Request failed with http status code 503

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Starting last night, my apps that use CloudKit started getting this error Request failed with http status code 503 and further CKErrorDomain error 7.I'm not on any iOS Beta - I'm on 9.2.1.It doesn't look like it's just my apps. Seems like any app that uses iCloud sync is affected. Photos stopped syncing via iCloud Photo Library as well.
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I'm getting Request failed with http status code 503 when I try to save a CKRecord with a lot of children. The limit seems to be 5000. I tried to bypas this limit by using a hierarchy of parents and I can insert more than 5000, but I still hit this error after a while (I haven't pinpointed the exact number yet).What is the recommended method to store tens (hundreds?) of thousands of records that all share a common parent?
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Hello,I have been struggling with a CloudKit error for the past couple months. It appeared very suddenly, without any changes being made to the code. I started getting the following error message:<CKError 0x1763ed80: Service Unavailable (6/2022); Request failed with http status code 503; Retry after 30.0 seconds>I expected the error to go away after a few days or weeks (since it looks like a bug/outage on Apple's side). However, this problem has persisted. I've scoured the internet but no one seems to have the same problem as me. Anyway, I've nailed down the part of my code which is triggering the error. By taking the following two lines:let locationPredicate = NSPredicate(format: distanceToLocation:fromLocation:(Location,%@) < %f, location, distance)let query = CKQuery(recordType: ServiceRequest, predicate: locationPredicate)And changing them to this line:let query = CKQuery(recordType: ServiceRequest, predicate: NSPredicate(val
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26 Replies
Same here, the model load request fails due to a 503 error. Filed FB11653274. Error Code=8 Fetching decryption key from server failed. UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Fetching decryption key from server failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x28b08a310 {Error Domain=CKErrorDomain Code=6 CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022, RequestUUID=F7349D6B-6F83-4C92-84AD-51AF9D682735, NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed with http status code 503, CKErrorDescription=Request failed with http status code 503, CKRetryAfter=32, NSUnderlyingError=0x28b08a5b0 {Error Domain=CKInternalErrorDomain Code=2022 Request failed with http status code 503 UserInfo={CKRetryAfter=32, CKHTTPStatus=503, CKErrorDescription=Request failed
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Hi, I was able to create subscriptions in my container with the following code, but now for some unknown reason, I can't create one anymore, and instead I get the error message in the title above. Thanks so much for any assistance you may be able to extend!!! Ed func subscribe() { // Only proceed if you need to create the subscription. guard !UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: didCreateClassTableSubscription) else { return } // Define a predicate that matches records with a tags field // that contains the word 'Swift'. //let predicate = NSPredicate(format: TRUEPREDICATE) //let predicate = NSPredicate(format: tags CONTAINS %@, Swift) let predicate = NSPredicate(format: userRef == %@, RYH.userRef) // Create a subscription and scope it to the 'FeedItem' record type. // Provide a unique identifier for the subscription and declare the // circumstances for invoking it. let subscription = CKQuerySubscription(recordType: ClassTable, predicate: predicate, subscriptionID: ClassTableCreate, options: .firesOnRec
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5 Replies
I'm facing issue from few days with CloudKit. When I try to fetch any record from Cloudkit it gives me following error: Also, when I try to query records from Cloudkit dashboard I receive Internal error. I have not done any write operations. Please help if anyone has solved this type of error.
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Hi, we started getting a message on some devices: Failed to fetch the data base records. Request failed with http status code 503. It appears when we are trying to retrieve data from iCloud (when we save data to iCloud it does not appear and saves sucessfully). What could be the cause?
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I am developing a macOS and iOS application that uses NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to sync data across devices. For about an hour, I was able to successfully save records to the CoreData container and have them sync successfully with CloudKit. After further testing, I began receiving errors similar to the following: CoreData: error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _exportFinishedWithResult:exporter:](1347): : Export failed with error: Now any device that tries to save records to CloudKit will get this error and I am unable to continue developing my iCloud sync features. Note that I am currently in Development environment with a new iCloud container, and do not yet have any users or pushed these changes to production. I have tried the following: Reinstall the application Restart all devices Logging out and back into iCloud from devices Updating my AppleID to use a single new iCloud container identifier from the developer portal as suggested in a comment here: https://develo
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Hi, our app is down since a few hours as we can not fetch data from iCloud CKErrorDescription = Request failed with http status code 503; CKHTTPStatus = 503; CKRetryAfter = 60; NSDebugDescription = CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022; NSLocalizedDescription = Request failed with http status code 503; NSUnderlyingError = ; RequestUUID = UID; } came out of nowhere.
