




Overide App name in iCloud "Manage Storage" list
In our team we have two apps A and B, unfortunately app B was released with iCloud entitlement with selected container ID of the app A. It lead to a problem that our app A displays in iCloud "Manage Storage" list on iOS as app B. Because of that people are loosing all of theirs data as they thing it is app A. App B stores uses only Key-Value storage in iCloud How can we override that name so it displays A again?
Aug ’23
ShieldConfigurationExtension - Color assets don't change with system Appearance
I've added ShieldConfigurationExtension to my project. The only thing that doesn't work for me is proper color for System Appearance. Let's say I only wants to change color of title for shield, I create color in Asset Catalog with different light and dark appearance then create ShieldConfiguration as shown: ShieldConfiguration(title: ShieldConfiguration.Label( text: "My title", color: UIColor(named: "mycolor") ?? .systemGray )) This will make the title to be one of the variant of mycolor BUT it looks to be randomly selected. Sometimes it has light appearance, sometimes dark and not always match selected system appearance. Other UI elements that I didn't set are properly changing theirs colors. On the other hand if I use some system colors, it works as expected: ShieldConfiguration(title: ShieldConfiguration.Label( text: "My title", color: .label )) .label will always has proper color - white for dark mode and black for light I've tried to use mycolor inside main app and there it works as it should so the problem is happening only in ShieldConfigurationExtension
Aug ’23
Family Controls capability cause Mac Catalyst app to fail
Hi, I'm building an app for iPhone, iPad and Mac (Mac Catalyst). Unfortunately when I'm adding Family Controls capability to project I'm unable to run Mac Catalyst version of app. Everything is compiling, it fails when run and shows "Could not launch App" Launch Service error IDELaunchErrorDomain: code 20 RBSRequestErrorDomain: code 5 NSPOSIXErrorDomain: code 153 iOS version work without any problems and Screen Time releated Api too. My minimum deployment target is iOS 15. Our permission for Family Controls to distribute in AppStore is currently processing but I guess it shouldn't has influence as I'm running debug. Best, Marcin
Apr ’23
App Intents, put `@Parameter` into `ParameterSummary` or drop-down list
Hello, On the wwdc22 Dive into App Intents video in 16:08 you can see that part of parameters are in ParamaterSummary and one is in the drop-down menu. When I am adding a ParamaterSummary to my AppIntent the drop-down menu is disapearing so part of my parameters is not able to set. I have tried force to display drop-down menu by chosing specific result of perform() method by even that the parameters are not displayed there. How can I split parameters into ParamaterSummary or drop-down list? Best, Marcin
Nov ’22