Hello everyone,
Feedback Reporter Bug ID #: FB9641953
We are using a single codebase with a hierarchical .xcconfig structure to use our CI to build different app versions and flavours so to speak. We have noticed what we think is a regression from Xcode 12.5.1 to Xcode 13. Essentially, after updating to Xcode 13, xcodebuild (not Xcode IDE) is unable to find .xcconfig files we are including from an existing .xcconfig file anymore:
Location of file: folderWhereTheXcodeProjectIsLocated/Configurations/Project/Local/development-ventures/venture/local-venture-development-env.xcconfig
From this file we try to include another .xcconfig file: #include "Configurations/Project/Ventures/venture/EnvironmentBuilds/debug-env.xcconfig"
On Xcode 12.5.1, using xcodebuild to build the app from the command line, this works. On Xcode 13 this does not work anymore if I use xcodebuild to build the project from the Terminal giving the following error: "could not find included file 'Configurations/Project/Ventures/venture/EnvironmentBuilds/debug-env.xcconfig' in search paths"
The attached project does reproduce this issue. I hope it can be useful.
Sample project available at (zipped):
You can build it from the Command-line as follows (from the folder where the Xcode project is):
/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -UseNewBuildSystem=YES -xcconfig InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig
Command line invocation:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/xcodebuild -UseNewBuildSystem=YES -xcconfig InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig
User defaults from command line:
IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM = YES
UseNewBuildSystem = YES
Build settings from configuration file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig':
a = "AA"
note: Using new build system
note: Planning
Analyze workspace
Create build description
Build description signature: b647425e15121588771b659eeaafeccd
Build description path: /Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/build/XCBuildData/b647425e15121588771b659eeaafeccd-desc.xcbuild
note: Build preparation complete
note: Building targets in parallel
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
/Users/username/GitHub/NPS/Tests/testXcconfig/InnerXcconfig/innerInner/tt.xcconfig:1:1: error: could not find included file 'InnerXcconfig/innerInnerB/t.xcconfig' in search paths
Kind Regards
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Hello everyone,
On this M1 machine running macOS 12 Beta 6 (Monterey) I am unable to open File Merge if I configure Xcode 13 Beta 5 as the default Xcode (or if I try to start it from Spotlight and ensure it is the Xcode 13 Beta 5’s version). It always crash on startup.
FileMerge crashes with the following error:
Termination Reason: Namespace DYLD, Code 1 Library missing
Library not loaded: @rpath/XcodeKit.framework/Versions/A/XcodeKit
Referenced from: /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/PlugIns/IDESourceEditor.framework/Versions/A/IDESourceEditor
If you have seen this issue as well, could you please raise a bug and reference Feedback ID: FB9609434 ?
Note(s): I have both Xcode 12.5.1 and Xcode 13.0 Beta 5 installed on this machine and the only version of FileMerge that works is the Xcode 12.5.1 one.
Kind Regards,
Feedback ID: FB9337463
When compiling our application, I see the following problem reproduced with the attached sample example (modified the following repository sample as the problem happens in this library: https://github.com/ephread/Instructions.git ):
$HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Instructions_Example-hhbleavuawdnqpbogvbuddnqmepj/SourcePackages/checkouts/Instructions/Sources/Instructions/Core/Public/CoachMarksController.swift:215:48: error: 'shared' is unavailable in application extensions for iOS: Use view controller based solutions where appropriate instead.
if let windowScene = UIApplication.shared.activeScene {
Note that this was not happening in our app or this sample project with Xcode 13.0 beta 2, it started happening today when I updated to Xcode 13.0 beta 3).
Thank you in advance for your help :)!
Kind Regards,
Goffredo Marocchi
Sample projects (archive): https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0rc9JcVxDKFF6I8hfzZ7_6KLQ#SampleIssue%5FProj
Kind Regards,
Hello everyone,
This is a bit of a first for me, attaching the Safari Debugger to a webview in our app will crash the app itself. This is Safari + macOS 12 + Xcode 13 + iOS 15 Simulator so there are plenty of moving parts still it is a bit of a new one :).
Raised the following Bug Report:
This is the sanitised stack trace I can share:
Process: APPLICATION_NAME [17438]
Path: /Users/USER/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/1F4F2CDE-64EB-44BA-8B40-1CC6197A3BC9/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/49053572-EE15-41B7-A8D0-94A7D92D76E5/APPLICATION_NAME.app/APPLICATION_NAME
Version: 11.20.7 (2847)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd_sim [17090]
Coalition: com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.1F4F2CDE-64EB-44BA-8B40-1CC6197A3BC9 [7161]
Responsible Process: SimulatorTrampoline [3280]
Date/Time: 2021-06-09 13:49:02.3675 +0100
Launch Time: 2021-06-09 13:48:44.2049 +0100
OS Version: macOS 12.0 (21A5248p)
Release Type: User
Report Version: 104
Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000012
VM Region Info: 0x12 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4304560110
__TEXT 100926000-101ee2000 [ 21.7M] r-x/r-x SM=COW ...pp/APPLICATION_NAME
Termination Reason: SIGNAL 11 Segmentation fault: 11
Terminating Process: exc handler [17438]
Triggered by Thread: 16
Full sanitised stack trace attached.
Full Crash Log
Kind Regards,
Feedback ID: FB9143838
My MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018) with the macOS 12 Monterey beta on its own dedicated partition, does not allow me to use the Touch Bar when booted on Monterey (the main partition with Catalina has the Touch Bar working just fine and so did this partition when it had Big Sur on it).
The Touch Bar appears working fine superficially as it adapts its visual state to the program you are running, it handles pressing the FN key to display the old style function keys, and if you long press on it you will see the Touch Bar UI appear on the bottom of the screen and behave as expected… the long press will not actually do anything beyond that.
In summary, the Touch Bar when running macOS 12 Monterey does not allow me to tap the ESC virtual button anymore, change brightness, volume, etc… I can use my external keyboard and the macOS UI for most of those functions but it is still a bad regression IMHO.
Kind Regards,
Trying to download the beta profiles in the developer page I am getting an error from Safari saying that the profile is corrupted. Does anyone see the same?
Bad Profile
The profile is corrupted and cannot be read
Hello Everyone,
Posted it originally in the Using Swift section here:
A colleague and I are trying to refactor some code to take advantage of new features in Swift 5.3 and more specifically of the view builder changes that would allow us to remove some of the AnyView casting we were doing.
We noticed that this will not work unless we manually add the @ViewBuilder annotation before of the body property and we thought this would not be needed as it should be treated as a special case and inherit the ViewBuilder was inferred by the compiler ( https://developer.apple.com/wwdc20/10170 1 ): <you can see the pictures in the Swift.org forum thread above>.
Do you see a silly mistake in there?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Kind Regards,