I'm creating an app which gamifies Screen Time reduction. I'm running into an issue with apples Screen Time setting where the user can disable my apps "Screen Time access" and get around losing the game.
Is there a way to detect when this setting is disabled for my app? I've tried using AuthorizationCenter.shared.authorizationStatus but this didn't do the trick. Does anyone have an ideas?
I'm using ShieldActionExtention to make a HTTP request to a server when a user selects one of the buttons on their app shield. The apps are shielded, but nothing happens when I press one of the shield buttons. There is no message on the server signaling an HTTP request and nothing is printed to the XCode console while in debug mode.
Here is my code for my Shield Action Extention
// ShieldActionExtension.swift
// ShieldAction
import Foundation
import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import ManagedSettings
// Override the functions below to customize the shield actions used in various situations.
// The system provides a default response for any functions that your subclass doesn't override.
// Make sure that your class name matches the NSExtensionPrincipalClass in your Info.plist.
class ShieldActionExtension: ShieldActionDelegate {
override func handle(action: ShieldAction, for application: ApplicationToken, completionHandler: @escaping (ShieldActionResponse) -> Void) {
let deviceID = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: UserDefaultKeys.userID.rawValue)!
print("sending to server")
try await PlayerLosesGame(playerID: deviceID)
} catch {
print("error occured on the shield")
override func handle(action: ShieldAction, for webDomain: WebDomainToken, completionHandler: @escaping (ShieldActionResponse) -> Void) {
let deviceID = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: UserDefaultKeys.userID.rawValue)!
print("sending to server")
try await PlayerLosesGame(playerID: deviceID)
} catch {
print("error occured on the shield")
override func handle(action: ShieldAction, for category: ActivityCategoryToken, completionHandler: @escaping (ShieldActionResponse) -> Void) {
let deviceID = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: UserDefaultKeys.userID.rawValue)!
print("sending to server")
try await PlayerLosesGame(playerID: deviceID)
} catch {
print("error occured on the shield")
func PlayerLosesGame(playerID: String) async throws{
let url = URL(string: ServerConnection.GetWebsite() + "game/find?playerID="+playerID)!
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
print("trying this out")
let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.data(for: request)
I believe all my targets are set up correctly and should be working. Why is nothing happening?
I'm trying to accomplish the features in this video where the child device requests permission from parent to control scren time. Then the parent can choose apps on the childs phone from their phone.
Everything on the childs device is working exactly like in the video. However, on the parents phone, when the FamilyActivityPicker appears, it's only the apps on the parents phone and when an app is selected, nothing changes in the FamilyActivitySelection.
I found this forum post describe the same issue I am having. I have a physical device logged in the child and a simulator running as the parent.
Why can't I see the child's apps on the parents phone? Is it cause I'm running one of them on a simulator?
I'm working with the FamilyControls API and am running into an issue with sharing ActivityTokens between devices in the same family sharing network.
Based on this documentation, ActivityTokens are only accessible and readable by other members in the family sharing network. My app is based on the idea that if one user selects the Games category in the FamilyActivityPicker, then this token can be shared with another device in the same family-sharing network and this other device can read and display the category.
So my question is:
If a user in the network selects an activity category in the FamilyActivityPicker, can this category token be shared, read, and used by another user in the family-sharing network?
I'm currently working with the FamilyControls API and testing my app on two different devices. Both apps are in the same family-sharing network with one phone being the owner of the network (I'll call this A) and the other one being an adult in the network(I'll call this B).
When device A picks apps using the FamilyActivityPicker, it shares that selection with device B (via encoding, sending over network, and decoding on device B). However, interacting with the token (displaying it, using it in shield) throws an error saying the token is null.
From the documentation, I thought every token would be the same across all devices in the family sharing network. So my question:
How do I send the FamilyActivitySelection from A to B and have the tokens still be functional?
Does this functionality only work if A is a "parent" and B is a "child" in the family sharing network?
Also, side note:
If I reverse the process and send the tokens from B to A. Interacting with the token works exactly as expected. For some reason, it's only going from A to B where it doesn't work.
So I have this child class with a function that creates a perdetermined array of other classes.
class DirectGame : GameParent {
static func GetAllChallenges() -> Array<ChallengeParent>{
return [LockdownChallenge(game: self)]
These other classes take in a GameParent class in the initalizer like so:
class LockdownChallenge {
var game : GameParent
init(game: GameParent) {
self.game = game
However this line
return [LockdownChallenge(game: self)]
is throwing the error
"Cannot convert value of type 'DirectGame.Type' to expected argument type 'GameParent'"
How do I pass in a reference to DirectGame into the initalizer of ChallengeParent?
Hello! I've been doing a lot of work with ApplicationTokens, but there is very little documentation. While Apple gives you the FamilyAcitvitiesPicker to get tokens of apps on an iPhone, I need to get the tokens of apps that aren't on the phone.
Someone can select Instagram even though they don't have it downloaded. Then the application token will get sent to a server. Then a different person who does have Instagram on their phone will receive the token and it will do something with that application.
Because FamilyActivitiesPicker can only select apps on the iPhone that it is running on, FamilyActivitiesPicker is useless to me, leading to my problem:
Creating an ApplicationToken without FamilyActivitiesPicker
This documentation says that I can create an Application (and thus an ApplicationToken) from the bundle identifier
init(bundleIdentifier: String)
Creates an object that represents the app with the specified bundle
However, when I try to use this to get instagrams(or any apps) token, it returns nil every time!
So, finally, my questions:
How do I correctly use this initializer to create an ApplicationToken?
Or, if this won't work for my purposes
Are the ApplicationTokens created by FamilyActivitiesPicker the same across all devices no matter what?
I've been working a lot with the FamilyControls API and App Shield recently but have encountered a problem with no documentation. I used the FamilyActivitySelection to select the app store to shield(This is just for testing), and then printed out the application token:
1wfY¸êB ò S« öi #×(É?âðw ù/jQ ¿ J ïE¢? ·¿ º<Òd?ý r7¥Ãn N átJ¹ÿ85B_{VAF fC8. ,,¸¯3 T7F ±õü; ¹?v@¯ô Ä \-õ# Ò
I know the application token is a Codable object so I was wondering,
How do I create an application token using the Token<Application> initializer
init(from: any Decoder) throws
Creates a new instance by decoding from the given decoder.
Using the above data? Do I have to encode first in order to decode it?
For reference, the code I tried to use is:
newValue.applicationTokens.encode(to: JSONEncoder)
if let encoded = try? JSONEncoder().encode(newValue.applicationTokens) {
data = encoded
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)
if let app = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Token<Application>.self, from: data) {
let token = Application(token: app)
} else {
print("didn't work")
But it prints didn't work every time.
What should I do differently?
Hello! I'm designing an app that tracks users' screen time and shares it with each other. I've looked extensively into the ScreenTimeAPI and it seems as if Apple doesn't allow any way to share screen time data. Even with the user's permission.
I was wondering whether there is a way that my app (running in the background) would be able to get whether the user was currently using the notes app (or any other app).
I was looking into the AppTrackingTransparency framework to see if this functionality was at all possible, but came up short of finding an answer.
Is this possible? My guess is no but still wanted to check.