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Instruments is a performance-analysis and testing tool for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS apps.

Instruments Documentation






installer doesn't put on disk embedded application
Hello! I have an applications which contains another application in Contents/EmbeddedApps/ pkgbuild --root "$rootdir/$APPNAME" --scripts installscripts --install-location "/Applications/$APPNAME" --identifier --sign 'Developer ID Installer: *** (YYY)' --version $VERSION "$PACKAGE.pkg" Notarised then. Now when I install the package I don't see embedded application inside Contents/EmbeddedApps/ macOS Version 14.6 Beta (23G5061b) A month ago I was able to install my packges successfully. But now all my old packages are affected. Also I made simple project with just two "Hello World" applications and embed one into another. I create .pkg notarised package and try to install it. Still EmbeddedApps is empty. But the files of embedded application in build/ directory becomes crowned root:wheel. Looks like installer uses my working directory for embedded application instead of /Applications/
App Store Connect / Trends issue
Hello, anyone deal with an issue in the App Store Connect (trends section)? Few hours ago I logged in and checked the trends page, but it does not load. It takes a while and then the error: "An unexpected error occurred. Try reloading the page. If the problem persists ..." is being shown I guess it's an Apple issue or am I the only one experiencing this problem? Best, Jackson
xctrace record save file crash
when i use command of xctrace to record allocations data , the xctrace save crash . command like this : 'xctrace record --template Leaks xxxxxxxxx" The problem has been going on for a long time。 The following is the xctrace exception information: Starting recording with the Leaks template. Launching process: *** Recording completed. Saving output file... *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[XRSharingArchiver encodeDataObject:]: data length (2923248118) makes data too large to fit in non-keyed archive' *** First throw call stack: ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000199ab32ec __exceptionPreprocess + 176 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000019959a788 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x000000019b206cdc -[NSArchiver encodeDataObject:] + 252 3 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 4 Foundation 0x000000019ab5def4 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) encodeWithCoder:] + 388 5 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 6 DVTInstrumentsAnalysisCore 0x000000010168bb2c _ZN23_XRStorageManagerAccess26_invokeFieldWriteForStreamERK28_XRStorageManagerAccessTokenR23_XRStorageManagerCursorU13block_pointerFvU13block_pointerFvjPKvzEE + 113272 7 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 8 Foundation 0x000000019ab5def4 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) encodeWithCoder:] + 388 9 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 10 DVTInstrumentsAnalysisCore 0x000000010164d9c0 XRSentinelSignatureFromEType + 101760 11 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 12 MemoryPlugin 0x0000000101235854 MemoryPlugin + 38996 13 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 14 InstrumentsPlugIn 0x0000000101e225d8 -[XRSharedArchiveObject encodeWithCoder:] + 468 15 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 16 MemoryPlugin 0x0000000101231064 MemoryPlugin + 20580 17 Foundation 0x000000019ac162b4 _encodeObject_old + 144 18 InstrumentsPlugIn 0x0000000101dd35fc -[XRTrace saveDocument:error:] + 3388 19 XCTraceCore 0x0000000101550a54 __swift_memcpy48_8 + 53592 20 XCTraceCore 0x00000001015451b8 __swift_memcpy48_8 + 6332 21 XCTraceCore 0x000000010154470c __swift_memcpy48_8 + 3600 22 xctrace 0x0000000100fcf814 xctrace + 14356 23 dyld 0x00000001995d60e0 start + 2360 ) libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException
xctrace record symbolicate failed
When using instruments leaks to record a trace, and then using the xctrace symbolicate command to symbolize it, it will prompt that the symbol file cannot be found. record command like this: ‘ xctrace record --instrument Leaks XXXXXXXX", only use --instrument parameter nor --template parameter. symbolicate commadn like this: 'xctrace symbolicate --input xx.trace --output ddd. trace --dsym /Users/xxxx/Downloads/dSYM' Below is the symbol translation error message: Gathering trace symbols info [2/2] Succeeded: 2/2 [Error] Cannot resymbolicate this trace: No dSYMs were found or relevant to this trace.
screenshot for iPhone home screen
When having my iPhone connected to my Mac via USB cable, how can I take a screenshot of the home screen from a swiftUI app? I tried using libimobiledevice (idevicescreenshot) but that requires install the developer disk image. When looking for it, it turns that my Xcode (version 15.4) only provides that kind of images up to iOS 16.4. I have looked everywhere on this site, but couldn't fine the required image or otherwise, how to take the screenshot I need. Thanks!