Watch Complications

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Display timely and relevant information about your app on the Apple Watch face using Complications.

Posts under Watch Complications tag

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Updating watchOS complication when data in iOS app changes.
Hello, I'm facing problems when attempting to update my watchOS complication when relevant data on the iPhone app changes. From what I gather reading the documentation I have to use the Watch Connectivity Framework to send said new data from the phone to the watch: use transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo() to send a dictionary of data from the phone to the watch implement the didReceiveUserInfo delegate method to handle incoming data on the watch in said handler, save the incoming data to UserDefaults using an App Group so the widget-extension can read that data after saving the data to UserDefaults, call WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() so watchOS can request fresh timelines for my complications change the getTimeline() method of my TimelineProvider so it uses the received data from UserDefaults OR async fetch fresh data if received data from phone is too old If I understand correctly, transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo() is limited to be used a maximum of 50 times a day. I'm running the apps in debug mode, so this should be no problem. Here is my current implementation: 1 : Setup of my WC class: final class Connectivity: NSObject { // singleton approach static let shared = Connectivity() // used to rate limit transmissions from phone → watch private var lastSentBalanceContext: Date? = nil private override init() { super.init() // no need to check availability on watchOS #if !os(watchOS) guard WCSession.isSupported() else { return } #endif WCSession.default.delegate = self WCSession.default.activate() } } 2 : The method enabling transmission from phone to watch: #if os(iOS) extension Connectivity: WCSessionDelegate { func sendBalanceContext(sample: HealthData) { guard WCSession.default.activationState == .activated else { return } guard WCSession.default.isWatchAppInstalled else { return } // rate limitat transmissions guard self.lastSentBalanceContext == nil || abs(!)) > 10 else { return } if WCSession.default.remainingComplicationUserInfoTransfers > 0 { WCSession.default.transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo([ "context": "balance", "date":, "burnedActive": sample.burnedActive, // more data... ]) self.lastSentBalanceContext = .now } } // boilerplate handlers here } #endif 3 : Delegete method that handles incoming data on the watch: #if os(watchOS) extension Connectivity: WCSessionDelegate { func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String : Any] = [:]) { guard let context = userInfo["context"] as? String, context == "balance" else { return } guard let date = userInfo["date"] as? Date, let burnedActive = userInfo["burnedActive"] as? Int /* more data... */ else { return } guard let SharedDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "") else { return } // TimelineProvider uses this to determine wether to use this data or fetch data on its own SharedDefaults.set(, forKey: "lastReceivedBalanceContext") SharedDefaults.set(date, forKey: "date") SharedDefaults.set(burnedActive, forKey: "burnedActive") // more data... WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() } // boilerplate handlers } #endif 4 : Finally, the TimelineProvider: struct HealthDataEntry: TimelineEntry { let date: Date let data: HealthData } struct HealthDataTimelineProvider: TimelineProvider { // other callbacks here func getTimeline(in context: Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<HealthDataEntry>) -> Void) { let SharedDefaults: UserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "")! let nextUpdateDate = .minute, value: 15, to: .now)! // use data from phone if it is less than 60 seconds old if let lastReceivedBalanceContext = SharedDefaults.object(forKey: "lastReceivedBalanceContext") as? Date { let interval = lastReceivedBalanceContext.timeIntervalSince(.now) if interval > -60 && interval <= 0 { let data = HealthData(date: SharedDefaults.object(forKey: "date") as? Date ?? Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0), burnedActive: SharedDefaults.integer(forKey: "burnedActive"), burnedActive7: SharedDefaults.integer(forKey: "burnedActive7") /* other data ... */) let timeline = Timeline( entries: [HealthDataEntry(date: .now, data: data)], policy: .after(nextUpdateDate) ) completion(timeline) return } } // default: fetch from HealthKit (if received data from phone is > 60s) Task { let timeline = Timeline( entries: [HealthDataEntry(date: .now, data: try! await asyncFetchData())], policy: .after(nextUpdateDate) ) completion(timeline) } } } The issue I am facing is that the watchOS complication only gets refreshed when I acitvely build and run the watchOS app in Xcode and then initiate a transmission of data to the watch. This works even if I do it back to back to back. As soon as I stop the watchOS app from within Xcode, my complications won't update anymore. I noticed this behavior when I used print() statements throughout my code to see whether it is beeing executed as expected. The iPhone sends data, the watch receives it but then the watch fails to update the complications ONLY when not running from Xcode. Can you spot any flaws in my implementation or in my understanding? Maybe transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo() just isn't as reliable as I think it should be? I interpreted it as being practically guaranteed to refresh the complications 50 times a day, pretty much instantly? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Non-tinted image in complications using WidgetKit
