let downloadFile = function(contents, filename) { var element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:application/octet-stream,' + encodeURIComponent(contents)); element.setAttribute('download', filename); element.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element); element.click(); document.body.removeChild(element); } downloadFile('test', 'file.txt'); Is this intended or a bug?
Sep ’23
multiple window layout?
Hi there, we are exploring the new layouts for our app on Vision OS. We figured that the tab overview New Safari provides is pretty amazing. it doesn't looks like it is created through opening mulitple windows since all the tabs that displayed cannot be resized. Also the little curve that all this tabs formed gives user a nice surrounding feeling. Wondering is this multiple window style achieved?
Sep ’23
Open link to safari
I'm building a project in react with typescript that involves reading a QR code, what happens to iPhone users is that the QR code is read from the iPhone's code reader and the link opens in a web preview of the reader application of codes, this link opens a page with two buttons where the user will choose whether to open the next link in which browser, for example, firstly when he chose to open with safari I would leave the link like this: https://mysite.ao/home/23883298393232/ueuweyuwe7 The problem is that this way the link also opens in the web-preview, I want it so that when I choose to open with safari this link opens specifically in safari I tried to do it this way: `function openToSafari() { window.open('safari://mysite.ao/home/23883298393232/ueuweyuwe7', '_blank'); }` The problem is that when you do this the following message appears: "Safari cannot open the page because the address is not valid" But if the user chooses to open with other browsers, the link opens very well, but if they choose Safari it does not open and gives this message. Could anyone give an explanation of how I could overcome this? Thank you very much in advance! To open with Chrome, I'm doing it this way and it works very well: function openToChrome() { window.location.href = googlechrome://mysite.ao/home/23883298393232/ueuweyuwe7 } I want it so that when I choose to open with safari this link opens specifically in safari The problem is that when you do this the following message appears: "Safari cannot open the page because the address is not valid"
Sep ’23
Safari Responsive Design Mode Simulators are not showing up.
I have simulators downloaded to my 14" M2 Pro Macbook Pro, and for some reason, I cannot see any simulators as an option in Safari's Responsive Design Mode. Am I missing something obvious, or is my computer bugged? Above is an image of the Responsive Design Mode showing no simulators. I would offer more screenshots to prove that I have simulators installed, but it won't let me upload any more photos for some reason.
Sep ’23
Not able to create a web app with Safari
When I click “Add” to make a web app of any website, Safari shows me an error saying; “You don’t have permission to save the file '(website)' in the folder 'Applications'. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.” I don’t get what “the item” means, but I went to the applications folder, right clicked and got up “Get info” and it says I can read and write. I tried giving Safari full disk access. But still, same result. Is this a Sonoma bug? Or is it something wrong on my end?
Sep ’23
Sign in with Apple - Supporting hardware key (YubiKey) based login through WKWebView
I want to support "Sign in with Apple" for my macOS application. Currently, I'm using WKWebview to support this. I'm able to provide a sign in for the current mac user correctly. But some users try to login with another apple ID, which has FIDO certified keys added as 2FA. Now my WKWebView shows this : But nothing happens when they click on "Continue". I think I need to create some kind of interface in my application for this case, but no clear idea. I can't see much articles for this use case with security keys. Anybody has any idea ?
Sep ’23
How to downgrade Safari version
I'm a web-developer debugging an error in my web page, all the users with Safari 14 are presenting the error. How can I downgrade my safari 16 to 14 in order to reproduce the error? I have to reproduce the error so i can understand it, and then fix it, like a normal web-developer that have to downgrade browser to simulate real user usage scenarios.
