Safari Extensions

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Enhance and customize the web browsing experience on Mac, iPhone, and iPad with Safari Extensions

Posts under Safari Extensions tag

106 Posts
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DOMContentLoaded not working in Safari App Extension
I am trying to run JavaScript only after the page has loaded, and according to here -, I should use DOMContentLoaded. However, it does not seem to work. This is my content.js file: function runOnStart() {     document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) { = "rgb(20, 20, 20)"; = "rgb(20, 20, 20)";                var divElements = document.body.getElementsByTagName('div');         for(var i = 0; i < divElements.length; i++) {             let elem = divElements[i];    = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)";         }     }); } runOnStart(); If I take the code outside of the event listener, it runs fine, but a lot of the elements haven't loaded in yet so it doesn't work as it should. The function is definitely running, but the event listener simply doesn't work. I appreciate any help you can give!
Sep ’23
Toolbar Button Icons are Blue
All of my third party extensions have blue icons now, in Safari 14.0. It looks pretty awful. Is there a way to keep the monochrome colors or a way for us, as developers, to provide a different kind of icon to sustain the monochrome colors for our extensions? I am assuming the blue color denotes something, like the extension being "active". I wasn't able to find documentation on this change nor any related api doc.
Sep ’23
Safari extension distributed in a notarized app with Developer ID rejected by the browser
Hi folks, We're building a Safari web extension and experiencing an issue to see it among extensions in Safari after installing the container app to /Applications and launching it. The app and extension is notarized and signed with Developer ID After an extensive investigation, we found the following log records in the Console app (the extension ID is redacted): Computing the code signing dictionary failed for extension with identifier com.youcompany.safariext Blocking extension with identifier: com.youcompany.safariext To debug the issue, we've created a HelloWorld-like extension generated by Xcode 12.2 beta 4 (http s:// contains a signed app bundle) It also is under the same code signing issue. According to, we've run a few checks to verify: code signature ➜&#9;Desktop codesign -vvv --deep --strict ./;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9; ...-prepared:/Users/nikolay/Desktop/ Extension.appex ...-validated:/Users/nikolay/Desktop/ Extension.appex ... ./ valid on disk ./ satisfies its Designated Requirement signing certificate ➜&#9;Desktop spctl -vvv --assess --type exec ./;&#9; ./ accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID secure timestamp ... Timestamp=25 Nov 2020 at 22:23:54 ... We seemed to have all checks good, the extension can be installed only if Safari is allowed to run unsigned extensions. Could anyone assist to debug/resolve this issue? Thanks
Jan ’24
Safari Web Extension and Sign in with Apple
My existing chrome extension has "Sign in with Apple" given that we have iOS users. When user clicks "Continue with Apple" button in the extension log in pop up, this is what we do: javascript '' + clientID + '&amp;redirect_uri=' + backEndURL + '&amp;response_type=id_token%20code&amp;response_mode=form_post&amp;scope=email%20name', 'Sign in with Apple', 'height=500,width=400,left=600,top=200,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no' ) In chrome, this opens a popup window with that URL. In Safari Converted Web Extension, it opens custom Apple sign in flow, where it says: "Do you want to sign in to *** with your Apple ID YYY?" and then with my mac password I'm able to authenticate. Afterwards, nothing happens. Expected: a redirect to the URL specified in the Now let's do a trick: I'll wrap the above code into javascript setTimeout (() = { (...)}, 3000) Because of security reasons, safari then won't open the popup after 3s and will display a notification in the toolbar "Popup blocked..". If we allow the popup, then it finally opens as a normal window popup and after sign in, it redirects to our backend and it successfully authenticates. Any ides what how to solve this? P.S. We're not able to use embedded Sign in with Apple JS - script because we can't host a remote code in the extension (it will be deprecated soon). So, we arere using this. -
May ’24
webNavigate doesn't work in safari web extension with tabs.update
I am trying to write a safari web extension that redirects users to Y URL if they type X URL without ever loading the X URL. The piece of code that I have attached below works smoothly on chrome, but not on safari. background.js function onBeforeNavigate(event) { const redirectURL = "" chrome.tabs.update(event.tabId, { url: redirectURL }) } chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(onBeforeNavigate,{ url: [ {urlMatches: "*"}, {urlMatches: "*"} ] }) manifest.json "manifest_version": 2, "name": "", "description": "", "version": "1.0", "background": { "scripts": [ "background.js" ] }, "permissions": [ "webNavigation", "tabs" ] } I have tried writing browser.tabs.update and just tabs.update in place of chrome.tabs.update in safari version, no change. I want to achieve the redirection anyhow through a safari web extension, please suggest changes in this one or share any other approaches. webRequestBlocking is not supported by Safari, so that doesn't work either.
Jan ’24
Browser.permissions.request not working as expected
Hi there - I am trying to port over Chrome extension over to Safari Web extension. Looks like Safari has a very aggressive permissions flow which isn't a great user experience but I get the privacy benefits. I am trying to move some of my permissions like <all_urls> or tabs as optional permissions and build a flow where I can request the user for them in hopes that i can educate them as to why I need them similar to how Chrome/FF have it. However when i use browser.permissions.request - i always end up getting true without invoking the prompt. The prompt seems to come up regardless when i start visiting a website. Can someone help with this? Sounds more like a defect in Safari.