I have a watchOS app where a user can select a picture. I’d like the picture to be displayed in a complication. I’m using WidgetKit, and I found out that for some watch faces (rendering mode = accented), the image gets tinted. Instead of the picture, the user sees only a colored box. It appears that using the old framework, ClockKit, it was possible to display an image that gets slightly colored with the tint color on tinted watch faces. I believe this is to ensure backward compatibility of old complications. My question is: can I do the same using WidgetKit? I tried using the widgetAccentable() modifier, but it doesn’t work. Here's an example of what I mean. In the middle complication, instead of the pink square, I'd like to display the user picture.
WidgetKit complications won't update
We are migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit in our watch app (watchOS 9+). The migration went smoothly, UI part works just fine. However, we've hit the wall with widgets not updating when requested by the watch app. I believe we are missing something very simple and fundamental, but couldn't find what exactly so far. Advice and tips would be very welcome! 🙇‍♂️ Our implementation details: Whenever data is changed in the main app, the updated data is submitted to the watch app via WatchConnectivity framework using WCSession.default.transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(_:). According to documentation, this method should be used to transfer complication-related data, since it will wake the watch app even if it is in the background or not opened at all. Watch app receives updated data and stores it in UserDefaults shared with Watch Widget Extension hosting WidgetKit complications via App Group. Watch app then request widget timeline reload via WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines(). According to documentation, it reloads the timelines for all configured widgets belonging to the containing app, so it seems the appropriate way to reload WidgetKit complications. Widget Timeline Provider class in Watch Widget Extension reads updated data from shared UserDefaults and uses it to provide the updated snapshot for widget views to render. We believe our implementation logic is correct, but it doesn't work, for some reason. Widgets sometimes update when the watch app is opened, but not always. The most definitive way to force widgets to update is to switch to a different watch face, which confirms that the Widget Timeline Provider has access to properly updated data. P.S. We are aware of the daily reload budget imposed on widgets, so we use widgets reload trigger sparingly. Anyway, according to documentation, reload budget is not effective when in DEBUG mode, but widgets won't reload even in DEBUG mode. Thank you!
File transfer issue from iPhone to Watch after iOS 17.5 & WatchOS 10.5 update
After updating to iOS 17.5 & WatchOS 10.5, the didFinish response from WCSessionDelegate does not come when transferring files from iPhone to Watch. It worked normally until 17.4 & 10.4. There is no problem with checking file completion even if a didFinish response is not received, but I think Apple needs to check this issue and update. File transfer is done using the transferFile function of WCSession. The file being transferred is a single file and its size does not exceed 30MB. When you try to transfer Pi, the message below appears in the Xcode log section. -[WCFileStorage persistOutgoingFileTransfer:] error serializing file transfer <WCSessionFileTransfer: 0x300155d60, session file: <WCSessionFile: 0x3001575c0, identifier: 0C8857EC-7D74-4E78-BA28-6C5526DE8949, file: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/DD797847-DED1-42C0-989F-34CD05825007/tmp/, hasMetadata: YES>, transferring: YES> due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4866 "Caught exception during archival: This object may only be encoded by an NSXPCCoder. ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000019b064f2c 00E76A98-210C-3CB5-930B-F236807FF24C + 540460 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000192ef6018 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x0000000199fe7778 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 1419128 3 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 4 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d055f60 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 126816 5 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 6 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0567f0 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 129008 7 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 8 Foundation 0x0000000199f30628 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 669224 9 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0583ac 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 136108 10 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d04390c 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 51468 11 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d046640 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 63040 12 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9be0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117728 13 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9aa0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117408 14 Foundation 0x0000000199ea98a0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 116896 15 Foundation 0x0000000199ea7b40 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 109376 16 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c558 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 652632 17 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c1a4 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 