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Let users play Apple Music and their local music library from your app using MusicKit.

Posts under MusicKit tag

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MusicKit Dev Token Refresh
I am trying to follow along with this in order to auto generate my dev token on requests to MusicKit, but I am getting an error about by identifier, which was configured Link: Error: 2022-04-26 14:12:06.353589-0400 [6885:431407] [DataRequesting] Failed retrieving developer token: Error Domain=ICErrorDomain Code=-8200 "Media API Token Service responded with status code: Not Found (404). This suggests that "<set_bundle_ID>" was likely not registered as a valid client identifier." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Media API Token Service responded with status code: Not Found (404). This suggests that "<set_bundle_ID>" was likely not registered as a valid client identifier., NSUnderlyingError=0x2827669a0 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=404, AMSServerPayload={     message = "Client not found";     status = 40402; }, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}. Throwing .developerTokenRequestFailed. error getting token
Oct ’23
How can I play Apple Music Live Radio Station?
Hello, I'm using systemMusicPlayer to play Apple Music Live Radio Station got from Apple Music API. But it doesn't work. How can I do that? Error: Test[46751:13235249] [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=6 "Failed to prepare to play" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to prepare to play} My implementation:    let musicPlayerController = MPMusicPlayerController.systemMusicPlayer musicPlayerController.beginGeneratingPlaybackNotifications()      musicPlayerController.setQueue(with: "ra.978194965") API response: { “id”: “ra.978194965”, “type”: “stations”, “href”: “/v1/catalog/us/stations/ra.978194965”, “attributes”: { “artwork”: { “width”: 4320, “url”: “{w}x{h}sr.jpeg”, “height”: 1080, “textColor3”: “332628”, “textColor2”: “120509”, “textColor4”: “33272a”, “textColor1”: “000000”, “bgColor”: “f4f4f4”, “hasP3”: false }, “url”: “”, “mediaKind”: “audio”, “supportedDrms”: [ “fairplay”, “playready”, “widevine” ], “requiresSubscription”: false, “name”: “Apple Music 1”, “kind”: “streaming”, “radioUrl”: “itsradio://”, “playParams”: { “id”: “ra.978194965”, “kind”: “radioStation”, “format”: “stream”, “stationHash”: “CgkIBRoFlaS40gMQBA”, “mediaType”: 0 }, “editorialNotes”: { “name”: “Apple Music 1”, “short”: “The new music that matters.”, “tagline”: “The new music that matters.” }, “isLive”: true } },``` Thank you! Best regards, MichaelNg
Aug ’23
MPMusicPlayerController queue information
Is there a way to get the current queue items from an MPMusicPlayerController? I need to know when the items I've set to the queue finish playing completely but cannot find any way to do this. I am not using MusicKit but setting the queue via play parameters. From what I can tell so far, after the queue finishes playing, it pauses and resets to the first item in the queue. So even after playback is done, there is no way to know that it finished on its own.
May ’24
How to detect a song end?
I'm playing library items (MPMediaItem) and apple music tracks (Track) in MPMusicPlayerApplicationController.applicationQueuePlayer, but I can't use the actual Queue functionality because I can't figure out how to get both media types into the same queue. If there's a way to get both types in a single queue, that would solve my problem, but I've given up on that one. Because I can't use a queue, I have to be able to detect when a song ends so that I can put the next song in the queue and play it. The only way I can figure out to detect when a song ends is by watching the playBackState, and I've actually got that pretty much working, but it's really ugly, because you get playBackState of paused when a song ends, and when a bluetooth speaker disconnects, etc. The only answer I've been able to find on the internet is to watch the MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChange, and when that fires, and the nowPlayingItem is NIL, a song ends.. but that's not the case. When a song ends, the nowPlayingItem remains the same. There's got to be an answer to this problem, right?
Sep ’23
How to get the album info for a song fetched by MusicDataRequest?
I'm slowly learning the new MusicKit beta for swift. I've learned to successfully retrieve tracks of type Song using MusicDataRequest, using the following: ... let countryCode = try await MusicDataRequest.currentCountryCode if let url = URL(string: "\(countryCode)/songs?filter[isrc]=\(isrc)") {   let dataRequest = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: URLRequest(url: url))   let dataResponse = try await dataRequest.response() ... However, when I decode the data, there does not seem to be any album information that I can see. I've tried adding includes=albums to the URL, but I don't think that's the right approach, because when I veiw the Song struct in MusicKit, I don't see a reference to an Album type anywhere. Any advice on how to retrieve the album information would be most appreciated. Thanks.
Apr ’24
Upstream Service Error when using MusicDataRequest
Hey there! I'm trying to use MusicDataRequest to fetch the contents of a user's library. Most of the documented endpoints I've tried seem to be working as expected, but the /me/library/artists and /me/library/albums endpoints are consistenty giving me a 500 Upstream Service Error. Here's an example of my code, and the resulting error: let url = URL(string: "")! let request = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: URLRequest(url: url)) do { let response = try await request.response()     let string = String(data:, encoding: .utf8)!     print("success: \(string)") } catch {     print("error: \(error)") } MusicDataRequest.Error(   status: 500,   code: 50001,   title: "Upstream Service Error",   detailText: "Error fetching library content",   id: "5OFXMJAGNU2WCTDKNAYYP4BJXI",   originalResponse: MusicDataResponse(    data: 153 bytes,    urlResponse: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x0000000280f04dc0>   ) ) If I replace /albums with /songs or /playlists in the above code everything works as expected. Is there something I'm missing from the albums and artists requests? Or is this a bug with the API?
