Unable to Verify App: An internet connection is required to verify the trust of the developer' ... This app will not be available until verified.

We are working on a new iOS application utilizing the new iOS 17 APIs, and I have updated Xcode to Xcode 15 Beta, and my iPhone 12 Pro to iOS 17 Beta 2, though this issue was also present on iOS 17 Beta 1.

In Xcode, for "Signing and Capabilities" I have my Team set to my personal team, utilizing the "Automatically manage signing" tick.

While the app will build and install on my phone, I immediately receive this error, with no popup to trust the developer.

Going to Settings > General > VPN and Device Management, I can see my Development Team, and I am able to Trust my team.

When trying to then Verify App(s), it tells me it will use my internet connection to verify the application.

However, it will then do nothing, with no error, regardless of how many times I attempt to verify.

Trying to open the app from my home screen will result in the repeated "Unable to Verify Error".

Trying to reset network settings does not result in any change in this behavior, nor does a reset of the phone.

I have tried 4 different high quality WiFi networks, as well as a fully connection AT&T cellular LTE connection, and still receive this error.

I am running out of diagnostic scenarios, and I'm curious if anyone has found a resolution to this?

I am having this same issue. I am trying to install a job application for a job I started and it won't let me verify the app either. No error message when trying to verify just never verifies it.

Still a recurring issue. Upon attempting to use my Paid Developer account, I no longer have the ability to Trust the developer in VPN and Device Management view at all.

I am unable to test any applications on my personal device.

I have the same problem with my iPhone, but everything is ok on my iPad Pro, both are in the beta version OS, and in the same network. how strange!

iOS 17 Beta 3 just released and the error persists... Still can't test on personal device

I updated to iOS beta3 and Xcode15 beta3, the problem has solved.

Updated to iOS 17 Beta 3 and Xcode 15 Beta 3, and the problem persists.

Still unable to trust myself as a developer on my device, and unable to validate apps.

I am also still having this issue (ios17b3 and xc15b4). I don't have anything in my 'VPN & Device Management' tab except for VPN. The popup on my phone says a network connection is required to verify - I have tried cellular and wifi with no luck. The popup on Xcode says the same thing about needing to be verified and to find it in that tab in settings. Deleted the app from the phone and started again, re-signed into Xcode signing, and did everything I think I could do, and no luck. I hope there's some fix out there so I can start testing projects on a physical device again. Thank you in advance!

Hey @covt,

It's been 2 months since this post. I hope you've been able to figure it out since.

For anyone else with this issue I'd recommend this, which worked for me:

  1. Remove Old Certificates:

Open Xcode. Go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts. Select your Apple ID and click on Manage Certificates. Right-click on any iOS Development certificates and choose Revoke. This will remove old certificates.

  1. Add a new certificate:

Still in the manage certificates section, add a new certificate using the "+" in the bottom-left corner. Xcode will automatically create a new certificate.

Hope this helps, good luck!

I'm having this issue right now. iOS version 17.0.3, xcode version 15.0.

Can someone assist? The above answer also doesn't work, when I try to remove the certificate the deleting option is grayed out.

I'm having this issue on iOS 17.0.3. No combination of certificates or settings as recommended on this thread have worked. I am not using a VPN.

After trusting the developer certificate, I try to "Verify App" which spins then stops but doesn't appear to do anything. I'm unable to test on device (simulator works fine).

I'm having this issue on iOS 17.1. Not able to verify the app and not able to run I am not using a VPN.

Same issue did try all the things but it's not working! So annoying we cant test our application on our device

Same Issue help

I'm running into the same issue, tapping on verify does nothing. Looking at the above comments, this is a widespread issue and needs to be addressed asap.

I experience the same problem today, restarted the iPhone and it is fixed.


My system also requires me to acquire an internet connection before Xcode allows me to use the Run command to test on a physical iPhone. For the record, I'm running Xcode 15.0 on macOS Sonoma 14.0. The device in question is an iPhone 11 running iOS17.1.1. Where I live internet connectivity is exorbitant. I'd like to continue developing code, but right now it is only feasible after a long trip into town.

I was fighting with this issue all day today. I'm pretty sure I tried everything I could think of but nothing helped. In the end I did a complete reset of my iPhone, and now it works...

I manage enterprise release app and many employees use iPhone. Some employees using this app are having this same issue in iOS over 17.x.x on iphone 11 and XR. Has this issue been resolved?

I'm asking for help from anyone who has solved the problem.

Having the same error - iOS 17.x.x, iphone 11. have tried:

resetting phoneresetting laptoprevoking certificatedeleting provisioning profiles & derived datacreated new apple developer accountreset network settings

I believe it has something to do with my developer account / certificate. When I run an application on my work laptop that is using my work email address Apple Developer account it works, but when I run a test app on same laptop with my personal acct it doesn't work.

Same issue here but on visionOS 1.1 in a rock stable wifi. Really great to see how simple and effortless this all still is. I'm definitely not resetting the darn thing again after what I had to go through when I received it and absolutely NOTHING worked.

I had the same issue. I solved it by turning off my phone's celluar and bluetooth, so the phone has no competing option to access internet other than using my WiFi, which is the same as the one used by my Mac with Xcode. I then tried to verify App and it worked.

After trying all the solutions above, Updated both Devices... Restart Devices... Create New Certificates.. WIFI, AirPlane Mode...

the Solution was : "DON'T DISTURB", Disable it (any mode/profile),

Xcode 15.3, iOS 17.4 on iPhone 14 here. The problem still exists, when I clicked "verify the app", the title switched to "verifying" for less than a second but then got back to "Apple Development : mymail@...".

I had to restart the iPhone, to make it work.

I enabled VPN, and while it was showing connecting I tried to verify again. And this time it worked ¯_(ツ)_/¯

What fixed it for me was turning wifi on after turning it off

Unable to Verify App: An internet connection is required to verify the trust of the developer' ... This app will not be available until verified.