Submit your iPadOS apps to the App Store
Optimize your apps and games for the latest version of iPadOS and distribute them on the App Store. Build using Xcode, update your product pages, and submit today.

Build with Xcode
Deliver great experiences by seamlessly integrating with the latest advancements on Apple platforms. Build your apps using the latest version of Xcode, which includes Apple platform SDKs.
All iOS and iPadOS apps uploaded to App Store Connect must be built with a minimum of Xcode 15 and the iOS 17 SDK. Starting April 2025, all iOS and iPadOS apps uploaded to App Store Connect must be built with the iOS 18 SDK.

Integrate new features
Take advantage of the exciting new APIs and capabilities in the latest SDK for iPadOS, so you can deliver even better experiences to your users.
Test your apps
Make sure your apps work as expected on the latest release by testing in the Xcode simulator and on devices.
All-screen support
Apps should look great on all models of iPad, regardless of display size or aspect ratio. With features like Xcode storyboards, Auto Layout, and SwiftUI, your app’s interface elements and layouts automatically fit the display. Test your apps with the latest devices or the Xcode simulator to make sure they’re ready to take advantage of the edge-to-edge displays by respecting safe areas, supporting adaptive layouts, and more. Find and address UI issues in your app before testing on a device to make sure your app looks great. App updates must use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen. In addition, new apps that run on iPad must support all iPad screens.
View related Human Interface Guidelines
Required device capabilities
The App Store is designed to provide users with apps that work seamlessly with their devices’ capabilities. Verify that your information property list (info.plist) is compatible with any device requirements when submitting a new app that takes advantage of the latest technologies.
View “Required Device Capabilities”
TestFlight beta testing
Before finalizing your app for release, get valuable feedback with beta testers. Upload your app to App Store Connect and use TestFlight to test on a device and easily invite other testers.

Submit for review
Before submitting your app for review, make sure it’s ready to be publicly released and that you’re making the most of your product page.
App Review
Learn about the review process, view the App Review Guidelines, and receive advice on how to avoid common issues before you submit.
Product page
Make sure your app’s name, icon, description, screenshots, app previews, and keywords are ready for your product page. You can also take this opportunity to update your subtitle and promotional text, and choose to promote any new in-app purchases. If your app supports Dark Mode, consider including at least one screenshot that showcases what the experience looks like for users.
View details on creating a great product page
App privacy details
Enter all necessary information about your app’s privacy practices, including the practices of third‑party partners whose code you integrate into your app, in App Store Connect. These details inform the app privacy label on your App Store product page and are required in order to submit new apps and app updates to the App Store.
Learn about providing app privacy details
iPad apps on the Mac App Store
Your iPad apps will be published automatically on the Mac App Store on Apple silicon Macs, unless you update their availability in App Store Connect.
Learn about managing your app’s availability
Once your app is updated for the latest platform versions and devices, submit for review. Get step-by-step instructions on how to submit your apps for distribution on the App Store.