651684 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ed7764 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 148 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec67bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec98e0 _dispatch_continuation_pop + 676 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec8bb8 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 680 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edaae4 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 404 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edb4d8 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 188 24 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7ebb8f8 _pthread_wqthread + 228 25 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7eb80cc start_wqthread + 8 )" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Caught exception during archival: This object may only be encoded by an NSXPCCoder. ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x000000019b064f2c 00E76A98-210C-3CB5-930B-F236807FF24C + 540460 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000192ef6018 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x0000000199fe7778 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 1419128 3 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 4 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d055f60 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 126816 5 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 6 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0567f0 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 129008 7 Foundation 0x0000000199ea0e14 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 81428 8 Foundation 0x0000000199f30628 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 669224 9 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d0583ac 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 136108 10 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d04390c 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 51468 11 WatchConnectivity 0x000000021d046640 1AB4DDD6-9238-3965-B744-819F2916C8CC + 63040 12 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9be0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117728 13 Foundation 0x0000000199ea9aa0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 117408 14 Foundation 0x0000000199ea98a0 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 116896 15 Foundation 0x0000000199ea7b40 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 109376 16 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c558 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 652632 17 Foundation 0x0000000199f2c1a4 3D3A12E3-F5E9-361F-B00A-4A5E8861AA55 + 651684 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ed7764 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 148 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec67bc _dispatch_client_callout + 20 20 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec98e0 _dispatch_continuation_pop + 676 21 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105ec8bb8 _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 680 22 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edaae4 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 404 23 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105edb4d8 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 188 24 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7ebb8f8 _pthread_wqthread + 228 25 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f7eb80cc start_wqthread + 8 )}
How to support foregroundColor (deprecated) and foregroundStyle in watchOS 9/10?
In my Watch app on watchOS 9 I was using .foregroundColor(myColour) to colour the text in a widgetLabel on a corner complication like this: let myColour: Color = functionThatReturnsAColorObjectConstructedLike Color.init(...) // green .widgetLabel { Text(myText) .foregroundColor(myColour) } It worked fine; the widget label was green. Now, in watchOS 10, I see that foregroundColor() is being deprecated in favour of foregroundStyle(), and I can use .foregroundStyle(.green), and - importantly - foregroundStyle() is only available on watchOS 10 and newer. myColour is calculated depending on some other info, so I can't just write .green, and when I use .foregroundStyle(myColour) the widget label comes out as white every time, even if I set myColour = .green. I think I have to use some sort of extension to pick the right combination, something like: extension View { func foregroundType(colour: Colour, style: any ShapeStyle) -> some THING? { if #available(watchOS 10.0, *) { return foregroundStyle(style) } else { return foregroundColor(colour) } } } // Usage let myStyle: any ShapeStyle = SOMETHING? ... .widgetLabel { Text(myText) .foregroundType(colour: myColour, style: myStyle) It doesn't work. I just can't figure out what should be returned, nor how to return it. Any ideas?
Migrating to WidgetKit, issues with editing Watch Faces on iPhone
Anyone who has successfully migrated to using WidgetKit for their Apple Watch complications, your help would be greatly appreciated! I've migrated to WidgetKit for my Watch app. On the Apple Watch Face Editor, the new Widget names and options appear correctly. However, on the iPhone Apple Watch app, it offers both WidgetKit and old ClockKit complications... this should not be. I also have found rendering issues where Watch Faces on the main My Watch tab have blank gaps for WidgetKit complications, when selecting the Watch Face they then render (see photos) I've put in a feedback FB12460375 Have tried a full clear and reinstall of my app on both devices, no change. This issue occurs on WatchOS 9.5.2 / iOS 16.5.1 and WatchOS 10 Beta 2 / iOS 17 Beta 2 Any other ideas?
