We have an ObjC-based Mac App utility. A fair fraction of the functionality is built in JavaScript and resides in a couple of WKWebViews so that we can more easily share code with other platforms. Because it is a utility, usually the application will be hidden or at least not the frontmost application. But if the user hits a hotkey or provides certain other inputs, the app should respond immediately with a series of actions.
In the Obj-C part of the code, we can do this to alert the system that our non-visible, non-active, application is doing something in response to the user input:
[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] beginActivityWithOptions: NSActivityUserInitiatedAllowingIdleSystemSleep reason: @"Do the Thing"]
To get the JavaScript to do the work needed, we call evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler: on one of the WKWebViews. The JavaScript performs a series of computations, then uses window.webkit.messageHandlers.xxxx.postMessage to return results to the ObjectiveC code, which then takes action based on various SDKs, and the user sees the result.
The problem we are encountering is relatively infrequent, but it appears that macOS puts the 'Web Content' process (which every WKWebView has) to sleep, and sometimes delays of many seconds (sometimes over 15 seconds) occur between the evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler: call and the postMessage response. These observed delays are not related to complexity of the JavaScript computations or the amount of data being processed. Using the Console, we can see that evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler: seems to result in this message:
0x104682280 - [PID=0, throttler=0x1046e8498] ProcessThrottler::Activity::Activity: Starting background activity / 'WebPageProxy::runJavaScriptInMainFrameScriptWorld'
Then shortly afterward:
0x104682280 - [PID=0, throttler=0x1046e8498] ProcessThrottler::Activity::invalidate: Ending background activity / 'WebPageProxy::runJavaScriptInMainFrameScriptWorld'
So it seems that evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler: "wakes up" the WKWebView similar to the beginActivityWithOptions:. But many parts of our computation do some work, then expect the next "tick" in JavaScript to continue using the partial result to produce more work. I suspect that the delays are related to the WKWebView being put "back to sleep" before all the "next tick" code executes.
Because these actions are taken in response to user invocation, delays of more than a fraction of a second are instantly noticeable and result in user dismay.
Are there any configuration settings that can prevent the 'Web Content' process from going to sleep? Or (better) techniques or mechanisms that would force the process to "stay awake longer"? (Keeping in mind that the WKWebView is likely not visible, and/or the containing window may be hidden.)
RSS for tagExplore the integration of web technologies within your app. Discuss building web-based apps, leveraging Safari functionalities, and integrating with web services.
Hello everyone.
I have a very strange behavior with smart app banners in Safari.
When I don't have installed app on my phone, I can't see the banner on our product main page. When I installed the app, I can see the banner, which allows me to go directly to the app. When I put any other app's ID in the meta tag it works perfectly even if I don't have its installed app.
So the code is right, what can be the reason of this behavior? Any settings of the app are required?
Is it possible to open the native app from a web extension?
I have tried creating a new tab that uses the app's URL scheme but the UI asking the user to open the app is not shown until the new page UI is dismissed.
Creating a tab with an HTTPS URL that the app is setup to handle does not work and always the link in a new tab.
I tried sending a message to the app extension and using NSExtensionContext.open(_:completionHandler:) but the URL is not opened and the closure received false, indicating it was not handled.
Having the option to link back to the native app would be very useful.
We do not have explicitly set it our website, but still Smart Banner appears since we have universal link setup. (current URL matches the universal link patterns set in your apple-app-site-associations file ). Also, I understand it appears only for users having our app installed.
We do not want to show this banner in any case. is there any way to choose not to show the app banner? either setting additional meta or any other way would work.
I have a Safari Web Extension that successfully receives a message from a webpage and returns a response.
I now want to add a user interface to the Safari Web Extension. How do I do this?
I have modified the default template code as follow to add an NSAlert for testing. The modal runs, but no alert ever appears, and the code remains stuck at runModal.
What is the correct way to add a UI to a webextension?
