




When does appleExerciseTime update or change?
I've been trying to figure out what the bare minimum is required for HKWorkoutBuilder to create a workout that adds time the appleExerciseTime. I couldn't find the documentation for this. This is my code so far. func createWorkoutSample( expectedActiveEnergyData: [Double], expectedExerciseMinutesData: [Double], calendar: Calendar, startDate: Date ) async throws -> [HKSample] { var testData: [HKSample] = [] let workoutConfiguration = HKWorkoutConfiguration() workoutConfiguration.activityType = .running workoutConfiguration.locationType = .outdoor let results = try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: HKSample?.self) { group in for (index) in 0..<expectedActiveEnergyData.count { guard let date = .day, value: index, to: startDate) else { continue } group.addTask { let builder = HKWorkoutBuilder( healthStore: self.manager.healthStore, configuration: workoutConfiguration, device: .local() ) let endDate = date.addingTimeInterval(expectedExerciseMinutesData[index] * 60) try await builder.beginCollection(at: date) let energyType = HKQuantityType.quantityType( forIdentifier: .activeEnergyBurned )! let energyQuantity = HKQuantity( unit: HKUnit.kilocalorie(), doubleValue: expectedActiveEnergyData[index] ) let energySample = HKQuantitySample( type: energyType, quantity: energyQuantity, start: date, end: endDate ) return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in builder.add([energySample]) { (success, error) in if let error = error { continuation.resume(throwing: error) return } builder.endCollection(withEnd: endDate) { (success, error) in if let error = error { continuation.resume(throwing: error) return } builder.finishWorkout { (workout, error) in if let error = error { continuation.resume(throwing: error) return } continuation.resume(returning: workout) } } } } } } for try await workout in group { if let workout = workout { testData.append(workout) } else { print("Skipping nil workout result.") } } return testData } print("Total samples created: \(results.count)") return results } When I query appleExerciseTime, there are no results. I've looked at the HKWorkoutBuilder documentation, and most of the information expands on adding samples related to the deprecated HKWorkout.
Jan ’25
HealthKit permissions not honoring user selection
I'm dealing with a strange bug where I am requesting read access for 'appleExerciseTime' and 'activitySummaryType', and despite enabling both in the permission sheet, they are being set to 'sharingDenied'. I'm writing a Swift Test for making sure permissions are being granted. @Test func PermissionsGranted() { try await self.manager.getPermissions() for type in await manager.allHealthTypes { let status = await manager.healthStore.authorizationStatus(for: type) #expect(status == .sharingAuthorized, "\(type) authorization status is \(status)") } } let healthTypesToShare: Set<HKSampleType> = [ HKQuantityType(.bodyMass), HKQuantityType(.bodyFatPercentage), HKQuantityType(.leanBodyMass), HKQuantityType(.activeEnergyBurned), HKQuantityType(.basalEnergyBurned), HKObjectType.workoutType() ] let allHealthTypes: Set<HKObjectType> = [ HKQuantityType(.bodyMass), HKQuantityType(.bodyFatPercentage), HKQuantityType(.leanBodyMass), HKQuantityType(.activeEnergyBurned), HKQuantityType(.basalEnergyBurned), HKQuantityType(.appleExerciseTime), HKObjectType.activitySummaryType() ] let healthStore = HKHealthStore() func getPermissions() async throws { try await healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: self.healthTypesToShare, read: self.allHealthTypes) } After 'getPermissions' runs, the permission sheet shows up on the Simulator, and I accept all. I've double checked that the failing permissions show up on the sheet and are enabled. Then the test fails with: Expectation failed: (status → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1)) == (.sharingAuthorized → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 2)) HKActivitySummaryTypeIdentifier authorization status is HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1) Expectation failed: (status → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1)) == (.sharingAuthorized → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 2)) HKActivitySummaryTypeIdentifier authorization status is HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1) With the rawValue of '1' being 'sharingDenied'. All other permissions are granted. Is there a workaround here, or something I'm potentially doing wrong?
Jan ’25
Parameterized testing with ‘any’ values
Does Swift Testing support using ‘any’ values as parameters like seen here for ‘any ChartDataPoint.Type’ @Test(arguments: [ (expectedBodyFatValues, HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bodyFatPercentage, HKUnit.percent(), BodyFatPoint.self), (expectedActiveEnergyValues, HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.activeEnergyBurned, HKUnit.kilocalorie(), ActiveCaloriesPoint.self), (expectedBodyMassValues, HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bodyMass, HKUnit.pound(), BodyMassPoint.self), (expectedBasalEnergyValues, HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.basalEnergyBurned, HKUnit.kilocalorie(), BasalEnergyPoint.self) ]) func healthKitDataReading( expectedData: [Double], identifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, unit: HKUnit, dataChartType: any ChartDataPoint.Type ) async throws {...} Currently I can’t get this code to work, and see the error … Conflicting arguments to generic parameter 'C' ('[([Double], HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, HKUnit, BodyFatPoint.Type)]' vs. '[([Double], HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, HKUnit, ActiveCaloriesPoint.Type)]' vs. '[([Double], HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, HKUnit, BodyMassPoint.Type)]' vs. '[([Double], HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, HKUnit, BasalEnergyPoint.Type)]') Also, I can’t seem to use variables like ‘expectedBodyFatValues’ due to the error Instance member 'expectedBodyFatValues' cannot be used on type 'Health_Mix_Swift_Tests'; did you mean to use a value of this type instead? Only way I’ve found around this is including the entire array of values as the parameter, but it’s very cumbersome.
Jul ’24