- 0:00 - Introduction to scroll views
- 2:01 - Margins and safe area
- 4:14 - Targets and positions
- 11:33 - Scroll transitions
0:46 - ScrollView
struct Item: Identifiable { var id: Int } struct ContentView: View { var items: [Item] = (0 ..< 25).map { Item(id: $0) } var body: some View { ScrollView(.vertical) { LazyVStack { ForEach(items) { item in ItemView(item: item) } } } } } struct ItemView: View { var item: Item var body: some View { Text(item, format: .number) .padding(.vertical) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } }
2:29 - Basic Featured Section
struct ContentView: View { var palettes: [Palette] = [ .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example One"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Two"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Three"), ] var body: some View { ScrollView { GalleryHeroSection(palettes: palettes) } } } struct Palette: Identifiable { var id: UUID var name: String } struct GalleryHeroSection: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { GallerySection(edge: .top) { GalleryHeroContent(palettes: palettes) } label: { GalleryHeroHeader(palettes: palettes) } } } struct GallerySection<Content: View, Label: View>: View { var edge: Edge? = nil var content: Content var label: Label var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { label .font(.title2.bold()) content } .padding(.top, halfSpacing) .padding(.bottom, sectionSpacing) .overlay(alignment: .bottom) { if edge != .bottom { Divider().padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } } } var halfSpacing: CGFloat { sectionSpacing / 2.0 } var sectionSpacing: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hMargin: CGFloat { #if os(macOS) 40.0 #else 20.0 #endif } } struct GalleryHeroContent: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHStack(spacing: hSpacing) { ForEach(palettes) { palette in GalleryHeroView(palette: palette) } } } } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroView: View { var palette: Palette (\.horizontalSizeClass) private var sizeClass var body: some View { colorStack .aspectRatio(heroRatio, contentMode: .fit) .containerRelativeFrame( [.horizontal], count: columns, spacing: hSpacing ) .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 20.0)) } private var columns: Int { sizeClass == .compact ? 1 : regularCount } private var colorStack: some View { let offsetValue = stackPadding ZStack { Color.red .offset(x: offsetValue, y: offsetValue) Color.blue Color.green .offset(x: -offsetValue, y: -offsetValue) } .padding(stackPadding) .background() } var stackPadding: CGFloat { 20.0 } var heroRatio: CGFloat { 16.0 / 9.0 } var regularCount: Int { 2 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroHeader: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { Text("Featured") .padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } }
4:00 - Featured Section with Margins
struct ContentView: View { var palettes: [Palette] = [ .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example One"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Two"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Three"), ] var body: some View { ScrollView { GalleryHeroSection(palettes: palettes) } } } struct Palette: Identifiable { var id: UUID var name: String } struct GalleryHeroSection: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { GallerySection(edge: .top) { GalleryHeroContent(palettes: palettes) } label: { GalleryHeroHeader(palettes: palettes) } } } struct GallerySection<Content: View, Label: View>: View { var edge: Edge? = nil var content: Content var label: Label var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { label .font(.title2.bold()) content } .padding(.top, halfSpacing) .padding(.bottom, sectionSpacing) .overlay(alignment: .bottom) { if edge != .bottom { Divider().padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } } } var halfSpacing: CGFloat { sectionSpacing / 2.0 } var sectionSpacing: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hMargin: CGFloat { #if os(macOS) 40.0 #else 20.0 #endif } } struct GalleryHeroContent: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHStack(spacing: hSpacing) { ForEach(palettes) { palette in GalleryHeroView(palette: palette) } } } .contentMargins(.horizontal, hMargin) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroView: View { var palette: Palette (\.horizontalSizeClass) private var sizeClass var body: some View { colorStack .aspectRatio(heroRatio, contentMode: .fit) .containerRelativeFrame( [.horizontal], count: columns, spacing: hSpacing ) .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 20.0)) } private var columns: Int { sizeClass == .compact ? 1 : regularCount } private var colorStack: some View { let offsetValue = stackPadding ZStack { Color.red .offset(x: offsetValue, y: offsetValue) Color.blue Color.green .offset(x: -offsetValue, y: -offsetValue) } .padding(stackPadding) .background() } var stackPadding: CGFloat { 20.0 } var heroRatio: CGFloat { 16.0 / 9.0 } var regularCount: Int { 2 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroHeader: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { Text("Featured") .padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } }
7:42 - Featured Section + Container Relative Frame
