Hi everyone,
On the "Apple Intelligence & Siri" settings there's a section titled "Extensions" that specifically mentions ChatGPT.
This got me curious—does Apple provide an API or SDK for developers to create custom integrations or use Apple Intelligence Extensions? Or is this currently limited to the Apple/OpenAI partnership?
I appreciate any insights or links to relevant documentation.
Here's a screenshot of what I mean: https://imgur.com/a/4MuQkIJ
Apple Intelligence
RSS for tagApple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models right at the core of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac and powers incredible new features to help users communicate, work, and express themselves.
Alguem me pode indicar se os devolopers que estão no espaço da união europeia, possam aceder aos serviços apple intelligence ?
Hey Chat,
I'm researching personality analysis using LLMs, and I'm curious about whether Apple’s AI can be allowed access to your messages, Instagram DMs, and similar communications to perform a personality analysis based on your writing style. If anyone has insights on this, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thx a ton
I cannot find the hardware requirements for Image Playground documented anywhere. I'm also not sure if they are identical to devices that support Apple Intelligence.
On the App Store, the only requirement listed for Image Playground is iOS 18.2.
Not knowing the requirements is an issue because I need to be able to clearly state the requirements for the feature in my app description.
Also, I'm sure my mother's current iPad is too old, but I'm not sure what models support it if I were to buy her a new one.
I'm trying to determine the best practice for handling if Image Playground is available but not installed or simply not supported.
If ImagePlaygroundViewController.isAvailable is true, I will just display a button to start an Image Playground session. If it is false, does that mean ImagePlayground is supported but not installed?
If it's supported and not installed, instead of a button to launch it, I want to display something like "Enable Apple Intelligence in Settings" or, better yet, a button that opens the Intelligence settings. Is that possible?
But if it is on a system that doesn't support it, of course, I don't want to instruct the user to enable it. How can I determine if a device cannot install Image Playground?
I read that Apple Intelligence requires iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and all iPhone 16 models, and no mention of the M1 iPad Pro, yet Image Playground runs on my M1 iPad Pro. What are the hardware requirements for Image Playground?
I am working to add Spotlight indexing for my app entities as discussed in WWDC24's video "What's New in App Intents".
That video goes over the IndexedEntity protocol and the integration with Spotlight via CSSearchableItemAttributeSet.
What I'm seeing though does not match the video. In the video, the presenter goes through the sort of progressive approach you can take to getting this data into Spotlight starting with the basics and then expanding to include more support depending on how much the developer wants to do.
What I'm seeing is that if you conform to IndexedEntity, your entities will appear in Spotlight using the name derived from
public var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation
So, that works. Name appears... BUT the next part of the video goes into how to expand your implementation with more metadata for Spotlight via CSSearchableItemAttributeSet. The issue I'm seeing is that once that's implemented, the items disappear from Spotlight, almost like that implementation is overriding the base implementation in a way that no longer functions.
My expectation is that an item with custom attributes would use them in Spotlight as appropriate, not disappear from search, i.e. what's shown in the video should work.
I've got a sample project here:
To reproduce with the sample:
Build and run. Indexing is setup in the init() method so it will just run.
Go to Spotlight and search for 'Huntersblau', a string included in the content set. At this point you should see a result - good!
Stop the app and go back and uncomment the var attributeSet: CSSearchableItemAttributeSet implementation in IndexingTestApp.swift. This will provide custom attributes to Spotlight.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 - you'll see now, it no longer appears in the search results - when CSSearchableItemAttributeSet is implemented, the item drops out of Spotlight.
I just got my new iPhone 16 Pro and upgraded to the 18.2 developer beta 4. I've set both Siri and the device language to English (United States), but the Apple Intelligence feature still doesn’t appear in my settings.
I click Join the Apple Intelligence Waitlist and chose Join Waitlist, but no show Joined list
Itself been 4-5 days my Image playground has showing the “Downloading Support for Image Playground “
When I pressed an early access a few days ago and when I check it it still says we will notify you when it is ready can apple please fix this problem with image playground
I recently updated to the latest 18.2 Beta version of iOS on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. Could you please guide me on how to locate and utilize the Image Search feature powered by Apple Intelligence?
Just a little detail: I went on YouTube and the instruction was to hold the camera action button on the iPhone 16 and image search appears.
So far, I haven’t been able to replicate these results on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. This is a great capability and I’d really like to try it out.
“Live long and prosper.” -Spock
I'm trying to analyze images in my Photos library with the following code:
func analyzeImages(_ inputIDs: [String])
let manager = PHImageManager.default()
let option = PHImageRequestOptions()
option.isSynchronous = true
option.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
option.resizeMode = .none
option.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
let concurrentTasks=1
let clock = ContinuousClock()
let duration = clock.measure {
let group = DispatchGroup()
let sema = DispatchSemaphore(value: concurrentTasks)
for entry in inputIDs {
if let asset=PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers: [entry], options: nil).firstObject {
print("analyzing asset: \(entry)")
manager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: PHImageManagerMaximumSize, contentMode: .aspectFit, options: option) { (result, info) in
if let result = result {
Task {
print("retrieved asset: \(entry)")
let aestheticsRequest = CalculateImageAestheticsScoresRequest()
let fingerprintRequest = GenerateImageFeaturePrintRequest()
let inputImage = result.cgImage!
let handler = ImageRequestHandler(inputImage)
let (aesthetics,fingerprint) = try await handler.perform(aestheticsRequest, fingerprintRequest)
// save Results
print("finished asset: \(entry)")
else {
print("analyzeImages: Duration \(duration)")
When running this code, only two requests are being processed simultaneously (due to to the semaphore)... However, if I call the function with a large list of images (>100), memory usage balloons over 1.6GB and the app crashes. If I call with a smaller number of images, the loop completes and the memory is freed.