May ’24
Track Smart Banner Downloads
Hello, I would like to track the amount of downloads, on Apple Store, of users coming from the Safari Smart Banner. The smart banner is displayed but we don't have any data in Apple Store. How can I track these downloads? We have a campaign link and I've tried three different ways and it didn't work. Thanks. I've tried: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=605512447, affiliate-data=pt=2000418&ct=iOS%20Smart%20Banner&mt=8”/> <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=605512447, affiliate-data=pt=2000418&ct=iOS%20Smart%20Banner”/> <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=605512447, affiliate-data=ct=iOS%20Smart%20Banner”/>
Oct ’23
Block requests originating from a domain
Hi, According to Blocking Content with Your Safari Web Extension, we can now use the Declarative Net Request API to block content in a Safari Web Extension. However, not everything in the API has been implemented just yet. The supported RuleCondition are domainType, excludedResourceTypes, isUrlFilterCaseSensitive, regexFilter, and resourceTypes. Does anyone know when the initiatorDomains rule condition will be supported? In the meantime, is there a way for an extension to block requests based on an originator domain? Thanks
Aug ’23
declarativeNetRequest does not work in Gmail
I'm not sure what is special about Gmail, but my declarativeNetRequest rules are totally ignored. I make an web extension that blocks email trackers (1x1 pixel images embedded in emails to track if and when you open email sent to you). All images in Gmail are loaded through Google's proxy: But no matter what I do, I can't block a single image that is loaded in an email. To try and prove it is a bug in Safari, I created a new template web extension in Xcode. I block all resourceTypes (images and other should be all that is needed) and added two rules: Block all images loaded through Google's proxy server (this should block all embedded images in all emails) Block any image with copper in the URL (just in case the blocking doesn't apply to the proxy root url for some reason).  {   "id": 1,   "priority": 1,   "action": { "type": "block" },   "isUrlFilterCaseSensitive": false,   "condition": {    "regexFilter": "",    "resourceTypes": [     "image",     "media",     "main_frame",     "sub_frame",     "stylesheet",     "script",     "font",     "xmlhttprequest",     "ping",     "websocket",     "other"    ]   }  },  {   "id": 2,   "priority": 1,   "action": { "type": "block" },   "isUrlFilterCaseSensitive": false,   "condition": {    "regexFilter": "copper",    "resourceTypes": [     "image",     "media",     "main_frame",     "sub_frame",     "stylesheet",     "script",     "font",     "xmlhttprequest",     "ping",     "websocket",     "other"    ]   }  } ] Even though I know this isn't needed, I also added the requester domain ( and the proxy domain ( to the permissions list in the manifest file: ... "declarative_net_request": {    "rule_resources": [{      "id": "ruleset_1",      "enabled": true,      "path": "rules.json"     }]   },  "permissions": [    "declarativeNetRequest",    "*://*",   "*://**" ] If I open an email from copper, the image still loads in Gmail If I right click and select "Open Image in New Tab", the image will not load and I am told it was blocked If I open a test page that has two images in it, one the image from the email, the image is blocked and the other image is not (as expected, the second image is from wikipedia and should not be blocked) Running the same extension in Chrome DOES block the image in Gmail (and in all the other cases too)
Nov ’23
Cannot import script to service worker with `self.importScripts`
I'm getting the following error when I try to import my service worker script: [Error] Failed to load resource: unsupported URL (background_ah.worker.js, line 0) [Error] NetworkError: Load failed Using the following code: try { self.importScripts('./background_ah.worker.js'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } Am I doing something wrong? The file is there but from the error it seems the extension protocol is not supported at all. It works in Chrome and it's based on this:
Aug ’23
[Safari Extension Dev] Return from browser.scripting.executeScript is always null?
I'm using manifest v3 and working on a Safari extension. When I try to run a function within activeTab. I can not get the proper return from the the function. For example: browser.scripting.executeScript({ target:{}, func:()=>'test', }).then(result=>{ console.log('result',result) }) Here the result is always null. Is it a bug? Nothing wrong with permission settings because if I use files instead of func, the return value works properly. Safari: Version 16.1 (18614. macOS 13.0 Beta Xcode: Version 14.0 beta 5 Thanks
Oct ’23
SameSite cookie in Safari web extension
I'm porting a Chrome extension to Safari. All works well besides the auth flow, which uses SameSite=Strict cookies. On Chrome, such cookies are easily set and work as expected, but not on Safari. Now, as I understand, technically, requests from chrome-extension:// and safari-web-extension:// origins are cross-site in relation to the server, which makes me think that on Chrome, the SameSite=Strict attribute is simply ignored as an exception for extensions. With that said, the backend team wants to keep the attribute for security reasons and so removing it or replacing it with SameSite=None isn't an option. Is this an intended behavior of Safari or a bug? Is there a way to get around this without changing the attribute?
