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Xcode 16.2 crashes while resolving dependencies
After upgrading to xcode 16.2 I see the following crash when resolving dependencies via command line: ** INTERNAL ERROR: Unable to load workspace '....' ** Uncaught Exception: *** -[NSMutableArray insertObjects:atIndexes:]: count of array (15) differs from count of index set (14) Stack: 0 __exceptionPreprocess (in CoreFoundation) 1 objc_exception_throw (in libobjc.A.dylib) 2 -[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:].cold.1 (in CoreFoundation) 3 -[NSMutableArray insertObjects:atIndexes:] (in CoreFoundation) 4 __50-[IDEGroup insertGroupSubitems:atIndexes:context:]_block_invoke (in IDEFoundation) 5 -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation) 6 -[IDEGroup insertGroupSubitems:atIndexes:context:] (in IDEFoundation) 7 -[NSMutableArray(DVTFoundationClassAdditions) dvt_sortedInsertOfObjects:withComparator:] (in DVTFoundation) 8 specialized IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.registerDependencyFileReferences(_:modelGraphSynchronizerToken:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 9 specialized IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.dependencyPackagesDidUpdate(packages:graphHasErrors:revalidatedFilePathCaches:modelGraphSynchronizerToken:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 10 closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.packageGraphDidFinishAction(_:duration:result:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 11 partial apply for closure #1 in IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.disableWorkspaceContentSynchronization(during:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 12 closure #1 in DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation) 13 thunk for @callee_guaranteed () -> (@owned [String : NSObject]) (in DVTFoundation) 14 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed () -> () (in DVTFoundation) 15 __58-[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:]_block_invoke (in DVTFoundation) 16 -[DVTModelGraphTransactionScope performTransaction:] (in DVTFoundation) 17 -[DVTModelObjectGraph performBlockCoalescingModelChanges:] (in DVTFoundation) 18 DVTModelObjectGraph.performBlockCoalescingModelChanges<A>(_:) (in DVTFoundation) 19 IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.disableWorkspaceContentSynchronization(during:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 20 IDESPMWorkspaceDelegate.packageGraphDidFinishAction(_:duration:result:) (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 21 partial apply for thunk for @escaping @isolated(any) @callee_guaranteed @async () -> () (in IDESwiftPackageCore) 22 SPMWorkspace.packageGraphActionFinished(_:) (in SwiftPM) 23 closure #2 in closure #3 in SPMWorkspace.processPackageGraphActionsInBackgroundIfNeeded(canProcessPackageGraphActions:) (in SwiftPM) 24 dispatch thunk of SPMWorkspaceOrchestrationDelegate.packageGraphDidFinishAction(_:duration:result:) (in SwiftPM) 25 specialized thunk for @escaping @isolated(any) @callee_guaranteed @async () -> (@out A) (in SwiftPM) 26 partial apply for specialized thunk for @escaping @isolated(any) @callee_guaranteed @async () -> (@out A) (in SwiftPM) 27 completeTaskWithClosure(swift::AsyncContext*, swift::SwiftError*) (in libswift_Concurrency.dylib) sh: line 1: 24112 Abort trap: 6 env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild -scheme ***-Package -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=950768B8-85B4-4250-A7EC-5AE8758369EE' -derivedDataPath .DerivedData -resultBundlePath '/.../***-Package.xcresult' -enableCodeCoverage YES -skipPackagePluginValidation -skipMacroValidation -disablePackageRepositoryCache build test``` Are there any workaround for this?
Issue with GitHub Copilot in Xcode 16 on macOS 14.6 with Netskope Enabled
Hello everyone, I am using Xcode 16 on macOS 14.6 and have integrated GitHub Copilot for Xcode. However, GitHub Copilot stops functioning when Netskope is enabled on my Mac. I have the necessary SSL certificate in my Mac’s Keychain and have trusted it. When I check, GitHub Copilot successfully connects to the server. However, I can’t find an option to set the certificate in Xcode. Since Netskope is required by my organization, I cannot disable it. Has anyone encountered this issue or know how to resolve it? Thank you in advance for your help!
No new Xcode beta Since 16.2 Release on Dec 11
Not a question, but a surprise. Did I miss something, but apparently there has been no new beta release (16.3) since Release of 16.2 on Dec 11. 2 months without betas is really unusual (in fact, it never happened and usually, next beta n+1 is even released before the final release of version n). So does that mean 16.3 will be a major update ? Wait and see.
