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I will quit from Apple development no profit from my developer account unfortunately besides other companies I work to I have profit!
Hello community this post is for show my complete unsatisfied with Apple specially on developing games for Apples platforms there is lack of support for it for example some new gaming technologies and still that there is no profit or worth from all the work and money invested to develop for it I will close the journey with Apple very unsatisfied I'm going to give opportunities with my business to other platforms that are really worth it and give support to all new technologies in gaming and yes Apple destroyed other gaming makers with their new services like arcade and seems no future for gaming in Apples platforms. Quit goodbye and good luck to everyone.
Mar ’23
visionOS, bfloat is not supported on this target
Hi, i'm trying to adapt our project to run on visionOS and faced with problem from the topic while running command: xcrun --sdk xros metal --target=arm64-apple-xros1.0 input.metal -c -o output.air The full command output looks like that: While building module 'metal_types' imported from <built-in>:1: In file included from <built-in>:1: In file included from /Applications/ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))) bfloat bfloat2; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3))) bfloat bfloat3; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) bfloat bfloat4; ^ While building module 'metal_types' imported from <built-in>:1: In file included from <built-in>:1: In file included from /Applications/ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__packed_vector_type__(2))) bfloat packed_bfloat2; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__packed_vector_type__(3))) bfloat packed_bfloat3; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__packed_vector_type__(4))) bfloat packed_bfloat4; I'm using Xcode 15.2 (15C500b) on MacBook 16 Pro (M1 Pro) and xcrun --sdk xros metal --version gives me this: Apple metal version 32023.98 (metalfe-32023.98) Target: air64-apple-darwin23.2.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/
Jan ’24
Metal Ray Tracing, RealityKit, SwiftUI Problems
First of all, I apologize for such a general question, but my code is far too long to post. However, I have narrowed down my problems and am seeking advice for any solutions/workarounds that may help me. I recently updated my physics simulation code from using Metal Performance Shaders for ray tracing to using the (fairly) new Metal ray tracing routines directly. A few notes on my program: I perform the ray tracing entirely in a separate thread using Compute Kernels -- there is no rendering based on the ray tracing results. The compute kernels are called repeatedly and each ends with a waitUntilCompleted() command. The main thread is running a SwiftUI interface with some renderings that use RealityKit to display the scene (i.e., the vertices), and the rays that traverse the scene using Metal Ray Tracing. This is purely a Mac program and has no IOS support. So, the problem is that there seems to be some conflict between RealityKit rendering and the ray-tracing compute kernels where I will get a "GPU Soft Fault" when I run the "intersect" command in Metal. After this soft-fault error, my Ray Tracing results are completely bogus. I have figured out a solution to this which is to refit my acceleration structures semi-regularly. However, this solution is inelegant and probably not sustainable. This problem gets worse the more I render in my RealityKit display UI (rendered as a SwiftUI view) so I am now confident that the problem is some "collision" between the GPU resources needed by my program and RealityKit. I have not been able to find any information on what a "GPU Soft Fault" actually is although I suspect it is a memory violation. I suspect that I need to use fences to cordon off my ray tracing compute kernel from other things that use Metal (i.e., RealityKit), however I am just not sure if this is the case or how to accomplish this. Again, I apologize for the vague question, but I am really stuck. I have confirmed that every Metal buffer I pass to my compute kernel is correct. I did this confirmation by making my object a simple cube and having only one instance of this cube. Something happens to either corrupt the acceleration structure data or to make it inaccessible during certain times when RealityKit needs to use the GPU. Any advice would be appreciated. I have not submitted a bug report since I am still not sure if this is just my lack of advanced knowledge of multiple actors requiring GPU use or if there is something more serious here. Thanks in advance, -Matt
Feb ’22
Only 4 Cores reported to game
Hi, I have a MBP 2023 M3 Max 64GB with 16 Core CPU ( 4 efficiency, 12 Performance) and 40C GPU. I've got a Game (Cities Skylines 2) successfully working using Whisky. However, only 4 Cores are reported to the game which leads to a situation where there are many calculations batched up while at the same time my CPU performance cores almost idle, while the efficiency cores are well utilized. I suspect this is because the game only sees 4 cores and has some logic to batch the calculations differently depending on how much cores are available. Is there a way to override how many cores the game sees? e.g. by using an environment variable or something? Thanks, Dominik
Jan ’24
Show USDZ file in RealityView
I captured my office using 3D Scanner and get a USDZ file. The file contains a 3-D Model and a Physically based material. I can view the file correctly with texture on Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. But when using RealityView to present the model in immersive space. I got the model in whole black. My guess is my Material doesn't have a shader graph? Does anyone caught into similar issue? How to solve it?
Jan ’24
Multiplayer test mode
I’m really sorry if this is not the proper place for this. I’m developing a game with online mode what works just fine in WiFi mode but not in mobile network. If someone has two Apple devices and can try if with the mobile network the multiplayer mode works I will appreciate A LOT
Jan ’24
Apple GameKit EntryPointNotFoundException
I have build the plugins and added to project but when I run game I am getting these errors EntryPointNotFoundException: AppleCore_GetRuntimeEnvironment assembly: type: member:(null) Apple.Core.Availability.OnApplicationStart () (at Library/PackageCache/ EntryPointNotFoundException: GKLocalPlayer_GetLocal assembly: type: member:(null)
Jan ’24
CFD simulation on Vision pro
Hi, i am required to upload my CFD simulation results to the new vision pro glasses. This simulation shall be visible as a soft VR/AR object in the room. I am very new to the developer world. Could someone give me a hint which IDE, tool etc. to use for this task? SwiftUI, swift, visionOS, Xcode, ... ???? After I know what IDE/tool/language to use, I will start learning courses with it. Thanks a lot!!
