Restrict In-app purchase offering based on location

I'm developing an application where user can access contents based on In-app purchase subscription.As per the app requirement I want to restrict user from accessing the content when they try to access from a different country.

Example: Being a user I brought subscription while I was in India by paying lets say 10$ instead of actual 20$ (50% discount for India users). Lets say I am travelling to other country and in order to use the content user now has to pay the remaining 10$.

As per apple's policy is this allowed? , if yes, then how to achieve this.

Would a customer on a vacation out of their home country lose access to the content until they return? Are there rights/licenses preventing content from accessing content outside of the country where purchased?

Yes once they are out of country they won't be able to access unless they brought International subscription. Once they buy the international subscription they will be able to access content. These contents are owned by the product.

Ensure the terms are clear to the subscriber including requesting and using their location data to verify content access - and review the App Review guidelines.

Restrict In-app purchase offering based on location