Looks like you'll need at least OS X 10.7.3 ( see https://support.apple.com/lion,) then grab Xcode 4.3 and the command line tools (both March 20, 2012) here:https://developer.apple.com/download/more/
402 results found
Since a recent upgrade - Xcode 9.4, WatchOS 4.3, iOS 11.4, the Request Authorization at Launch Time in my watchApp is no longer generating the request authorization pop-up on the phone.My requests are appearing as if the user had provided authorization.Yes, I have uninstalled the app and rebooted all devices many times to see if there was something left hanging around.In itself, that's not a problem, as I want my users to accept Notifications, they are intrinsic to my app, but the problem is that the Simulator is not requesting authorization and denying it incenter.requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound]) { (granted, error) in print(granted: (granted), error: (error!)) } }
You've seen it and App Review has seen it, so we're left to our imagination what they witnessed that prompted your exact rejection, but I'd speculate that a tilt-puzzle is hardly original/unique these days. MazeTilt, HydroTilt, Tilt-to-Live, FallDown, Tilt Tilt Ladybug, Block tilt Escape, Gate Tilt, tilt The Box, Time Tilt Ball....on and on, the store seems well saturated, since at least 2010. Maybe they've just had enough...surprised they didn't just flag it w/4.3.
I have an app called AB Player, which is a music player that can play back user's iTunes library with speed control and A-B repeat.■ AB Player ... View on App StoreThis app was rejected becasue it violates Guideline 4.3 (Spam).I have appealed to the review board. They decided to maintaint the rejection and they told me that AB-Player app is made on the same template as many of other my apps like eLaws■ eLaws ... View on App StoreeLaws is a (sort of) law dictionary app. Users can download Japanese laws from the government website and browse locally.AB Player and eLaws are completely different apps.They are not made from a same template. They may be made from Xcode's Single view app template but that's all.I explained to them but they didn't change mind. And they didn't disclose the exact reason why they think they are made on the same template.AB Player and eLaws both use Realm Swift database frameworks and Google Mobile Ads framework, as well as UIKit, CoreText etc, but I don't think that's an issue.
Here is the list of our apps that got Guideline 4.3 rejection so far...• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id926102392?ls=1&mt=8 (approved after one month)• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1272669652?ls=1&mt=8 (approved after giving up the obsolete version and IP commentary book reader (id1217317638))• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id978926628?ls=1&mt=8 (no new update is allowed)• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id325361059?ls=1&mt=8 (no new update is allowed)• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id560440657?ls=1&mt=8 (approved after several phone calls)• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1020070997?ls=1&mt=8 (no new update is allowed)• https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1217317638?ls=1&mt=8 (no new update is allowed)• https://app-liv.jp/320090110/(told to remove on the phone because it violates Guideline 4.3)
All of the 4.3 betas have significantly reduced battery life. I had great life prior to the 4.3 beta, but the 4.3 beta leaves me at 10%by 6-7pm when prior I would go to be at 11pm with at least 25%....
Yes I also have the Betas Profile installed, and after installing a few weeks ago it updated after installing the profile, but nothing since then. Under about my watch has version 4.3 (15T212) is that the latest.
As many developers have already experienced (see https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/82935, https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/82964, https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/46910), Apple started to agressively apply the 4.3 guideline asking the developers to consolidate their existing apps into 1 container app. We experienced this ourselves recently.Our apps are designed to help people pass their UK theory test. As there are 5 different vehicle categories (which are not related to each other in any way) we obviously have an app for each of these categories. Apple is asking us to bundle cars, motorcycles, lorries, etc all into one container app.We already responded to the App Review team highlighting many reasons why we believe that this is a wrong application of the 4.3 guideline. Some of these are listed below:We develop all the code ourselves and we do not use any commercial templates.These apps target different sets of users (even the age profile is different)These apps co
If you are talking about FastFinga 3, I already got approved from Hasegawa san from Apple Review Board. He clearly said that Handwriting Keyboard is not similar to FastFinga 3 because Handwriting Keyboard is a keyboard extension, although he ordered me to remove FastFinga version 2 because keeping multiple versions is against Guideline 4.3 and not allowed on App Store.Even he said that I still doubt Handwriting Keyboard was rejected because of FastFinga 3. I think the review team is very confused and not operating well. FastFinga is more like a drawing app. Handwriting Keyboard is a keyboard extension, which contains handwriting recognition engine. It is like Apple's built-in Simplified Chinese Handwriting Keyboard.
I got another Guideline 4.3 rejeciton today.This time it is a keyboard extension that enables Japanese and English handwriting (handwriting recogniton) system wide.View on App StoreI immediately appealed to the review board, but even the appeal was rejected just in an hour. They said they gave us all the reasons (yes, made from a template as usual) and my request for detailed explanation was denied.-----We got a phone call on June 6. Finally they decided that the app is unique enough to be appoved. It took several weeks to get attention from the review board this time again. The resolution centre was purly waste of time. It did not resolve anything.
Those of us without an AppAnnie account couldn't see the link. Maybe the release dates are updates? He might be trying to consolidate apps and got a reprieve from the 4.3 requirements for updates
I have loyal users of many years. Not many, but they have supported Apple's products for many years.Apple just keep on damaging user experience by rejecting the updates because of guideline 4.3.I have to explain to users that I can't update our productivity apps because Apple just don't allow updates even though the updates are ready to be released only if Apple allow to do so.The apps are keeps on crashing on users' phone and users are unable to access their data accumulated on their phone for several years. I don't understand why Apple keep on damaging tthier reputation by donig this.I am not being harrassed by Apple, but users are.
that is why I had given Appannie link where we can see the release date of the app. Even though copyright is 2017 but release date is this month and its same app so many times. 4.3 is being torn apart by this guy but how?http://prntscr.com/jemzzd
DisplayLink is aware of this ploblemhere is official statemant:http://www.displaylink.com/downloads/macosImportant Information about macOS 10.13.4 updateWe have become aware that installing macOS release Version 10.13.4 will cause DisplayLink connected displays to go blank after the OS upgrade, with the current DisplayLink driver [4.1] installed. Functionality such as Ethernet and audio, where implemented, is unaffected. We have alerted Apple to this issue and are working hard to find a resolution. These features continue to work as expected in 10.13.3.In the meantime, we have a new driver [4.3] that will enable clone mode, but not mirror or extended mode displays in 10.13.4. If you require mirror or extended mode displays, we recommend that you stay on macOS 10.13.3 or earlier at this time.
We did this as well. We removed all but one app in our series, submitted it and it was rejected for 4.3.In our case, we had initially consolidated our series into a container. We removed everything but the container and sold it for one month. The sales as expected were horrible because the marketing suffers terribly and the app icon is super-generic. We've been selling for years and know roughly what to expect for any given week in the app store. The container sold far worse than our series of apps individually. The sales of the container were also worse than our top selling app by itself. So, we decided to discontinue the container and sell only our top seller. This where we are now -- rejected for 4.3 design spam with no other apps like it in the store.We've only received the 4.3 templated response in the resolution center. Last week we had call with the App Store. We had the impression from the call that this course of action was OK (though they wouldn't say definitively), so we