- (void)beginRequestWithExtensionContext:(NSExtensionContext *)context {
id message = [context.inputItems.firstObject userInfo][SFExtensionMessageKey];
NSLog(@"Received message from browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage: %@", message);
NSAlert* alert = [[NSAlert alloc]init];
[alert setMessageText:message[@"request"]];
[alert setInformativeText:@"Hello"];
[alert runModal];
NSExtensionItem *response = [[NSExtensionItem alloc] init];
response.userInfo = @{ SFExtensionMessageKey: @{ @"id": message[@"id"], @"uuid": message[@"uuid"], @"contentType": message[@"contentType"], @"response": message[@"request"] } };
[context completeRequestReturningItems:@[ response ] completionHandler:nil];
I have a webrtc-based web app that is loaded inside a WKWebView.
The web app gets loaded just fine in our iOS App running WKWebView on an iPad with iOS 15.1.
We are using the exact same app, built for Mac Catalyst. However, on the Mac version, the web app gets loaded but the RTCPeerConnection object is undefined.. Meaning that our web app assumes that WebRTC is not available in that browser.
Isn't the native app supposed to work the exact same on iOS and MacOS? Is the Mac version of WKWebView more limited than its iOS counterpart ?
Is there any resource that states exactly what is supported in WKWebview in each platform?
I wrote a code like the example below to execute javascript code that has no return value.
let webView: WKWebView
// after load complete
let result = await webView.evaluateJavascript("someFunction()") // :0: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while implicitly unwrapping an Optional value
but when i use method with completion handler manner, it doesn't be crashed. but Xcode enforces me to use 'await' keyword and warning is bordering me
await webView.evaluateJavaScript("someFunction()", completionHandler: nil) // warning: Consider using asynchronous alternative function
The differnce I found is the different signature. Completion handler version has Optional result type, but async/await version has just Any result type
func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String,
completionHandler: ((Any?, Error?) -> Void)? = nil)
func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String) async throws -> Any
my Xcode version is 13.2.1. Hope to fix it soon.
Hi there - I am trying to port over Chrome extension over to Safari Web extension. Looks like Safari has a very aggressive permissions flow which isn't a great user experience but I get the privacy benefits.
I am trying to move some of my permissions like <all_urls> or tabs as optional permissions and build a flow where I can request the user for them in hopes that i can educate them as to why I need them similar to how Chrome/FF have it.
However when i use browser.permissions.request - i always end up getting true without invoking the prompt. The prompt seems to come up regardless when i start visiting a website.
Can someone help with this? Sounds more like a defect in Safari.
I'm tasked with securing a Safari browser extension that my organization created. It is using WebExtensions and has been launched across various browser extension stores, including Safari. I've searched for many hours on this and find very very little information on how to secure it. (Pretty much just https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Content_Security_Policy.) Is there anything more extensive/comprehensive? I'll be dealing with Safari Desktop as well as Safari iOS.
By comparison, when looking for resources for securing the Firefox version of the extension, I found https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/build-a-secure-extension/, which I think is a great resource. Some of that content applies to Safari, but it's hard to know to what extent. I'll need to secure Safari web and Safari mobile (i.e. iOS), but for now I'm focused on web. (But if you have anything on mobile, then please let me know also.)
Thank you!
I recently noticed that putting the app on background for some time, then switching back to it again causes the WKWebView to reload the current page, same with just hitting f5 on it. How do we disable this behavior?
I’m deploying a pac file through jamf using the auto global http proxy. The purpose of this file is to block some traffic on the network level. We’re deploying the pac on iPhones.
I tried to use
|| shExpMatch(url, “*.pdf”)
to block any url with .pdf but iOS seems to just skip that line without implementing it. Am I doing something wrong or is there an apple specific function that I should use?
Everything was working fine for 4 years.
But since Ventura, when the WKWebView is in focus, the keyDown event are not happening. Not only they don't fire inside of web page input box, but they won't register in the app either.
As long as a WKWebView is in focus, the keyboard events won't work.
The app does not receive the key events, and the web page will not receive the js events keyDown and friends. This is particularly painful with auto complete input box.
Test with an empty project with only a WKWebView with this page
It does work fine on iPhone and iPad.
