Is there an example from Apple on how to extract the data to create an Iframe playlist using the AVAssetSegmentTrackReport?
I'm following the example of HLS authoring from WWDC 2020 - Author fragmented MPEG-4 content with AVAssetWriter
It states:
"You can create the playlist and the I-frame playlist based on the information AVAssetSegmentReport provides."
I've examined the AVAssetSegmentTrackReport and it only appears to provide the firstVideoSampleInformation, which is good for the first frame, but the content I'm creating contains an I-Frame every second within 6 second segments.
I've tried parsing the data object from the assetWriter delegate function's didOutputSegmentData parameter, but only getting so far parsing the NALUs - the length prefixes seem to go wrong when I hit the first NALU type 8 (PPS) in the first segment.
Alternatively, I could parse out the output from ffmpeg, but hoping there's a solution within Swift.
Many thanks
RSS for tagDeep dive into the technical specifications that influence seamless playback for streaming services, including bitrates, codecs, and caching mechanisms.
I have an application that downloads content using AVAssetDownloadTask. In the iOS Settings app, these downloads are listed in the Storage section as a collection of downloaded movies, displaying the asset image, whether it's already watched, the file size, and an option to delete it.
Curious about how other apps handle this display, I noticed that Apple Music shows every downloaded artist, album, and song individually. This feature made me wonder: can I achieve something similar in my application? On the other hand, apps like Spotify and Amazon Music don’t show any downloaded files in the Settings app. Is it possible to implement that approach as well?
Here is print screen of the Apple Music Storage section in the Settings App:
I tried moving the download directory into sub folder using the FileManager, but all the results made the downloads stop showing in the setting app
A few days ago we sent to Apple for approval the new version of our application, using the free database of Radio-Browser.info
After our App rejected for Guideline 5.2.3 - Legal we explained to him that we are exclusively partnered with Radio Browser (https://www.radio-browser.info/), which features open-source radio stations.
Please note that only radio station owners have the ability to add their stations to the Radio Browser database through the following link: https://www.radio-browser.info/add.
Is there anyone here that explain to us what Apple reviewer means with his answere?
Apple Reviewer answer:
However, to comply with guideline 5.2.3, it would be appropriate to limit your app to streaming open-source stations only. Alternatively, you may provide documentary evidence proving that you have all the necessary rights or permissions for the third-party audio streaming.
We look forward to reviewing your resubmitted app.
Thank you
Hi all,
we want to play downloaded encrypted HLS Fragment MP4 files on iPhone, and we are using UsingAVFoundationToPlayAndPersistHTTPLiveStreams to test.
on this HLSCatalog app, we can playback encrypted HLS Fragment MP4 streaming, but when we download the encrypted HLS Fragment MP4 to device/iPhone, then try to playback on device, but now, it has an issue:The error is: Error: Optional("The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error 1718449215.)")
So, we want to know how can I playback downloaded encrypted HLS fmp4 on iPhone.
and you can try below url:
Steps to reproduce:
1: create a HLS fragment mp4 with mediafilesegmenter:
mediafilesegmenter --iso-fragmented -t 4 --encrypt-key-file=BT709-2D-48FPS.key --encrypt-key-url= -f prod/vod/HDR10_2D_LEFT_48FPS_FMP4_Encrypted HDR10_2D_LEFT_48FPS.mp4
2: upload to content server
3: download UsingAVFoundationToPlayAndPersistHTTPLiveStreams from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/offline_playback_and_storage/using_avfoundation_to_play_and_persist_http_live_streams
4: in HLSCatalog app, replace playlist_url of Item-1 of Streams to
5: in HLSCatalog app->click the icon of Advanced Stream-->click download, when download success, the try play...now, it can NOT playback on iPhone.
Hi all,
we want to play downloaded encrypted HLS Fragment MP4 files on iPhone, and we are using UsingAVFoundationToPlayAndPersistHTTPLiveStreams to test.
on this HLSCatalog app, we can playback encrypted HLS Fragment MP4 streaming, but when we download the encrypted HLS Fragment MP4 to device/iPhone, then try to playback on device, but now, it has an issue:The error is: Error: Optional("The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error 1718449215.)")