struct ContentView: View { var palettes: [Palette] = [ .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example One"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Two"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Three"), ] var body: some View { ScrollView { GalleryHeroSection(palettes: palettes) } } } struct Palette: Identifiable { var id: UUID var name: String } struct GalleryHeroSection: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { GallerySection(edge: .top) { GalleryHeroContent(palettes: palettes) } label: { GalleryHeroHeader(palettes: palettes) } } } struct GallerySection<Content: View, Label: View>: View { var edge: Edge? = nil var content: Content var label: Label var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { label .font(.title2.bold()) content } .padding(.top, halfSpacing) .padding(.bottom, sectionSpacing) .overlay(alignment: .bottom) { if edge != .bottom { Divider().padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } } } var halfSpacing: CGFloat { sectionSpacing / 2.0 } var sectionSpacing: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hMargin: CGFloat { #if os(macOS) 40.0 #else 20.0 #endif } } struct GalleryHeroContent: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHStack(spacing: hSpacing) { ForEach(palettes) { palette in GalleryHeroView(palette: palette) } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .contentMargins(.horizontal, hMargin) .scrollTargetBehavior(.viewAligned) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroView: View { var palette: Palette (\.horizontalSizeClass) private var sizeClass var body: some View { colorStack .aspectRatio(heroRatio, contentMode: .fit) .containerRelativeFrame( [.horizontal], count: columns, spacing: hSpacing ) .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 20.0)) } private var columns: Int { sizeClass == .compact ? 1 : regularCount } private var colorStack: some View { let offsetValue = stackPadding ZStack { Color.red .offset(x: offsetValue, y: offsetValue) Color.blue Color.green .offset(x: -offsetValue, y: -offsetValue) } .padding(stackPadding) .background() } var stackPadding: CGFloat { 20.0 } var heroRatio: CGFloat { 16.0 / 9.0 } var regularCount: Int { 2 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroHeader: View { var palettes: [Palette] var body: some View { Text("Featured") .padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } }
9:46 - Featured Section + Scroll Position
struct ContentView: View { var palettes: [Palette] = [ .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example One"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Two"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Three"), ] var body: some View { ScrollView { GalleryHeroSection(palettes: palettes) } } } struct Palette: Identifiable { var id: UUID var name: String } struct GalleryHeroSection: View { var palettes: [Palette] var mainID: Palette.ID? = nil var body: some View { GallerySection(edge: .top) { GalleryHeroContent(palettes: palettes, mainID: $mainID) } label: { GalleryHeroHeader(palettes: palettes, mainID: $mainID) } } } struct GallerySection<Content: View, Label: View>: View { var edge: Edge? = nil var content: Content var label: Label var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { label .font(.title2.bold()) content } .padding(.top, halfSpacing) .padding(.bottom, sectionSpacing) .overlay(alignment: .bottom) { if edge != .bottom { Divider().padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } } } var halfSpacing: CGFloat { sectionSpacing / 2.0 } var sectionSpacing: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hMargin: CGFloat { #if os(macOS) 40.0 #else 20.0 #endif } } struct GalleryHeroContent: View { var palettes: [Palette] var mainID: Palette.ID? var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHStack(spacing: hSpacing) { ForEach(palettes) { palette in GalleryHeroView(palette: palette) } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .contentMargins(.horizontal, hMargin) .scrollTargetBehavior(.viewAligned) .scrollPosition(id: $mainID) .scrollIndicators(.never) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroView: View { var palette: Palette (\.horizontalSizeClass) private var sizeClass var body: some View { colorStack .aspectRatio(heroRatio, contentMode: .fit) .containerRelativeFrame( [.horizontal], count: columns, spacing: hSpacing ) .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 20.0)) } private var columns: Int { sizeClass == .compact ? 1 : regularCount } private var colorStack: some View { let offsetValue = stackPadding ZStack { Color.red .offset(x: offsetValue, y: offsetValue) Color.blue Color.green .offset(x: -offsetValue, y: -offsetValue) } .padding(stackPadding) .background() } var stackPadding: CGFloat { 20.0 } var heroRatio: CGFloat { 16.0 / 9.0 } var regularCount: Int { 2 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroHeader: View { var palettes: [Palette] var mainID: Palette.ID? var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2.0) { Text("Featured") Spacer().frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } .padding(.horizontal, hMargin) #if os(macOS) .overlay { HStack(spacing: 0.0) { GalleryPaddle(edge: .leading) { scrollToPreviousID() } Spacer().frame(maxWidth: .infinity) GalleryPaddle(edge: .trailing) { scrollToNextID() } } } #endif } private func scrollToNextID() { guard let id = mainID, id != palettes.last?.id, let index = palettes.