When I use instruments to look for memory leaks, it indicates no memory leaks are found, but there are 150+ VM:IOSurfaces allocated by CMPhoto, CoreVideo and CoreGraphics @ 35MB each. Shouldn't each surface be released when the task is complete?
So when I was on the Settings app. I couldn’t see it, but I updated it and I don’t it why don’t is this a glitch please fix it your friend Isaiah.
I am working on adding indexing to my App Entities via IndexedEntity. I already, separately index my content via Spotlight.
Watching 'What's New in App Intents', this is covered well but I have a question.
Do I need to implement both CSSearchableItem's associateAppEntity AND also a custom implementation of attributeSet in my IndexedEntity conformance? It seems duplicative but I can't tell from the video if you're supposed to do both or just one or the other.
I tried this:
struct CarShortcutsProvider: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
intent: LockCarIntent(),
phrases: ["Lock my car with \(.applicationName)", "Lock my \(\.$car) with \(.applicationName)"],
shortTitle: LocalizedStringResource("Lock Car"),
systemImageName: "lock.fill"
intent: UnlockCarIntent(),
phrases: ["Unlock my car with \(.applicationName)", "Unlock my \(\.$car) with \(.applicationName)"],
shortTitle: LocalizedStringResource("Unlock Car"),
systemImageName: "lock.open.fill"
but Siri only understands "unlock my car ", not with the placeholder. Siri asks me then for the car, and it understands it, but not in one sentence. Is there something wrong with my code?
Also I tried it without applicationName first, and then it didn't work at all with Siri. Is this a general limitation of app intents? I thought the goal was to reduce friction. If the user has to mention the app name all the time, it adds friction.
Hey, has anyone figured out how the “Persons” list in Genmoji/Playground actually works?
I’ve had a strange experience so far. When I first got access during Beta 2, the list randomly included about 10–15 people, even though my photo library contains many more recognizable faces. To try fixing this, I started naming faces in the Photos app, hoping they’d be added to the Genmoji/Playground list, but nothing changed.
Then, after updating to Beta 3, it added just 2–3 of the people I had named. Encouraged, I spent about an hour naming all the faces in my library. But a few hours later, the list unexpectedly removed around 10 people, leaving me with fewer than I had initially.
I’ve also read that leaving the phone locked and plugged into power should help sort people in the library, but that hasn’t worked for me yet.
Anyone else experienced this or found a way to make it work? Thanks!
I noticed that the ChatGPT is listed as an "Extension" in the Apple Intelligence settings on iOS 18.2 beta. Does this mean developers will be able to create their own extensions? Or will this be limited to larger companies to incorporate their own models into Apple Intelligence?
Hi everyone,
Could someone confirm if it's currently possible, or if there are any plans, to restrict users from enabling Apple Intelligence altogether?
I understand that we can block individual features using MDM, but I'm interested in knowing if we can prevent users from toggling Apple Intelligence on and off in System Settings entirely.
Kind Regards,
Filipe Nogueira
Hello, we're investigating an option to disable writing tools for some customers in our app. I'm aware of the writingToolsBehavior property for UITextView etc, but we would like to have a way to set this globally without having to update all UITextView instances (or future instances). Is there any API to do this?
We tried using UITextView.appearance.writingToolsBehavior = .none and it seemed promising on 18.2 beta, however it introduced crashes on devices running 18.1.
The crashes look like:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Have you sent -setWritingToolsBehavior: to <UITextView: 0x14462c000; frame = (0 0; 0 0); text = ''; userInteractionEnabled = NO; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30067cb40>; backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 0; layer = <CALayer: 0x3009b1ba0>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize: {0, 0}; adjustedContentInset: {0, 0, 0, 0}> off the main thread? To verify, look for a complaint in the logs: "Unsupported use of UIKit…", and fix the problem if you find it. If your use is main-thread only please file a radar on UIKit, and attach this log. exercisedImplementations = {
"setWritingToolsBehavior:" = (
Similarly, even on 18.2 beta if we used UITextField.appearance.writingToolsBehavior = .none we would see crashes for any search fields like:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Have you sent -setWritingToolsBehavior: to <UISearchBarTextField: 0x141c04a00; frame = (0 0; 0 0); text = ''; opaque = NO; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x301fe15c0>; placeholder = Search Leads; borderStyle = RoundedRect; background = <_UITextFieldSystemBackgroundProvider: 0x3015de960: backgroundView=<_UISearchBarSearchFieldBackgroundView: 0x141c60200; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; autoresize = W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x3015de8e0>>, fillColor=(null), textfield=<UISearchBarTextField: 0x141c04a00>>; layer = <CALayer: 0x3015de240>> off the main thread? To verify, look for a complaint in the logs: "Unsupported use of UIKit…", and fix the problem if you find it. If your use is main-thread only please file a radar on UIKit, and attach this log. exercisedImplementations = {
"setWritingToolsBehavior:" = (
Is it possible to set this globally?
My Playground app has been stuck at Downloading support for Image Playground now for about 4-5 days. I've reinstalled the app, restarted phone multiple times, reset network settings 2-3 times. Tried LTE/5G and Different WIFI networks and it still sat showing Downloading Support.
Anyone else having this issue?