Jul ’23
Safari extension fails with any error message
I migrated my extension from Manifest V2 to V3 recently, and it works fine on Chrome/Edge, but got failed on Safari. The only error message that I can see is: 由于出现错误,service_worker脚本载入失败。 It says service_worker failed to load. There is no other messages I can found. Can you please tell me how to get more informations about the error? Thanks!
Aug ’23
declarativeNetRequest does not always work
I'm not sure what is special about Gmail of if this is an issue on other sites as well, but my declarativeNetRequest rules are totally ignored in a Safari Extension that runs on Gmail. I make an web extension that blocks email trackers (1x1 pixel images embedded in emails to track if and when you open email sent to you). All images in Gmail are loaded through Google's proxy: But no matter what I do, I can't block a single image that is loaded in an email. To try and prove it is a bug in Safari, I created a new template web extension in Xcode. I block all resourceTypes (images and other should be all that is needed) and added two rules: Block all images loaded through Google's proxy server (this should block all embedded images in all emails) Block any image with copper in the URL (just in case the blocking doesn't apply to the proxy root url for some reason). {   "id": 1,   "priority": 1,   "action": { "type": "block" },   "isUrlFilterCaseSensitive": false,   "condition": {    "regexFilter": "",    "resourceTypes": [     "image",     "media",     "main_frame",     "sub_frame",     "stylesheet",     "script",     "font",     "xmlhttprequest",     "ping",     "websocket",     "other"    ]   }  },  {   "id": 2,   "priority": 1,   "action": { "type": "block" },   "isUrlFilterCaseSensitive": false,   "condition": {    "regexFilter": "copper",    "resourceTypes": [     "image",     "media",     "main_frame",     "sub_frame",     "stylesheet",     "script",     "font",     "xmlhttprequest",     "ping",     "websocket",     "other"    ]   }  } ] = = = = = = Even though I know this isn't needed, I also added the requester domain ( and the proxy domain ( to the permissions list in the manifest file: ... "declarative_net_request": {    "rule_resources": [{      "id": "ruleset_1",      "enabled": true,      "path": "rules.json"     }]   },  "permissions": [    "declarativeNetRequest",    "*://*",   "*://**" ] = = = = = = If I open an email from copper, the image still loads in Gmail: = = = = = = If I right click and select "Open Image in New Tab", the image will not load and I am told it was blocked = = = = = = If I open a test page that has two images in it, one the image from the email, the image is blocked and the other image is not (as expected, the second image is from wikipedia and should not be blocked) = = = = = = Running the same extension in Chrome DOES block the image in Gmail (and in all the other cases too) = = = = = = Sidenotes: This is a reposting of this post which was locked when the wwdc21-10131 tag was applied to the post which disabled my ability to reply, comment, or update the post. Please do NOT apply tags that lock the post. As requested on the original post by @bweinstein, I filed a bug report on Feedback assistant under FB 10544296 last year and haven't gotten any replies on it. I verified before reposting this (on Mar 1, 2023) that the bug still exists.
Nov ’23
webRequest API on safari extension with manifest v3
I'm porting a Chrome extension to Safari. The Chrome extension's manifest version is 3 and must stay 3. I've encountered an error around webRequest API where Safari allows this API only on persistent background pages which available only on manifest v2. So, my questions are: Is it possible to use webRequest API on manifest v3 Safari extension? If no, is there any alternative API to listen to requests? Is it something that going to be supported soon? It feels really strange that his basic API is not supported by Safari while the rest of browsers supports this.
Oct ’23
Safari Extension browser.tabs.query returns invalid results
When you have a blank Safari new tab open, the browser.tabs.query API inaccurately includes those tabs in results that include a url or title in the query options. To reproduce, open several tabs, and a blank new tab. Open the background page devtools, and execute the following command: browser.tabs.query({url: ''}, console.log) In addition to any potentially valid results (if you have open, for example), there will also be an entry for the blank tab, which has an empty, non-matching URL. Tab { active: true, audible: false, height: 1095, highlighted: true, id: 6, incognito: false, index: 3, isArticle: false, isInReaderMode: false, mutedInfo: {muted: false}, pendingUrl: "", pinned: false, status: "complete", title: "", url: "", width: 1792, windowId: 1 } I hope that this bug can be addressed, as it causes some unexpected behavior.
getMatchedRules does not seem to work
Hi. For my Safari Web Extension, using getMatchedRules() from declarativeNetRequest does not seem to work. I've declared the permission for declarativeNetRequestFeedback in my manifest.json file and tried the activeTab permission too. getMatchedRules() was added in a previous Safari release and was adjusted in Safari 16.4. I'm using Safari 16.5. It only returns an empty array when it's called. I know the rules are there and they're being applied from the static rules json, it's just that getMatchedRules() is not showing them for some reason. I'm using: const rules = await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getMatchedRules(); But it only ever returns: {rulesMatchedInfo: []} Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong please? The same code works fine in Chromium based browsers. Thank you.
Dec ’23