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == id }) else { return } withAnimation { mainID = palettes[index + 1].id } } private func scrollToPreviousID() { guard let id = mainID, id != palettes.first?.id, let index = palettes.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == id }) else { return } withAnimation { mainID = palettes[index - 1].id } } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } } struct GalleryPaddle: View { var edge: HorizontalEdge var action: () -> Void var body: some View { Button { action() } label: { Label(labelText, systemImage: labelIcon) } .buttonStyle(.paddle) .font(nil) } var labelText: String { switch edge { case .leading: return "Backwards" case .trailing: return "Forwards" } } var labelIcon: String { switch edge { case .leading: return "chevron.backward" case .trailing: return "chevron.forward" } } } private struct PaddleButtonStyle: ButtonStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { configuration.label .padding() .imageScale(.large) .labelStyle(.iconOnly) } } extension ButtonStyle where Self == PaddleButtonStyle { static var paddle: Self { .init() } }
12:34 - Featured Section + Scroll Transition
struct ContentView: View { var palettes: [Palette] = [ .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example One"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Two"), .init(id: UUID(), name: "Example Three"), ] var body: some View { ScrollView { GalleryHeroSection(palettes: palettes) } } } struct Palette: Identifiable { var id: UUID var name: String } struct GalleryHeroSection: View { var palettes: [Palette] var mainID: Palette.ID? = nil var body: some View { GallerySection(edge: .top) { GalleryHeroContent(palettes: palettes, mainID: $mainID) } label: { GalleryHeroHeader(palettes: palettes, mainID: $mainID) } } } struct GallerySection<Content: View, Label: View>: View { var edge: Edge? = nil var content: Content var label: Label var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { label .font(.title2.bold()) content } .padding(.top, halfSpacing) .padding(.bottom, sectionSpacing) .overlay(alignment: .bottom) { if edge != .bottom { Divider().padding(.horizontal, hMargin) } } } var halfSpacing: CGFloat { sectionSpacing / 2.0 } var sectionSpacing: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hMargin: CGFloat { #if os(macOS) 40.0 #else 20.0 #endif } } struct GalleryHeroContent: View { var palettes: [Palette] var mainID: Palette.ID? var body: some View { ScrollView(.horizontal) { LazyHStack(spacing: hSpacing) { ForEach(palettes) { palette in GalleryHeroView(palette: palette) } } .scrollTargetLayout() } .contentMargins(.horizontal, hMargin) .scrollTargetBehavior(.viewAligned) .scrollPosition(id: $mainID) .scrollIndicators(.never) } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroView: View { var palette: Palette (\.horizontalSizeClass) private var sizeClass var body: some View { colorStack .aspectRatio(heroRatio, contentMode: .fit) .containerRelativeFrame( [.horizontal], count: columns, spacing: hSpacing ) .clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 20.0)) .scrollTransition(axis: .horizontal) { content, phase in content .scaleEffect( x: phase.isIdentity ? 1.0 : 0.80, y: phase.isIdentity ? 1.0 : 0.80) } } private var columns: Int { sizeClass == .compact ? 1 : regularCount } private var colorStack: some View { let offsetValue = stackPadding ZStack { Color.red .offset(x: offsetValue, y: offsetValue) Color.blue Color.green .offset(x: -offsetValue, y: -offsetValue) } .padding(stackPadding) .background() } var stackPadding: CGFloat { 20.0 } var heroRatio: CGFloat { 16.0 / 9.0 } var regularCount: Int { 2 } var hSpacing: CGFloat { 10.0 } } struct GalleryHeroHeader: View { var palettes: [Palette] var mainID: Palette.ID? var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2.0) { Text("Featured") Spacer().frame(maxWidth: .infinity) } .padding(.horizontal, hMargin) #if os(macOS) .overlay { HStack(spacing: 0.0) { GalleryPaddle(edge: .leading) { scrollToPreviousID() } Spacer().frame(maxWidth: .infinity) GalleryPaddle(edge: .trailing) { scrollToNextID() } } } #endif } private func scrollToNextID() { guard let id = mainID, id != palettes.last?.id, let index = palettes.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == id }) else { return } withAnimation { mainID = palettes[index + 1].id } } private func scrollToPreviousID() { guard let id = mainID, id != palettes.first?.id, let index = palettes.firstIndex(where: { $0.id == id }) else { return } withAnimation { mainID = palettes[index - 1].id } } var hMargin: CGFloat { 20.0 } } struct GalleryPaddle: View { var edge: HorizontalEdge var action: () -> Void var body: some View { Button { action() } label: { Label(labelText, systemImage: labelIcon) } .buttonStyle(.paddle) .font(nil) } var labelText: String { switch edge { case .leading: return "Backwards" case .trailing: return "Forwards" } } var labelIcon: String { switch edge { case .leading: return "chevron.backward" case .trailing: return "chevron.forward" } } } private struct PaddleButtonStyle: ButtonStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { configuration.label .padding() .imageScale(.large) .labelStyle(.iconOnly) } } extension ButtonStyle where Self == PaddleButtonStyle { static var paddle: Self { .init() } }