So, we want to know how can I playback downloaded encrypted HLS fmp4 on iPhone.
and you can try below url:
Steps to reproduce:
1: create a HLS fragment mp4 with mediafilesegmenter:
mediafilesegmenter --iso-fragmented -t 4 --encrypt-key-file=BT709-2D-48FPS.key --encrypt-key-url= -f prod/vod/HDR10_2D_LEFT_48FPS_FMP4_Encrypted HDR10_2D_LEFT_48FPS.mp4
2: upload to content server
3: download UsingAVFoundationToPlayAndPersistHTTPLiveStreams from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/offline_playback_and_storage/using_avfoundation_to_play_and_persist_http_live_streams
4: in HLSCatalog app, replace playlist_url of Item-1 of Streams to
5: in HLSCatalog app->click the icon of Advanced Stream-->click download, when download success, the try play...now, it can NOT playback on iPhone.
I'm trying to create HLS output with segment time of 6 seconds, but sync samples (fragments) every 1 second.
I want to have AVAssetWriter write a sync sample / moof header every second.
Am I correct in understanding that I could only achieve this with a pre-fragmented MP4 and use a passthrough rendition with setting preferredOutputSegmentInterval to indefinite and running flushSegment() as needed? Or is there another method using AVFoundation?
Thanks in advance.
After the update on iOS 18, FairPlay content does not play.
We get an error: CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12891.
this error occurs after sending a ckc message. What does this error mean? Everything works fine on iOS < 18.
First, when the player uses m3u8
There should be a restart button on the player banner
As a result, sometimes the frame image does not update when seeking forward
The same behavior observed with AppleTV's default app
In addition, the same issue occurs when playing Apple event videos
The list of certificates on the Apple Developer web console shows the expiry of my Fairplay Streaming certificate as 'Never'.
However, if I download the same certificate and import it into my KeyChain, the certificate details show the listed expiry as 11 OCT 2023.
Which of these is correct? If the expiry in the certificate is correct, how do I renew it safely.
With my App the below lines fails at the process of -streamingContentKeyRequestData-
let contentIdData = (loadingRequest.request.url?.host ?? "").data(using: .utf8),
let spcData = try? loadingRequest.streamingContentKeyRequestData(
forApp: certificate!, // This certificate is expired
contentIdentifier: contentIdData,
options: nil
else {
print("Error: Failed to generate SPC data due to expired certificate.")
loadingRequest.finishLoading(with: NSError(domain: "com.example.error", code: -3, userInfo: nil))
return false
I'm trying to stream a H264 video feed that is coming from a uniview IP camera in a browser however the stream is just not displaying. Either I get a single frame or just a black screen. I get the same issues on safari on the mac or any browser on an iphone. However the video stream works just fine using hls.js in Windows or on Android.
We are grabbing the the RTSP stream from the camera and using ngix to serve the .m3u8 url. However even if we save the stream to a file and try an play it on the iphone it has the same issue (unless we use a separate media player like VLC).
I know if we use ffmpeg to reencode as H264 rather than copy it the it will play. My guess there is an incompatibility between how uniview encode the video and what apple can accept.
I've asked uniview and they are not sure what the problem is either.
Is there a way to get more debug information on why a particular HLS stream is failing in safari on mac or iPhone.
I am writing to seek any help or workaround regarding an issue I have encountered while implementing Low-Latency HLS playback using the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate.
I have been successfully loading playlists during HLS live playback using the AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate. However, after introducing Low-Latency HLS, I have run into a problem.
When the AVPlayer loads low-latency content playback natively, everything works fine. But when I use the delegate for loading, I encounter the following error from AVPlayer's status observer:
CoreMediaErrorDomain -15410
Low Latency: Server must support http2 ECN and SACK
It seems there is no problem since playback does not stop, but there is a very critical part missing. The playback does not achieve the expected low latency and behaves similarly to standard HLS.
Additionally, this behavior only occurs on iOS 16 devices and simulators. On iOS 17 simulators and devices, the error message does not appear, and the latency remains low as expected.
Therefore, I suspect that there might be some misjudgment in the verification process within the internal implementation of AVPlayer.
Since our app needs to support iOS 16, I would appreciate any solutions, methods to try, or workarounds that you could share regarding this issue.
Thank you.
Hi there,
After upgrading to iOS 18, I noticed that ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue behavior has broken if at least one song that is added to the queue is also in to the Apple Music Library on the device.
The resulting behavior is that the queue does not accept all the items, and only items that are in the Library are playable in the queue.
The expected behavior and the previous behavior on iOS 17 was that all the items would be added to the queue successfully. I confirmed this behavior on a separate test device running iOS 17.7.
The items added are all being fetched via MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Song> so I would expect that a requested song being present in the library would have no effect.
