An app that uses screen time API.
After asking for permission and receiving them works, everything generally work, shields applications etc..
Upon new version update (manually update from testFlight old version or App Store)
I get an error message, I can then update again without any error but the permissions
are revoked and I have to ask for them again. shielding stopes.
This happens randomly on TestFlight or App Store and the permissions
Did anyone encounter this or solved this?
this seems to have started a month ago but maybe I just missed it before
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
currently when I try to set several schedules to the same activity the latest schedule I set is the only one
I understand I can have only 1 schedule for activity. ?
I thought about setting a new schedule on the intervalDidEnd but, I get no interval did start if the current time is in the middle of the interval I set
For example, now it is 15:00, and my previous interval started at 14:00 and ends at 16:00 but the user sets a new interval from 14:30 - 16:40
I call the deviceActivityCenter.stopMonitoring([someActivityName]) and get noIntervalDidEnd event
Then I set the new interval successfully with deviceActivityCenter.startMonitoring(someActivityName, during: deviceActivitySchedule)
and get no intervalDidStartEvent
So how can I achieve several intervals?
If I had gotten the events of the start and end it would be possible
Thanks for the help
App & System Services
Managed Settings
Family Controls
Device Activity
Screen Time
How can I customize the colors of this component?
I tried this combination without success:
FamilyActivityPicker(headerText: "Select apps", selection: $model.selectionToDiscourage)
I recently transferred an app from one developer account to another.
The app that was transferred is already released and is on the app store
The app transferred ok but, it contains a network extension with a bundle identifier and an app group with an identifier related to the "old" account (these were not transferred to the new account)
To clarify, the app I transferred has a network extension identifier. It also has an app group identifier that it belongs to (the same identifier as the main app group).
Can someone please clarify the following questions?
1) I cannot use the same network extension identifier and the app group identifier even if it will be deleted from the previous account, since the app is already on the app store. correct?
2) If I give the network extension a new identifier, create a new app group, and give it to the main app & network extension - the current app in the app store will not be affected. Correct?
3) In addition to (2) above, new releases of the app (with the new identifiers) will work, and this is the way you recommend doing this. Correct?
4) I also get this warning when uploading a new build to test flight:
"Potential loss of Keychain Acces - The previous version of the software has an application-identifier value of ['SomeUUID.MyAppBundleIdentifier'] and the new version of software being submitted has an application-identifier of ['SomeOtherUUID.MyAppBundleIdentifier'] this will result in a loss of keychain access."
The bundle identifiers are the same but the UUID before them is different
Any suggestion on what we can do to resolve this?
App Store Distribution & Marketing
App Store Connect
Bundle ID
Network Extension
App Submission
App Store Connect