There’s an unexpected behaviour when using the append(_:) & prepend(_:) methods on iOS 17 Beta 6 and Public Beta 4.
Observed Behaviour
When queuing using the mentioned methods on recent iOS 17 Betas, the supplied music isn‘t queued up and the now playing music pauses. When using applicationQueuePlayer, it even ends up crashing the app.
Sample Project
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
In iOS 16.4 Beta 1, the indexOfNowPlayingItem returns unexpected/incorrect value. In prior versions of iOS, the value returned was expected.
I also plan on submitting a detailed bug report on Feedback Assistant once I have more details.
In iOS 16.1 betas, when setting the MusicPlayer Queue with a radio station, it no longer plays the station and instead starts playing first song from Music Library.
While I’ve already filed the bug report via Feedback Assistant, I’m writing this post because it a critical bug that must be fixed before iOS 16.1 gets released and I think it’s getting close to release. So, I hope this gets fixed in the upcoming beta.
CC @JoeKun
Since iOS 16.1 the widgets can no longer access the MediaLibrary even if the authorization is granted. As it can be seen in the screenshot, it is trying to open the MediaLibrary database file but crashes.
I've also filed a report via Feedback Assistant, FB11523166
We can open the music app with the URL Scheme music://, but I couldn't figure out a URL scheme to open the now-playing interface. Would be useful for directly opening the now-playing interface from my app.
iOS 16 introduced the ability to favorite artists but the ratings API doesn't seem to include artists as a supported type. Is there any other API to get and set ratings for artists or will the ratings API be updated to include support for artists in the future?
When fetching details for a type using{storefront}/{type}/{id} or any other API, like search{storefront}/search how to extend the results so that they include the rating object?
I know this is possible as I've seen it before, but I currently don't remember how.
It probably involves using the extend parameter or some similar parameter.
I understand why there isn’t an API to remove items from the library or playlist, but I propose a way to safely remove items from the library or playlist which would show a system alert to confirm the removal. This is exactly how the deletion is allowed for the Photos Library via third-party apps.
MusicPlayer.State supports shuffleMode and repeatMode, but there is no way to enable Autoplay.
In the case of SystemMusicPlayer a user can enable AutoPlay from iOS Music app, but for ApplicationMusicPlayer, there's no way to offer Autoplay support.
Additionally, when setting a new queue iOS Music app, disables Autoplay mode even if it was enabled before, but when using iOS Music app, the Autoplay stays enabled. I can understand that it may be intentional for some reason but doesn't seem user-friendly. Due to this, even when playing from Shortcuts app, Autoplay gets disabled, even though in most cases it shouldn't.
Since iOS 16 Beta 1 and in iOS 16 Beta 3 as well the reloadAllTimelines() method of WidgetCenter no longer reloads the timelines if the app is backgrounded.
I’ve also filed FB10432865 a couple of weeks ago.
The supported Relationship Views for Albums in the API include appears-on, other-versions, related-albums, related-videos, but it doesn't support more-by-artist, this data is available when viewing the album in the Apple Music app and would be very useful if it was available in the Apple Music API and possibly MusicKit as well with new iOS update.