Feb ’24
MusicKit: developer token request failed
The MusicKit video states that you just enable "MusicKit" in your application identifier and "you're done!" Ok, so I did that, and I'm seeing the following error when trying to run a song query: [DataRequesting] Failed retrieving MusicKit tokens: Error Domain=ICErrorDomain Code=-8200 "Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Media API Token Service's response was invalid (status code: Unauthorized (401))., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000023a0c60 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=401, AMSServerPayload={ status = verificationFailure; }, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}}. Throwing .developerTokenRequestFailed. Is this just broken on Apple's side? Is there some other magic string that needs to be added to the plist other than NSAppleMusicUsageDescription?
Mar ’24
ERROR_FAILED_TO_VERIFY_JWT error when trying to link with Apple Music
I want to use Apple Music using MusicKit. I've created MusicKit identifier and private key by following all the steps mentioned here: I have my Team ID, the Music key ID and the private key (.p8 file) with me. I tried to generate the required JWT token by using many scripts that were mentioned in similar questions asked here, but none of them have worked so far. When I try to authenticate, I'm getting an error ERROR_FAILED_TO_VERIFY_JWT. Ref: Codes I've tried to generate the JWT token from: Thread 130168 - A nice and simple blog by Lee Martin [Blog - Creating an Apple Music API Token] Thread 79074 - Many other links But sadly, none of them worked and I had to post this question. I have tried the sample Android app: After authentication, the page goes on with an infinite loader, which I believe must be because of the same error ERROR_FAILED_TO_VERIFY_JWT Also tried with this HTML page: <html> <head> <meta name="apple-music-developer-token" content="the-JWT-token-generated-using-the-reference-links"> <meta name="apple-music-app-name" content="My App Name"> <meta name="apple-music-app-build" content="1978.4.1"> </head> <body> <button id="apple-music-authorize"></button> <button id="apple-music-unauthorize"></button> </body> <script src="link-to-musickit.js"></script> <script> let music = MusicKit.getInstance(); &#9;&#9;; &#9;&#9;music.authorize().then(function() { &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;; &#9;&#9;}); &#9;&#9;music.authorize().then(function() { &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9; music.api.library.albums.then(function(cloudAlbums) { &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;// user's cloudAlbums &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;}); &#9;&#9;}); </script> </html>
Sep ’23
MPMusicPlayerController prepareToPlay errors
I'm getting a variety of errors when I call prepareToPlay on the MPMusicPlayerController. Sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't. I'm trying to play songs from the Apple Music service. When I don't get the errors, it plays just fine. I have iOS v13.5.1 on my iPhone Xs and I'm using Xcode 11.5. This is my code: let applicationMusicPlayer = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer applicationMusicPlayer.setQueue(with: [trackID]) applicationMusicPlayer.prepareToPlay(completionHandler:{ error in if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) return } DispatchQueue.main.async{ } } These are the various errors I'm getting: [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=2 "Queue was interrupted by another queue" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Queue was interrupted by another queue} [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=9 "Preparing queue timed out" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Preparing queue timed out} [SDKPlayback] Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=6 "Failed to prepare to play" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to prepare to play} [SDKPlayback] applicationQueuePlayer _establishConnectionIfNeeded timeout [ping did not pong]
Mar ’24
Delay When Playing or Skipping Songs
I get a few seconds delay intermittently when playing or skipping a song (even ones downloaded). This functionality works perfectly in the native music app or the control centre widget. Even the "Adding Content To Apple Music" sample code app is very laggy. This bug needs to fixed because it makes users think the app is frozen, thus ruining the app user experience.Please submit your own bug reports to apple if you are having this problem so we can get this issue resolved faster!
Sep ’23
Getting audio from MPMusicPlayerController for visualization?
Howdy,I'm hoping to start a conversation about getting access to live audio data for items playing from Apple Music.As background, we've been authoring and selling music visuals on OS X and other platforms for over 13 years. We are behind some of the visualizers that reside in iTunes to this day. Our latest product is an iOS app called Tunr, and it features a unique UI for audio/streaming services and protocols, unifying the user music experience in the way iTunes 1.0 set out to do -- most importantly, we seek to pull multiple music sources under a single roof and do it in the context of mobile and streaming. For easier reference, grab Tunr from the app store and play with it.As we rollout Tunr, we're getting requests to add support for Apple Music. MusicKit, like other ReST interfaces that we support (SoundCloud, Spotify, iHeartRadio, etc), fits into our model by design. However, because MusicKit requires playback through MPMusicPlayerController, there isn't a way to tap into the live audio/PCM samples (so that the user sees Tunr's realtime visuals react to the currently playing audio). In contrast, for example, the Spotify SDK has its own player API but exposes an AUGraph, allowing Tunr to call AudioUnitAddRenderNotify() where we can read the PCM data for visualization.In general, not offering access to raw PCM data traces back to DRM policies originating in the 2000s. I also submit that the way apps like Tunr use live audio data is disjoint from the DRM politics and debate. However, in practice, we all know it's hard to disentangle the two, and that’s likely why AVPlayer also never had a live audio tap. For this reason, we had to develop our own player for Tunr.As a proposed solution, I’d like to suggest that MPMediaPlayback be extended such that a callback gets downsampled audio PCM data to, say, 5k-11k samples/sec. This sample rate is too low for it to be "ripped" but would be sufficient for rendering visualizations.In any case, I at least wanted to stimulate conversation on this topic. Alternatively, it would be to get access to the audio stream to decode and play for a given Apple music item, but I'm pretty sure that's a non-starter.Suggestions? Thoughts? Other ideas?Andy O'MearaSoundSpectrum CTO
Oct ’23