Message to Apple : You force us to use your Safari engine, yet it is always broken. Don't wait for 8 months to fix it this time, we would be tempted to go full web and skip native app with all the store certification problems.
version: iOS 16.4(20E5239a)
both on my iphone and Simulator,Safari -> develop shows "no inspectable applications"
I have enabled inline media playback with code as below:
let config = WKWebViewConfiguration()
config.mediaTypesRequiringUserActionForPlayback = []
config.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true
let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: config)
But when user touch play button on the video, it's automatically stopped the video and print out some errors as below:
2023-03-30 08:28:46.961218+0700 [22319:217776] [assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)}>
2023-03-30 08:28:46.961404+0700 [22319:217776] [ProcessSuspension] 0x14dfe8820 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'WebKit Media Playback' for process with PID=22415, error: Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)}
2023-03-30 08:28:46.966357+0700 [22319:217776] [assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)}>
2023-03-30 08:28:46.966553+0700 [22319:217776] [ProcessSuspension] 0x14dfe8870 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'WebKit Media Playback' for process with PID=22319, error: Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)}
2023-03-30 08:28:46.968951+0700 [22319:217776] [assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)}>
2023-03-30 08:28:46.969615+0700 [22319:217776] [ProcessSuspension] 0x14dfe88c0 - ProcessAssertion: Failed to acquire RBS assertion 'WebKit Media Playback' for process with PID=22422, error: Error Domain=RBSServiceErrorDomain Code=1 "(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=(originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.runningboard.assertions.webkit AND originator doesn't have entitlement com.apple.multitasking.systemappassertions)}
What's the solution for this issue?
Please help!
We have noticed that in iOS 16 or greater , the Smart App Banner which shows based on meta tag added is not showing the app ratings inside the popup. Can we override this new behavior to show ratings and custom text.
When you have a blank Safari new tab open, the browser.tabs.query API inaccurately includes those tabs in results that include a url or title in the query options.
To reproduce, open several tabs, and a blank new tab. Open the background page devtools, and execute the following command:
browser.tabs.query({url: 'https://github.com/'}, console.log)
In addition to any potentially valid results (if you have github.com open, for example), there will also be an entry for the blank tab, which has an empty, non-matching URL.
Tab {
active: true,
audible: false,
height: 1095,
highlighted: true,
id: 6,
incognito: false,
index: 3,
isArticle: false,
isInReaderMode: false,
mutedInfo: {muted: false},
pendingUrl: "",
pinned: false,
status: "complete",
title: "", url: "",
width: 1792,
windowId: 1
I hope that this bug can be addressed, as it causes some unexpected behavior.
Hello, I'm trying to learn swift and making the Landmarks tutorial I found a problem with the map view. The error read as follow: "'init(coordinateRegion:interactionModes:showsUserLocation:userTrackingMode:)' was deprecated in iOS 17.0: Use Map initializers that take a MapContentBuilder instead."
My code is:
import MapKit
struct MapView: View {
@State private var region = MKCoordinateRegion(
center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 34.011_286, longitude: -116.166_868),
span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.2, longitudeDelta: 0.2)
// The error happens here!
var body: some View {
Map(coordinateRegion: $region)
#Preview {
Any suggestions about hot to solve this will be appreciate it.
what is the url scheme safari ?
I tried this way:
window.open(`com-apple-mobilesafari-tab:https://mysite.ao}/?a`, '_blank', 'popup');
I have simulators downloaded to my 14" M2 Pro Macbook Pro, and for some reason, I cannot see any simulators as an option in Safari's Responsive Design Mode.
Am I missing something obvious, or is my computer bugged?
Above is an image of the Responsive Design Mode showing no simulators. I would offer more screenshots to prove that I have simulators installed, but it won't let me upload any more photos for some reason.
Does webkit have a way to display a smart banner for a home screen web app similar to how a smart banner can be displayed for native apps?
I recently noticed (10/23) that Twitter showed a smart banner encouraging Home Screen web app on my Mac running Sonoma.
How is this done?