Reality Composer Pro

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Prototype and produce content for AR experiences using Reality Composer Pro.

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Augmented Reality App crash, Apple vision
I have a newly installed Xcode 15 beta 2 on two machines: Apple Studio with 13.4.1, and M1 Mini with 14.0 beta. With both machines when I start a new project as an iOS Augmented Reality App and -- without doing anything else-- try to run with the Apple Vision Pro simulator, the simulation crashes. A short section of the crash report is below. I've sent these to Apple, from both machines. i'm at a loss. I can't imagine that this is the case for everyone, but I'm seeing it on both of my machines. (It also crashes when aimed at an iPad 17.0 beta simulator as well.) Does anyone have suggestions of how to get past this starting point? Thanks, in advance. Translated Report (Full Report Below) Incident Identifier: B19370C3-21F5-4AA8-A977-BFF69FD9732A CrashReporter Key: 3BA15700-B5BA-5C3B-0F30-39509BCFDE58 Hardware Model: Macmini9,1 Process: Tet5 [66050] Path: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices/3CC9EFB1-EFDA-4622-A04F-067FE72BDF40/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/54BB34F8-0D07-4ED5-9F2E-6FA61E0990B6/ Identifier: Version: 1.0 (1) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Role: Foreground Parent Process: launchd_sim [65662] Coalition: [84827] Responsible Process: SimulatorTrampoline [14070] Date/Time: 2023-06-30 11:39:35.9221 -0400 Launch Time: 2023-06-30 11:39:33.7148 -0400 OS Version: macOS 14.0 (23A5276g) Release Type: User Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: DYLD 4 Symbol missing Symbol not found: _$s21DeveloperToolsSupport15PreviewRegistryPAAE04makeD0AA0D0VyKFZ Referenced from: <9E12C915-D6B1-3DD3-83B8-6921502C7F73> /Users/USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Previews/Simulator Devices/3CC9EFB1-EFDA-4622-A04F-067FE72BDF40/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/54BB34F8-0D07-4ED5-9F2E-6FA61E0990B6/ Expected in: <31FB64EE-D651-3287-9607-1ED38855E80F> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/xrOS_21N5165g/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/xrOS 1.0.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/DeveloperToolsSupport.framework/DeveloperToolsSupport (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace)
Jun ’23
Sample Code / "Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode"
@Apple Really excited by the updates on the Reality Composer and Object Captures side - is it possible to publish the sample Apps and project material referenced in both the Reality Composer Pro sessions as well as the "Meet Object Capture for iOS" sessions. Looks like it hasn't yet been updated to the Sample Code site. Thank you!
Jul ’23
Particle Emitter Presets Missing
Was going through the video "Meet Reality Composer Pro" video (thanks Eric!) and while working through the Particle Emitter section, found that the preset sections was missing. When clicking the presets entry point (icon with 6 squares), a strange UI thing shoots up near the position x axis box (near the mouse cursor in the screenshot) Am using Version 1.0 (372.2.11) of Reality Composer Pro. Thanks so much!
Jul ’23
Construct a Voronoi diagram with the Shader Graph Editor?
I'm trying to make a material that has flecks of glitter in it. The main technique I've found to achieve this effect is to use a Voronoi diagram as a normal map, with various amounts of embellishment on top. The shader graph editor has a Worley noise node which is related but produces the "spider web" version of a Voronoi diagram, instead of flat polygons of a consistent color. Is there a trick for converting this Worley texture into a vanilla voronoi diagram, or am I missing something else obvious? Or is what I want not currently possible?
Aug ’23
Reality Composer Pro Version 1.0 (393.3) - no longer able to drag images into scene
I am no longer able to drag images into the scene for Version 1.0 (393.3) of Reality Composer Pro. This used to work in the older versions. Is it no longer possible to do it? It was really nice for prototyping, I guess I can write a feedback unless I'm doing something wrong. It was a bit of a PITA to drop images as materials on 3D objects in the past... hope that's not ht only way I got this version with Xcode Version 15.0 beta 8 (15A5229m)
Sep ’23
Reality Composer Pro: Triggering Animations and changing scenes from an onClick Event
Hello, Currently working on a project that was finished in Reality Composer but then we noticed the pink material after changing scenes on iOS 17 devices. So did some updating to Mac OS 14 and X Code 15 beta to use Reality Composer Pro and currently stuck on how to setup the animations and onClick triggers to be able play animation from the USDZ model in the scene. Once the animation is finished, it will trigger the next scene. This was done through behaviors in Reality Composer and it was simple drag and drop. But now it seem we need to do it by components which i don't mind just don't see much resources on how to set this up properly. Is there are way to do behaviors like in Reality Composer? Extra: If there is a way to use alpha pngs or be able to drag PNG's into the scene like in Reality Composer?
Oct ’23
Can I "experience" my AR project from Reality Composer Pro on an iPad, instead of the Vision Pro?
Hi all, I don't have a Vision Pro (yet), and I'm wondering if it is possible to preview my Reality Composer Pro project in AR using an iPad Pro or latest iPhones? I also am interested in teaching others - I'm also a college professor, and I don't believe that my students have Vision Pros either. I could always use the iOS versions, as I have done in the past, but the Pro version is much more capable and it would be great to be able to use it. Thanks for any comments on this!
Oct ’23
[BUG] Gizmo Doesn't Update When Changing 'Up Axis' to 'Z' in Reality Composer Pro
When changing the 'Up axis' setting in the Layer Data tab to 'Z', the gizmo does not reflect the change. It continues to display as if the Up axis is 'Y'. This results in the gizmo becoming disconnected from the object itself, making it challenging to perform accurate transformations using the gizmo. Steps to Reproduce: Open Reality Composer Pro in the latest XCode Beta. Click on empty space inside of your scene. Navigate to the Layer Data tab. Change the "Up axis" setting to 'Z'. Observe the gizmo's orientation.
Oct ’23
Used to be able to open Reality Composer Pro (Dev Tool) on Intel-based Mac, no longer?
Hi all, Up until a couple of days ago I was able to open and run Reality Composer Pro on my intel-based Mac. I tried to open it again this morning and I now receive the notification "Reality Composer is not supported on this Mac". I understand that I will eventually need a new computer with Apple silicon but it was nice to be able to start exploring Shader Graphs with my existing computer for now. Any suggestions? Perhaps go back to an earlier version of the beta Xcode - maybe the latest version disabled my ability to run RCP? I'm running Version 15.1 beta (15C5042i) of Xcode on an Intel i7 MacBook Pro. Thanks, in advance!
Nov ’23
Reality Composer Pro | UnlitSurface and opacity maps error
Hello all - I'm experiencing a shading error when I have two UnlitSurface shaders using images for color and opacity. When the shaders are applied to two mesh planes, one placed in front of the other, the shader in front will render and the plane mesh will mask out and not render what is behind. Basically - it looks like the opacity map on the shader in front is creating a 'mask'. I've attached some images here to help explain. Has anyone experienced this error? And how can I go about fixing this - thx!
Nov ’23