Jun ’24
WidgetKit - complication doesn't sync between watch and iPhone
I'm currently working with complication using widgetkit for watchOS. When I select complication from Watch app in iPhone, The complication does not show content. In complication gallery, untitled complication is selecting. But when I select complication from watch, it's OK. This bug occurs in both real device and simulator. But it happen in some pair. Example: watch ultra (os 10.4) pair with iPhone 14 pro (os 17.0): NG watch ultra (os 10.4) pair with iPhone 14 pro (os 16.1): NG watch ultra (os 10.0) pair with iPhone 14 pro (os 17.0): OK I tried create simple project to check this bug. But this bug still occurs This is sample project: Github
May ’24
Partial fix for widgets & complications not showing correctly
I recently raised this post explaining how I couldn't seem to get watchOS 9 complications to work, and I've figured out a partial fix. The original post details the issues with complications - and some are still valid - but this fix applies to both my complications and Home Screen / Lock Screen widgets. I was following the various WWDC 2020/2022 videos and the Emoji Rangers sample code, adding bits here and there, and assuming they were completely valid. Sadly, this bit of code in the widget's dynamic intents IntentTimelineProvider getTimeline really just banjaxed everything: // Create entries for one day, 15 minutes apart let currentDate = Date() for minuteOffset in stride(from: 0, to: 60 * 60 * 24, by: 15) { let entryDate = .minute, value: minuteOffset, to: currentDate)! entries.append(EventEntry(date: entryDate, event: event)) } If I remove that, and generate a different timeline with specific dates and times (for example: now, in 10 mins, in 2 hours, in a day, etc.) the complications appear correctly, as do Home Screen and Lock Screen widgets. The outstanding issues with complications are: The previews all use the same data, but getSnapshot() is supposed to return the data specific to that event from the configuration, i.e. if let theId = configuration.event?.identifier. "Christmas" is correct, but "Gallery Opening" is using Christmas's data. Once I've selected the event I want to use in a complication the edit screen shows it as totally blank, not even a placeholder: I hope this little fix works for you guys. And, if you know how to fix the above issues, let me know. (iOS 16.1 beta 1, Xcode 14.1 beta 1)
Apr ’24
Widgets without timeline on WatchOS
TLDR; Can I have a widget without a Timeline? My previous watch app had a complication. Simply so it can be added to the watch face for a quick launch of the app. However now seeing that method is deprecated in favour of widgets. Can I add a widget without the need for all the Timeline as all I want is a button on the watch face to launch into my app. No data is updated over time so no need for all the extra timeline code.
Apr ’24
transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(_:) works like transferUserInfo(_:)
Hey there, I'm implementing Watch Complications in an existing project, and I'm having the problem that transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(_:) works exactly as transferUserInfo(_:) is described in the documentation, but not as it should. That is, when the WatchApp is opened, func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String: Any] = [:]) receives the data sent by transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(_:). If not, the data is queued until the Watch App is opened again. In other words, transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(_:) never wakes up the ExtensionDelegate when the Watch App is not running. Has anyone experienced the same thing and know how to fix it? More details: Testing on iPhone 11 (iOS 17.1.2) and Apple Watch SE (WatchOS 10.2) I made sure that the quota of 50 is not exhausted when I test. The WatchApp is still dual-target (I want to avoid having to migrate to single-target and SwiftUI lifecycle) Watch App code: class ExtensionDelegate: NSObject, WKExtensionDelegate, WCSessionDelegate { let session = WCSession.default override init() { super.init() if WCSession.isSupported() { session.delegate = self session.activate() } } func session(_ session: WCSession, didReceiveUserInfo userInfo: [String: Any] = [:]) { WatchWidgetSessionHandler.shared.processComplicationUserInfo(userInfo) } } IOS App code: class WatchAppDataManager: NSObject, WCSessionDelegate { override init() { super.init() let session = WCSession.default session.delegate = self session.activate() } func sendDataToWidget(for kinds: [WatchWidgetKind]) async { guard WCSession.default.activationState == .activated, WCSession.default.isComplicationEnabled else { return } let widgetsData = dataProvider.getData(for: kinds) if !widgetsData.isEmpty { WCSession.default.transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(widgetsData) } } }
Mar ’24
How to reduce complication extension executable size?