Sep ’23
QR Code Scanning: Safari loading previously scanned URL while using iPhone camera app
We are using URL encoded in QR code to open our web application. When user scans QR using the default Camera app on iPhone, upon clicking the link iOS opens the webpage on safari browser. Our URL looks like this "https://abc.com?qrdata=1", "https://abc.com?qrdata=2", "https://abc.com?qrdata=3". The URL query parameter(qrdata) differs for different process in the web app. So when so each QR code has same domain but different query parameters. If the user scans QR for https://abc.com?qrdata=1, the web page is opened on safari without any issue. If user scansQR for https://abc.com?qrdata=2 after the first QR code then for some reason on first attempt Safari is loading the previously scanned URL, in this case https://abc.com?qrdata=1. The change in query params is not received correctly by Safari. If we scan the new QR code twice then works on 2nd attempt to scan the QR. I can see from the history that the URL scanned is not the right url This is issue only on Safari iOS devices, on anyother browser works as expected.
Sep ’23
Failed to load resource: the network connection was lost when I hit specific URL which is connected to AZURE Front Door
The end user experiences error "Failed to load resource: the network connection was lost" when using safari browser via reverse proxy only(Azure Front door). Using google chrome, or accessing the resource directly, the user does not see the error. After taking a packet capture and HTTP Archive traces, we were able to determine that the safari browser is completely blocking the traffic from being sent over the network.
Sep ’23
Safari Bug
Hello, safari consumes less CPU than Chrome, but it does not consume less RAM. When you access YouTube in Safari, especially when you skip 5 seconds while watching a video, the buttons are very inadequate compared to Chrome. The video and audio lag, the loading sign appears and the audio lag is very annoying. At the same time, when I log into Twitter, some videos do not play but remain loading. While browsing the web in Safari, the mouse sometimes remains stuck. While typing, the mouse becomes a line, but when I hover over something to click, it still remains as a line. There are such bugs. I like to use Safari, it is very useful, but I always prefer to stay in Chrome because of such errors. I try it every time Apple updates Safari, most bugs go away, but new ones come and unfortunately the Youtube problem is very bad. This problem only occurs on YouTube, not on Netflix and similar platforms. Browsing YouTube with Safari is very annoying. I hope you find a solution to these problems soon. Since I deal with CDN and Linux servers, the web is very important to me and I like the safari web tool part, but it is not an immersive view. It gives the impression that I shouldn't have opened it. I hope a new design language will be added to this design. Other than that, using safari is nice and I love how minimalist it is. Thank you, I wish you good work.
Sep ’23
Can Safari web apps (Sonoma feature) be deployed to other Apple devices?
Hi, I'm trying to experiment with deploying Safari web apps to other devices for an IT environment. I can create a package of a Safari web app on my personal MacBook, and repeatedly deploy the package to my personal MacBook without issue. The Safari web apps are typically installed to ~/Applications, but I can install to the system /Applications folder, or even to a place like the user desktop, and it will work. The app will also work for different users on my personal MacBook. When I install the package to another computer, there is a pop up saying that says "You can't open the application because it may be damaged or incomplete." Are Safari web apps hard locked to a device, from something like associating the web app with hardware identifiers? Could changing the web app or an associated plist with the web app via a script resolve this issue, or do web apps have to be manually created per user?
Sep ’23
Autofill verification codes received in Mail
As announced for iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma, “One-time verification codes you receive in Mail are filled in automatically, so you can log in without leaving Safari.” Is there any documentation about this? Maybe for a specific keyword that must be in the HTML email body? I tried it on my website with a verification code sent by email and it didn't work.
Oct ’23
Safari 17 App Extensions (macOS Sonoma) API changes
Hello, In the latest macOS Sonoma and Safari 17 update, Safari App Extensions that were previously running without any issues (for years) suddenly stopped working. Digging a little into the source code and debugger, I found out that basic API calls do not work anymore, for example: SFSafariApplication.getActiveWindow { (window) in ... } or the async version: let window = await SFSafariApplication.activeWindow() getActiveWindow callback is never called and let window = await ... waits forever. Is there anything updated in the security model of Safari 17 that I should be aware of? Or any API updates. I repeat, the extensions worked for 5 years without any issue and also work perfectly in Safari 16 and macOS Ventura. Thank you.
Oct ’23