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4 Replies
Hi,I'm trying to add CloudKit sharing to my app. It's been... challenging so far.Anyway, I think I am making progress but this afternoon testing, I'm seeing this message on two different devices (different iCloud accounts).Error fetching zone changes for shared database: <CKError 0x1c005c6e0: Service Unavailable (6/2022); Request failed with http status code 503; Retry after 30.0 seconds>Any idea why I'm getting a 503 error? This is with a development build of the app, though my schema is fully deployed. Waiting 30 seconds or as far as I can tell, any amount of time, has no impact.Any help appreciated. I'm stuck at the moment.
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We have CoreML models in our app, each encrypted with a separate key generated in XCode. After app update we are receiving following error ` `[coreml] Could not create persistent key blob for EFD428E8-CDE7-4E0A-B379-FC169E50DE4D : error=Error Code=8 Fetching decryption key from server failed. UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Fetching decryption key from server failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x281d80ab0 {Error Domain=CKErrorDomain Code=6 CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022 UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022, RequestUUID=D5CF13CF-6A10-436B-AB93-4C5C04859FFE, NSLocalizedDescription=Request failed with http status code 503, CKErrorDescription=Request failed with http status code 503, CKRetryAfter=35, NSUnderlyingError=0x281d80000 {Error Domain=CKInternalErrorDomain Code=2022 Request failed with http status
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I suddenly started getting a CloudKit errors on all record queries. The CKError.Code is 6 = Service Unavailable. The errorUserInfo dictionary on the error is: [CKErrorShouldThrottleClient: 1, RequestUUID: B59F1738-B330-4F27-A2AE-3C95572BC9F4, NSLocalizedDescription: Request failed with http status code 503, CKRetryAfter: 30, CKErrorDescription: Request failed with http status code 503, NSDebugDescription: CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022, NSUnderlyingError: ] Notably, about 95% of the time in the CloudKit console for this container, I also get a message Internal Error when querying records. About 5% of the time I am able to see a few records in the CloudKit console. I have tried deleting and recreating the CloudKit entitlement. I have tried creating a new CloudKit container. Neither of these helped. A simplified version of the code that executes the query is as below. I am using the new async CloudK
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For the past couple of days my app has been returning Request failed with http status code 503 whenever I try to query it. If I try to look at data in the CloudKit dashboard it shows Internal Error This happens for all tables and zones. The code that this occurs is os_log(Garry Debug fetchPrivateServices 2) queryOperation.queryResultBlock = { result in switch result { case .success(let cursor): self.fetchPrivateServices(with: cursor, sem: sem, records: records, completion: completion) case .failure(let error): os_log(fetchPrivateServices 2 (error.localizedDescription)) } } It appears to be failing on queryOperation.queryResultBlock. I see this when I try and run in Development or Production. I have checked the iCloud Container for the app and it has only one Container assigned to it. Is anyone able to point me in the best direction to take to address this. Thanks
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Since a couple days ago, CloudKit database queries in my app and on the CloudKit dashboard fail with the error request failed with http status code 500. Nothing significant changed in the app recently, and it has otherwise worked well most of the time for more than a year, although CloudKit seems to have outages somewhat frequently. My app is mostly unusable without access to the CloudKit database, so this is a critical issue. I have also filed a Feedback report (FB13709321) on this issue.
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I launch my app on App Store by APP ID 1660030802. This data saved on CloudKit private database I use another account to download to use but I got the response called 「Request failed with http status code 500」 I try to use my developer account to download same APP, I can use and no show this error response. So I would to figure another can't not use private database and show 500 error code when I query the data in private database?