I use AVPlayer to play HLS video successfully on macOS Sonoma, but I encountered this error on macOS Sequoia. Please help me:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11833 ‘Cannot Decode’ UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600001e57330 {Error Domain=CoreMediaErrorDomain Code=-12906 ‘(null)’}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The decoder required for this media cannot be found., AVErrorMediaTypeKey=vide, NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Decode}
Case-ID: 9391388
Our application uses timed Metadata as part of a rating control system.
We noticed a problem in production and diagnosis shows that we stop receiving timed Metadata on iOS18 only
Our live streams are primed with metadata at least once per second but we are seeing extended gaps in receiving this content, in excess of 10 minutes.
We have also observed that this happens more as the player climbs the bitrate ladder, and doesn't happen if we cap to a low resolution
i.e. a preferredMaximumResolution of 768x432.
Furthermore, if we throttle network conditions after we stop receiving metadata the we start receiving them again.
Following is a simple example that demonstrates the above behaviour, unfortunately I cannot share the live stream endpoint which is primed with metadata publicly, but can provide privately to Apple to reproduce the problem.
import UIKit
import AVKit
class ViewController: UIViewController, AVPlayerItemMetadataOutputPushDelegate {
var player: AVPlayer?
var itemMetadataOutput: AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput?
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
guard let url = URL(string: "endpoint redacted") else {
let player = AVPlayer(url: url)
let controller = AVPlayerViewController()
controller.player = player
self.player = player
present(controller, animated: true) {
let currentItem = player.currentItem
let itemMetadataOutput = AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput(identifiers: nil)
self.itemMetadataOutput = itemMetadataOutput
self.itemMetadataOutput?.setDelegate(self, queue: .main)
public func metadataOutput(_ output: AVPlayerItemMetadataOutput,
didOutputTimedMetadataGroups groups: [AVTimedMetadataGroup],
from track: AVPlayerItemTrack?) {
print("received metadata \(Date())")
I submitted a Request for a Deployment Package. However, I have not received any emails yet. Could you please let me know when I can expect a confirmation message?
Thank you.
I cannot mirror or extend my screen from mac mini m2 to iPad 10 gen. Whenever I click on "mirror or extend screen" my external display for mac refreshes after showing "no signal" and comes back on meanwhile my iPad locks out and screen mirror or extending is unsuccessful. But I can mirror my iPad screen to mac mini m2. Earlier everything was working, suddenly it is not working
iOS18 Added support for WebRTC HEVC RFC 7789 RTP Payload Format. (112001659),How can i determine whether iOS 18 WebRTC uses hardware or software decoding for HEVC?
Hello, we have HLS stream app and we use AVPlayer for HLS stream. We want to implement dynamic resulotion feature as user's selection. For example, if user want to watch only 1080p user has to watch only 1080p but we have tried to implement "preferredMaximumResolution" and "preferredPeakBitRate" parameters and but AVPlayer does not force it which means that setting preferredMaximumResolution= CGSize(width: 1920, height: 1080) player does not only force to play 1080p profile, player drops resulotion to 720p but we do not want 720p stream if user selected 1080p resulotion. Is there any method to force it even if stream stalls? Thank you in advance
We are experiencing an issue with our HLS MPEG-TS streams on Apple devices, where the AVPlayer in our iOS app and Safari jumps back to the start when the player automatically changes quality. This occurs despite the stream still indicating that it is live and there is no change in the seekbar. After testing our streams with the Apple HLS Validator, the only problem that occured was an "Measured peak bitrate compared to multivariant playlist declared value exceeds error tolerance"-Error.
On Chrome and on our Android-App this playback bug does not happen. Has someone else experienced similar issues with the AVPlayer?
We're integrating a web based group calling application within a native iOS application and finding that every time a CallKit session gets fully established the web based media streams break, rendering as gray with no audio.
Up to iOS 18 we worked around it by not fulfilling the call start action but that's no longer an option as the audio stopped getting automatically redirected to the speakers. We would now need the CXProvider's didActivateAudioSession callback but that would break the video.
The sample project loads up a simple webpage in a WKWebView which contains a video tag streaming the media from the device's camera.
At the same time it sets up a new CallKit session by requesting and fulfilling a CXStartCallAction transaction.
You will notice that the media doesn't render and, if you are to follow the warnings we left, you will find that not fulfilling the CXStartCallAction fixes it.
Unfortunately that's not a workaround we can use as we need the CXProvider delegate to inform us about audio session changes so we can redirect the audio to the speaker (so the proximity sensor doesn't activate and locking the screen doesn't end the call)
Any insights or workarounds would be greatly appreciated.