




Scene's origin relative to portal's window?
I am experimenting with RealityKit to set up a portal. Everything works, but I was wondering where the scene's origin is with respect to the front of the portal window? From experiments, the origin's X and Y appear to be at the center of the portal window, while the origin's Z appearing to be about a meter behind the portal window. Is this (at least roughly) correct? Is it documented anywhere? PS. I began with the standard visionOS app and edited the Reality Composer Pro file to create the scene.
Xcode does not see Apple Vision Pro headset
I have had my Apple Vision Pro headset working with Xcode before, but it has been a while since testing in the headset. Today, Xcode on my M1 Mac Studio could not see my Apple Vision Pro to run code on the headset. I have updated my headset to visionOS 2.4 developer beta Both Mac and headset are on the same Wi-Fi network (I am typing this on my Mac via Mac Virtual Display). Headset has developer mode turned on. Initially I tried on the latest macOS (15.3.x) an Xcode (16.2) releases, but Xcode failed to find the headset. I installed the lated Xcode beta (16.3 beta), but it still failed to find the headset. I installed the latest developer beta on my Mac (15.4), but neither Xcode (16.2) nor Xcode beta (16.3) can find the headset. When I try to manage devices in Xcode, my Apple Vision Pro headset does not appear. Any idea what I am missing?
RoomPlan and RealityKit?
Apple's RoomPlan demo software page says it is powered by RealityKit, but I am having troubles finding any hooks into the standard RealityKit APIs. For example, RoomPlanView doesn't seem to be related to ARView, and I cannot find any Scene property to access (or add) RealityKit entities. Does anyone know if these RealityKit classes are accessible through RoomPlanView? Note: I did find the ARSession through roomCaptureView?.captureSession.arSession
Jan ’23
ARView for macOS?
Apple's documentation for ARView says it is available for macOS 10.15+ However, when I try to add an ARView in Storyboard, Xcode shows no ARView available. Is this a bug is Apple's documentation? (PS. What I am trying do do is create a 3D scene, where I programmatically move the camera on the Mac instead of moving the Mac around 😁, using much of the same code I've created for an AR app on iOS)
Nov ’20
Number of meshes keeps growing
I have an iOS application where I(1) select a model to view in a list view in a navigation controller, and then segue to a view controller with an ARView to display the model(2) I can then go back to the list view controller, select a different model, which then segues back to the view controller with the ARViewThe new view controller with the ARView is loaded each time and deallocated each time I go back to select another model to view (I print("") with init?(), viewDidLoad(), and deinit)I have the showStatistics turned of for the ARView:arView.debugOptions = .showStatisticsI am seeing the Mesh count (Scene Mesh Stats: Meshes: from the debug stats) climb each time I exit the view controller and then reload it with another model (or the same one).After doing this round trip several times (and growing the meshes), the frames per seconds start to dropIt seems as if while the view controller holding the ARView is allocated new and deallocated each round trip, the Meshes from the pprevious models are sticking around in the Metal pipeline or something. (I've never worked with Metal directly, and I am relatively new to ARKit & RealityKit).Is that what is happening? If so, is there a command to flush the old meshes when I first load my view controller?Thanks.
May ’20
Error messages with ModelEntity.load()
I am loading a USDZ file with the function ModelEntity.loadguard let entity = try? ModelEntity.load(named: usdzFilename) else { return nil }The function *does* return a model, and I can display it. However, I am seeing a large number of error messages sent to the console when loading the file:Coding Error: in _SetMetadataImpl at line 1514 of usd/stage.cpp -- Cannot set metadata. 'specifier' is not registered as valid metadata for spec type SdfSpecTypePseudoRoot.2020-05-21 12:40:37.218637-0700 ExploringWorlds[8324:3951628] [Pipeline] Neither element size > 1 nor attribute count > 1 are supported by 'constant' geometry attribute. Ignoring attribute 'geomNormal'. Element Size '1', Attribute Count: '2393'2020-05-21 12:40:37.220040-0700 ExploringWorlds[8324:3951628] [Pipeline] Neither element size > 1 nor attribute count > 1 are supported by 'constant' geometry attribute. Ignoring attribute 'geomNormal'. Element Size '1', Attribute Count: '2393'...The USDZ file was created from a SceneKit scene that I wrote to file:unifiedScene.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: usdzFilename), delegate: nil)The usdARKitChecker command gives the USDZ a "Pass"Any ideas why I am getting these error messages when loading a USDZ file?Thanks.
May ’20
Endpoint message for Internet connections?
Reviewing the endpoint header files (ESMessage.h), I see an event type for UNIX-domain socket connections (es_event_uipc_connect_t) but no equivalent for a TCP/IP connection.Can we not get TCP/IP related events in an endpoint monitor?From ESMessage.h:/*** Union of all possible events that can appear in an es_message_t*/typedef union { ... es_event_uipc_bind_t uipc_bind; es_event_uipc_connect_t uipc_connect;} es_events_t;/*** @brief Fired when a UNIX-domain socket is about to be connected.** @field file Describes the socket file that the socket is bound to.* @field domain The cmmunications domain of the socket (see socket(2)).* @field type The type of the socket (see socket(2)).* @field protocol The protocol of the socket (see socket(2)).*/typedef struct { es_file_t * _Nullable file; int domain; int type; int protocol; uint8_t reserved[64];} es_event_uipc_connect
Nov ’19