No option for App store / TestFlight for archive
Hi! I have now spend a few days of trying to only get the option in Xcode to distribute to App Store. My app works on my own device, I have paid developer account and created a record for the app and its bundle id in App Store Connect. After archive the only options I can see is "Release testing, Enterprise, Debug and Custom". I have verified a lot of settings in both info.plist and build settings, without luck. I also see that the "Validate" button is greyed out, and the "SKIP_INSTALL" does not do the trick to enable it, and the archive is not a generic one, its explicit for watchOS. Using Xcode 16.2. Any suggestions of what to try before registering a support case.
Xcode debug memory graph bug
NSTimer keeps a strong reference of a ViewController, but in Xcode Memory graph debugger it shows it as a weak reference ( i.e by a non-darker line ). is this expected or a bug? Context : I was fixing a memory leak issue, where the Timer inside the View controller was Not invalidated properly ( In turn Not allowing my view controller to get deallocated, even after being dismissed ). So, when I invalidated the timer, View controller also got properly deallocated. which means Timer was indeed keeping a strong reference! Then why is it showing as a weak reference in the Xcode Debug Memory graph?
No longer able to add SSH package dependencies in Xcode 16
Latest version of Xcode 16.1. I have an existing package dependency which is sitting on a account. So, now whenever I remove that package dependency, I can no longer add it within the Xcode UI. Just no possible way to add it or find it in the Search or Enter Package URL text field. How on earth are we meant to add SSH packages now? Anyone else have this issue? If so, have you found a work-around without having to manually edit the package dependencies in the project?
Swift Package Manager - Package Download Issue
We have developed a custom iOS framework called PaySDK. Earlier we distributed the framework as through GitHub (Private repo) with two dependent xcframeworks. Now, one of the clients asking to distribute the framework through Swift Package Manager. I have created a new Private repo in the GitHub, created the new release (iOSSDK_SPM_Test) tag 1.0.0. Uploaded the below frameworks as Assets and updated the downloadable path in the Package.Swift and pushed to the GitHub Main branch. When I try to integrate (testing) the ( in Xcode, am not able to download the frameworks, the downloadable path is pointing to some old path (may be cache - Package.Swift: // swift-tools-version:5.3 import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "iOSSDK_SPM_Test", platforms: [ .iOS(.v13) ], products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, making them visible to other packages. .library( name: "iOSSDK_SPM_Test", targets: ["PaySDK", "PaySDKDependentOne", "PaySDKDependentTwo"] ) ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package, defining a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package and products from dependencies. .binaryTarget( name: "PaySDK", url: "", checksum: " checksum " ), .binaryTarget( name: "PaySDKDependentOne", url: "", checksum: " checksum " ), .binaryTarget( name: "PaySDKDependentTwo", url: "", checksum: " checksum " ), .testTarget( name: "iOSSDK_SPM_TestTests", dependencies: ["PaySDK", "PaySDKDependentOne", "PaySDKDependentTwo"] ) ] ) Steps I followed: I have tried below steps, Removed the local repo and cloned new rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm/ rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* Can anyone help to identify the issue and resolve? Thanks in advance.
Can I download older versions of Xcode?
Hi there, I'd like to try working with Xcode, but my Mid 2015 MacBook Pro is running macOS Monterey (12.7.6). I'm not looking to publish to the store right now, but I have some app ideas I'd like to put together and test out. Does anyone know if there's an older version of Xcode available I can use to try out my ideas? Thank you for any help!
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Hello, I see that others have had this problem, but I don't see any answers. I am making an IOS build in Unity and when I run it in Xcode Xcode 15.4, on macOS 14.6.1, I get the error above. Following the advice of Apple help, I re-installed CocoaPods to the latest version and installed Unity dependencies. This resulted in failure with same message. If I add Firebase using nano Podfile, I get a different failure code, (FirebaseCoreInternal: HeartbeatsPayload - no such module) Build still doesn't work. Any suggestions much appreciated
Affiliate View Struct is probably hidden by Charts on iOS app
The problem is: As per screenshot below, one can only see the lineChart. I have another struct AffiliateView coded under this Chart: import SnapKit import Charts import DGCharts class AffiliateViewController: UIViewController { private lazy var chartView: LineChartView = { let chart = LineChartView() chart.noDataText = "No data available." chart.chartDescription.enabled = false chart.xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom chart.rightAxis.enabled = false chart.legend.enabled = true chart.backgroundColor = .lightGray // For debugging visibility return chart }() private lazy var containerView: UIView = { let view = UIView() view.backgroundColor = .white return view }() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() view.backgroundColor = .white // Add container view and chart view to the main view view.addSubview(containerView) view.addSubview(chartView) // Add SwiftUI View inside the container view let affiliateView = AffiliateView() let hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: affiliateView) addChild(hostingController) containerView.addSubview(hostingController.view) hostingController.view.frame = containerView.bounds hostingController.didMove(toParent: self) layout() setupChartData() } private func layout() { // Layout the container view (SwiftUI content) containerView.snp.makeConstraints { make in make.left.right.equalToSuperview() make.height.equalTo(350) // Increase the height for the SwiftUI content } // Layout the chart view below the container view chartView.snp.makeConstraints { make in // Space between chart and the affiliate content make.left.equalToSuperview().offset(20) make.right.equalToSuperview().offset(-20) make.height.equalTo(200) // Set a fixed height for the chart } } private func setupChartData() { let dataEntries = [ ChartDataEntry(x: 1, y: 10), ChartDataEntry(x: 2, y: 20), ChartDataEntry(x: 3, y: 15), ChartDataEntry(x: 4, y: 30), ChartDataEntry(x: 5, y: 25) ] let dataSet = LineChartDataSet(entries: dataEntries, label: "Clicks per Day") dataSet.colors = [.blue] dataSet.valueColors = [.black] dataSet.circleColors = [.red] dataSet.circleRadius = 4.0 let data = LineChartData(dataSet: dataSet) = data chartView.notifyDataSetChanged() } } // SwiftUI View remains in the same file struct AffiliateView: View { @State private var customMessage: String = "" @State private var uniqueLink: String = "Your unique link will appear here." @State private var clickData: [Double] = [10, 20, 15, 30, 25] // Example data var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack(spacing: 20) { // TextField for custom message input TextField("Enter your custom message...", text: $customMessage) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding(.horizontal) // Generate Link Button Button(action: generateLink) { Text("Generate Sign-Up Link") .font(.headline) .foregroundColor(.white) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: 50) .background( .cornerRadius(10) } .padding(.horizontal) // Generated Link Label Text(uniqueLink) .font(.body) .multilineTextAlignment(.center) .padding(.horizontal) // You can add a chart here if you want to show it in SwiftUI too /* LineChartView(data: clickData, title: "Clicks per Day", legend: "Daily Clicks") */ } .navigationTitle("Affiliate Marketing") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) } } private func generateLink() { let encodedMessage = customMessage.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed) ?? "" uniqueLink = "\(encodedMessage)" addClickData() } private func addClickData() { clickData.append(Double.random(in: 0...100)) } } As you see, the AffiliateView has been declared outside of Controller View class. The View content was visible before the lineChart was added into this code. Now the View content is not visible anymore. I have tried to increment/decrement values at make.height.equalTo() but to no avail. Could anyone kindly point me in the right direction?
Xcode messes up the MacBook Screen Size
Hi everyone, I’ve been experiencing a persistent issue with my MacBook Pro (M2 Pro, macOS 15.2) when using Xcode (version 16.2). If Xcode is open and my Mac goes into sleep mode, the screen size changes upon waking. Specifically, I notice 3mm bezels appear on each side of the screen, making the display slightly smaller, and everything scales down to fit this reduced size. This issue happens multiple times a day and has been ongoing for over a year. It’s quite disruptive to my workflow. Here is a video to illustrate the problem: Has anyone encountered this before? If so, do you have any suggestions for fixing it or steps I can take to debug the issue? Thanks in advance for your help and support!
No git init option when creating new project in Xcode 16
Usually there is a checkbox for whether Xcode project is initiating git when creating new project. However this option is disappear on Xcode 16 (16.2 to be exact). I've tried (see attached files): Check on my Setting > Accounts > Source Control. My github account is there and the SSH key is intact. Restarting Mac, then re-open Xcode But still, no hope. Ofcourse I still have option to init the git manually on the project via Finder, but that's not my point.
FYI: Xcode and Disk Space
I discovered a disk space issue with Xcode on my 1TB hard disk. Xcode doesn’t delete old or unused Simulators, causing them to mix and consume valuable space. Deleting them from the Window > Devices & Simulators menu didn’t work, so I used Disk Utility to find and delete them. However, they persisted. To regain disk space, I completely removed Xcode and the Developer Folder. After reinstalling Xcode, I regained about 80% of my disk space. Despite unmounting the Simulators, they remained. For those unable or unwilling to do this, the Mac App Store offers DevCleaner, a utility that removes old Xcode Cache and Simulators. Thanks. I hope I've helped someone else. Dan Uff
WidgetKit Simulator with Intent Configurations
Xcode 16.2 are unavailable to develop widget with dynamic options, no matter SiriIntent or AppIntent that I try to use. I have try to start a complete new project, then add widget with app intent checkbox check, with zero code changed then i press command run and WidgetKit Simulator present CHSErrorDomain error 1103 always, if i try to add widget directly from desktop, dynamic options are available to select but widgets doesn't seem like load successfully, it is stuck same in the WidgetKit Simulator. I also try to start a new project in my other MacBook but no luck, this error are presenting all the time, I'm totally stuck here, does anybody having this issue?