Jan ’24
When is a `simdgroup_barrier()` required?
Metal offers both threadgroup_barrier() and simdgroup_barrier(). I understand the need for threadroup barriers — it would not be possible to rely on well cooperation between threads in a threadgroup without them, as different threads can execute on different SIMD partitions at different times. But I don't really get the simdgroup_barrier() — it was my impression that all threads in a simdgroup execute in lockstep and this if one thread in a simdgroup makes progress, all other active threads in the simdgroup are also guaranteed to make progress. If this were not the case we'd need to insert simdgroup barrier pretty much any time we read or write any storage or perform SIMD-scoped operations. It doesn't seem like Apple uses simdgroup_barrier() in any of their sample code. In fact, it seems like it's a no-op on current Apple Silicon hardware. Is there a situation when I need to use simdgroup barriers or is this a superfluous operation? P.S. It seems that Apple engineers are as confused by this as I am, see
Dec ’23
Mesa with LLVM on MacOS
Hi, I have a MacBook Pro with an Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640, which gives maximum 4.1 OpenGL context. Thus, I would like to use Mesa as an alternative for getting higher contexes e.g. 4.5 or 4.6. I don’t care about performance in this phase. I have built Mesa with LLVM (llvm-config… etc…) but even by placing the built libGL.dylib in the same folder with executable or setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH or DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES, I am not able to get the Mesa renderer. Does Apple support this overriding of libGL with a custom one? Any help/guidance would be really appreciated. Thanks
Jan ’24
Loading .usdz materials in Reality Composer Pro
Hello All - I'm receiving .usdz files from a client. When previewing the .usdz file in Reality Converter - the materials show up as expected. But when I load the .usdz in Reality Composer Pro, all the materials show up as grey. I've attached an image of the errors I'm get inside Reality Converter, to help trouble shoot. What steps can I take to get these materials working in my Reality Composer Pro project? Thanks!
Jan ’24
I got error related to Metal Framework when running the flutter application
The error is: "Error Domain=MTLLibraryErrorDomain Code=3 ":1:10: fatal error: cannot open file './metal_types': Operation not permitted #include "metal_types"" On my Mac mini (with intel chip), I run flutter application in VScode lldb debugger and got this error, flutter application cannot draw its UI and shows a blank white window. My Xcode version is latest version 15.2. Flutter application can run normally in Mac mini M1 in VSCode lldb debugger, and can run normally without debugger in Mac mini Intel chip. In Metal framework and Core Graphic framework location, there is no file named "metal_types". Before, it didn't happen. I could run normal in vscode lldb debugger on Mac mini intel chip and M1. Anyone knows anythings, please comments. Thank you!
Jan ’24
I want to pass array data from Swift to Metal's fragment shader in Uniform
I am trying to pass array data in Uniform from Swift to Metal's fragment shader. I am able to pass normal Float numbers that are not arrays with no problem. The structure is as follows struct Uniforms { var test: [Float] } The values are as follows let floatArray: [Float] = [0.5] As usual, we are going to write and pass the following As mentioned above, normal Float values can be passed without any problem. commandEncoder.setFragmentBytes(&uniforms, length: MemoryLayout<Uniforms>.stride, index: 0) The shader side should be as follows 
// uniform struct Uniforms { float test[1]; }; Fragment Shader // in fragment shader float testColor = 1.0; // for statement for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { testColor *= uniforms.test[i]; } float a = 1.0 - testColor; return float4(1.0,0.0,0.0,a); I thought that 0.5 in the array was passed, but no value is passed.
I think I am writing something wrong, but how should I write it?
Jan ’24
USDZ is not getting the job done for AR on ios. Are there plans to utilize WebXR in future versions of ios for phones and ipads?
USDZ is not getting the job done for AR on ios. Are there plans to utilize WebXR in future versions of ios for phones and ipads, so that developers might leverage all the capabilities that the GLB file format provides? By embracinng WebXR, Android is providing a much better environment to build AR experiences. As content creators, we would like to support all of our users with a common code stack and workflow. Thanks for any insights.
Jan ’24
cannot find Game Porting Toolkit in the developer site
I've ended up on here following the instructions from the installer for the community extender of AGPT, hoping to provide it the DMG for the official apple GPTK but when I followed the link in the installer, it wasn't there. I searched "GPTK and Game Porting Toolkit" to no avail. I'm running Sonoma on a 2023 M2 pro MBP with 32gb RAM, plenty powerful and up to date enough for me to have a genuine reason to use this tool. what gives? was it taken offline? if so, why?
Jan ’24
Is there any payment from Apple for my old developer account?
Good afternoon, I had a developer account and for years I developed several gaming applications for Apple. And a few years ago I went to look at my old developer email and there was a confirmation of Apple's payment debit to me for the profit I earned on my apps. Could you check if Apple left any payments pending on my old developer account? I would like you to give me an answer because even my old games were removed from the Apple store. Thank you!
Jan ’24