Hello I'm reading a lot about people talking about "sandbox" accounts (that from my understanding actually is no longer available starting from iOS9) or development builds... but I can't find a comprehensive documentation that explain what to do to test achievements.
This is the flow that I'm following to add achievements to my game. It is not fully working since I can't see the popup "completed" when I set the achievement as accomplished but other items are working as expected (I can set an achievement as done and I can retrieve the list of completed achievements).
Description of my current situation
Added all the achievements via AppStoreConnect
Created a new version of my App and added the Achievements to this new version (This version has not been submitted yet, but the App is already on the App Store with another version) via AppStoreConnect
My App is written in Unity. So I've added all the needed code there. I see that I can unlock achievements and I can retrieve a list of all the unlocked achievements. So the code seems to work as expected. I'm running the App directly from Xcode... it is not uploaded to Testflight.
Problems and Doubts
When I unlock an achievement the "completed" popup is not shown
If I open GameCenter, under my game, I do not see a list of available Achievements. I suppose this is the correct behaviour since the version with the achievements has not been submitted and approved.
I'm wondering... which is the right way to test achievements? Someone is talking about using "development" builds... other say to use sandbox accounts... is there a documentation out there that explains the right flow?!
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
the IAP product IDs of our Apps are following this schema:
We are trying to add a new product but we are receiving an error on the product ID field that states we are allowed to use alphanumeric character only... so we had to insert the product ID removing the dots:
I'm wondering if this is a bug of the AppStoreConnect page or if this is just a sudden change that the AppStoreConnect team decided to push in at some point.
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Store Connect
App Store Connect
In-App Purchase
Hello, we are in the middle of a company update and we might need to change the Developer name that appears on the AppStore. From our understanding that name cannot be change and normally you can just transfer your Apps to a new entity.
In our case we are just dropping a brand name to keep the company name in front of our products. The company is exactly the same, it is just the name reported in the App store that should move from a brand name to our Company name.
Is this operation possible? and in case how can we ask for this update?