
10 results found






Reply to Server to Server notifications with multiple environments
We solved this problem by using a proxy routing service. Our implementation is a simple Flask application that ingests the Apple (and Google) webhooks and proxies the corresponding service given the context. Being able to configure different environments directly from the source would be preferred. Also the ability to inject metadata, that was a pain point for us. I'm happy to share our source for the proxy service.
Mar ’21
Server to Server notifications with multiple environments
We are looking to implement S2S notifications, but in our case we have multiple environments for the same App: Development User Acceptance Testing Production Only a single URL can be provided for App Store Server notifications which makes handling multiple environments tricky. The common options seem to be: A different app for each environment A service that receives the notification and forwards it to the correct environment A service that handles the notifications for all environments How would you recommend handling multiple environments for a single App?
Jun ’20
Architecting for subscriptions - example code error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0
I followed the instructions in: Determining Service Entitlement on the Server https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/in-app_purchase/subscriptions_and_offers/determining_service_entitlement_on_the_server Running the following: curl -XPOST -H Content-type: application/json -d 'simulateExamples/flatJsonExample.json' 'localhost:3000/simulate' got the error: node ./bin/www POST /simulate 400 8.436 ms - 1276 SyntaxError: Unexpected token s in JSON at position 0 I validated flatJsonExample.json with lint and it was OK.
Jun ’20
Reply to Multiple subscriptions for multiple products in one app
Yes, You can set up multiple subscription groups in App Store connect. If your app needs to offer users the ability to buy multiple subscriptions — for example, to subscribe to more than one channel in a streaming app — you can add these subscriptions to different groups. Users who buy subscriptions in multiple groups will be billed separately for each subscription. Please find more information in the documentation below: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/subscriptions/#groups Overview of auto-renewable subscription group setup https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev75708c031
Jun ’20
In-App Purchase fails and every time I get “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” with transaction status returns failed
We have been using IAP auto-renewable subscriptions. We have properly followed integration guideline and able to successfully test IAP subscriptions through Sandbox testers for some devices and get failure for some devices. It’s kind of 50/50 scenario for IAP success/failure. Its not like Sandbox test users fail for IAP, in production build also IAP fails for many times. We have debugged the code and found out that when SKPaymentQueue.default().add(payment) is called, transaction.transactionState is returned as SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchasing and in some time it turns to SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed. We are getting error -> “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”. Below are some log statements. 2020-10-19 18:06:40.663777+0530 Strong Consumer[37652:7035479] [Purchases] - DEBUG:tremovedTransaction: monthly_5.99 AB64AECB-94AD-45CA-B836-65D0D6EC6D0C ((null) Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 Cannot connect to iTunes Store UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store}) { 2020-10-19 18:06:40.66
Oct ’20
The sample code doesn't use the notification_type field
The sample code of WWDC20-10671 session, describing how to implement a subscription login on the backend, doesn't use the notification_type field at all, however during the WWDC talks (both this year's but also in the previous ones) the engineers were like Look for this notification type or Look for that notification type. Shouldn't the code sample show how to use the notification_type field since it seems to be so important? Does anyone know any resources showing how to use the notification__type field properly?
Oct ’20