Hello! I'm working on the watchOS app that provides user with multiple fancy complication sets. There are about 50 widgets in our WidgetBundle now. With this amount we reached memory limit and the app crashes: Thread 1: EXC_RESOURCE (RESOURCE_TYPE_MEMORY: high watermark memory limit exceeded) (limit=15 MB) I inspected complicationExtension.appex content and find out that most volume is occupied by the executable: Localized strings (12 langs) altogether - 165 KB - 1.1 MB Imported fonts TTF files altogether - 866 KB complicationsExtension executable file - 8.2 MB Why it takes so much space and how can it be made smaller?
Feb ’24
Watch app not listing in complication list of watch app in iPhone
We have an IOS app and its watch extension. The watch extension having complications as well created with clockKit Also we are providing a watch face with our custom complications for the user. Everything working fine watch series 6 and above Now we have an issue reported by a customer in watch series 3 (the watch Os version in 8.8), in which the watch face is not able to add as it showing the error "Watch Face Unavailable" So when we tried to create a another watch face for watch series 3, the complication list on the watch extension as well as the watch app of iPhone are not listing our app name Because of this issue we can't create a custom watch face for the watch series 3 with our complications So why the watch app in iPhone is not listing our watch app name in the list of complications Please update if anyone having similar issues
Feb ’24
ClockKit Complications not working with Xcode 14 single-target watchOS app
I’ve created a single-target watchOS app in Xcode 14, but I can’t seem to get ClockKit complications working. I’ve added a CLKComplicationDataSource class to my watch target, and in the Info pane for my target I have set the CLKComplicationPrincipalClass key to MODULE-NAME.ComplicationController I haven’t yet added Complication placeholder images to my Assets.xcassets, but as far as I am aware, that shouldn’t be a problem while I am still testing. However, when I run it on a watchOS simulator, the complications never show up on the watch complications list when adding a complication. All of the tutorials I can find for ClockKit complications reference older two-target WatchKit apps. Do the newer single target apps no longer support ClockKit? If so, how can I make a two-target WatchKit app with Xcode 14? Unfortunately I cannot use WidgetKit for my complications because I need to support watchOS 7 at least, and WidgetKit only supports watchOS 9+ Thanks for your help
Jan ’24
AccessoryInline complication reports full color rendering mode, but displays in monochrome
I'm in process of reimplementing my app in SwiftUI and WidgetKit. So far so good, I really like that I can finally use SwiftUI views for widgets. However, I'm having issues with AccessoryInline widget on Utility watch face. My old UtilitarianLarge complication displays in full color, but AccessoryInline widget displays only in gray - it's not even widgetAccentable on Utility watch face. I receive widgetRenderingMode from the Environment, and it shows fullColor. However, no matter how I try to apply color to the image or text, both stay gray. This widget family is not documented well (as many of things in WatchOS), and Google/ChatGPT/Bing produced zero usable results. It looks like it's a bug in WIdgetKit. If it's supposed to be displayed in Accented mode only, it should report as such in widgetRenderingMode (and support WidgetAccentable). Otherwise it should display in full color, just like the old complication.
Jan ’24
Apple watch series 9 (OS 10.3) not showing up in xcode 15.1 under devices list.
When connecting my iphone (14pro with iOS 17.2.1) with a paired apple watch (series 9 with OS 10.3), it is not showing up on the devices/simulators list in xcode 15.1. Beyond unpairing/repairing the watch, restarting either iphone or watch, connecting/disconnecting the iphone from the computer or deleting xcode and re-installing xcode, any other suggestions? Under the WatchApp field it shows "no eligible device connected", however, under the console the Apple Watch does appear. I have tried just about everything and can't get the watch to appear in Xcode. I am running all this on a MacBook Pro with Sonoma. Thanks for any assistance!
Dec ’23