




Reply to App stuck in review - does anyone know how to contact Apple?
I have never experienced that Apple-Review rejected without a reason. In the rejection message, they refer to a guideline your app doesn't comply to or a crash, etc. And if you don't fix it (or demonstrate review, that your app met all guidelines) than you never get through. And no, there is no way to release through the App Store without an approval.
Aug ’22
Reply to Getting past the unidentified developer problem
You don't need a Xcode - Project, but within Xcode codesigning and notarization are much easier than in a separate Workflow. The decisive terminal commands are 'codesign' for signing and 'altool' for notarization. There are man-pages for the commands and a good documentation for manual codesigning: With codesigning you will get rid of the 'unidentified developer' message, but without notarization Gatekeeper still won't let you through, because your app isn't checked for malware. That is what notarization does. Please keep in mind that 'altool' will stop working in fall 2023. There will be a replacement for it, but I haven't tried that yet (and forgot the name). Good luck Brigitte
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jul ’22
Reply to No MAS receipt after exit(173)
Thanks for your answer, Rich, my team is one of those who are using the local receipt validation just to check if the user downloaded our apps from the macOS Appstore, but: DCAppAttestService is available for macOS 11 or newer. What should we do with older systems? The documentation about local receipt validation ( isn't marked as deprecated and describes the process quite clear: If verification fails, exit with 173. This works for years and it even works sometimes for the last months. So don't you think it is a bug, that Apple should fix? Will Apple fix it? Greetings Brigitte
Jun ’22
Reply to A question about data download in App Review
I think the App Store Guidelines are clear at this point. Take a look at 2.4.5.IV: They may not download or install standalone apps, kexts, additional code, or resources to add functionality or significantly change the app from what we see during the review process. and 2.4.5.VII: They must use the Mac App Store to distribute updates; other update mechanisms are not allowed.
Jun ’22
Reply to Application stays stuck at Verifying on 10.14
Have you figured out a solution or workaround? We are stuck in the same situation. The problem occurs when we are moving from intel-only to universal binaries, without making changes to the notarization process (while I'm not sure if we moved the Xcode Version from 12 to 13 at this time). Any help is appreciated. Greetings Brigitte
Topic: Code Signing SubTopic: General Tags:
Dec ’21
Reply to "app" is damaged and can't be opened
Same here (since Friday). We use local receipt validation for our apps and we get no receipt for sandbox test accounts. The result is the same: 'App is damaged...' I filled a bug report in Feedbackmanager. Perhaps Apple addresses this issue a bit quicker if more than one developer complains about that. Greetings Brigitte
Topic: Code Signing SubTopic: General Tags:
Nov ’21