missing package product

45,778 results found






Reply to Xcode Previews doesn't work when used in a package that imports other packages.
I have had the same problem with displaying previews in Swift packages. My project architecture is: UIComponents (local package) - AppPackage (local package) - App What I did was to add .dynamic parameter to .library declaration in both packages. Now I can see previews for all SwiftUI files, both in UIComponents and AppPackage. swift products: [ .library( name: UIComponents, type: .dynamic, /* added parameter */ targets: [UIComponents]) ], swift products: [ .library( name: AppPackage, type: .dynamic, /* added parameter */ targets: [AppPackage]) ], dependencies: [ .package(path: ../UIComponents) ],
Mar ’21
Reply to Xcode SPM when switching between branches
Create a local SPM in your project Add all your dependency packages into the Package file e.x. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: Dependencies, products: [ .library( name: Dependencies, targets: [Dependencies]), ], dependencies: [ .package(url: https://package_url.git, exact: 0.0.1), ], targets: [ .target( name: Dependencies, dependencies: [ .product(name: package_name, package: package_name), ] ), .testTarget( name: DependenciesTests, dependencies: [Dependencies]), ] ) Go to target -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content add Dependencies close Xcode and apply this commit to all branches reopen Xcode
Nov ’24
Reply to Swift Package Manager not building external dependencies correctly
Ok, so I managed to fix this by adding dependency to my target. Here's the update Package.swift // swift-tools-version: 5.10 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. let package = Package( name: MyPackage, platforms: [.iOS(.v16), .macCatalyst(.v16), .macOS(.v14)], products: [.library(name: MyPackage, targets: [MyPackage]),], dependencies: [ .package(path: ../external-package) ], targets: [ .target( name: MyPackage, dependencies: [ πŸ‘‰β—οΈ .product(name: ExternalPackageName, package: external-package) ], path: Sources ), .testTarget(name: MyPackageTests, dependencies: [MyPackage]), ] )
Aug ’24
Reply to Signing an app
Hi, They have provided us some scripts and templates, which performs code sign and product sign, just we have to provide all the binaries and executables to them. since I don't have certificates so can't sign project from Xcode. As per my understanding we have to sign .pkg, .app and all the library executables (.dylib ). when i verify my signed .app it shows me message app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid Used some third party framework in project and there are some symlink in that, is that causing the issue ? do I need to sign framework as well if yes then how ? or is there any step I am missing in signing process
Oct ’21
Reply to Toolchain library errors when building C++ Swift Package
I'm still not sure about the reason of the issue, but I discovered that you can't include binaries in a Swift Package.This is the correct Package.swift:// swift-tools-version:5.1 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: MyLibrary, products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries produced by a package, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: MyLibrary, targets: [MyLibrary]), ], dependencies: [], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on. .target( name: MyLibrary, dependencies: [], path: Sources/MyLibrary, linkerSettings: [ .linkedFramework(Security), .linkedLibrary(pthread), .linkedLibr
Feb ’20
Reply to MacOS application: How to become an identified developer?
I have notarised my app in this way Product > Archive > Distribute App > Deverloper ID > Upload then after some time I got a notification saying your app got notarised and ready to distribute. I then exported app and double clicked it and it works really well. But when I generate .pkg file then trying to install, it says unidentified developer What should I do now? is there any step I am missing. Your help is much appreciated. Many Thanks, Vishwanath
Aug ’20
Reply to Signing an app
Hi, They have provided us some scripts and templates, which performs code sign and product sign, just we have to provide all the binaries and executables to them. since I don't have certificates so can't sign project from Xcode. As per my understanding we have to sign .pkg, .app and all the library executables (.dylib ). when i verify my signed .app it shows me message app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid Used some third party framework in project and there are some symlink in that, is that causing the issue ? do I need to sign framework as well if yes then how ? or is there any step I am missing in signing process.
Oct ’21
Xcode test coverage data missing for external swift source package library dependency
In writing swift packages, I'd like to put demos, tests, docs into a separate package from my library package (to simplify how the library is consumed). But in Xcode (15.4 or 16 beta 4) after opening the package, I don't see any test code coverage information for the external package - only for package targets. When using the scheme editor I didn't see anything on point in panels for Run/Diagnostics, or Profile. Same result when targeting local packages (using path: ../{package}). When configuring a workspace with both packages, I could not run or configure tests. Is it possible to get coverage for an external library module used by the test (assuming they are sources locally built)? Is there a (online) recipe? Many thanks!
Jul ’24
Reply to Signed and Notarized Unix app cannot be executed
The Xcode 9.x is required for compiling becuase it still offers the option to bundle the 32-bit version of the app, that is required by some of the customers.You have customers that still support 10.6? Wow.Our customers will embed this application in their product, and when there is a need to run a diagnostic on the device, will simply run automically this app.OK, that complicates matters. What you’re hitting here is a Gatekeeper check. One fundamental feature of Gatekeeper is that it applies to the thing that the user downloads. If your product is embedded within another product, the Gatekeeper check will be applied to that product, and thus it’s the structure of that product that matters.For example, let’s say your customers create an installer package that embeds your product. They’ll want to notarise and staple that package before shipping it to their customers. When one of their users installs that package, the Gatekeeper ch
Sep ’19
iTMSTransporter could not generate an itmsp: could not find any packages bundle within the swinfo description (product-metadata.packages)
I seem to be sporadically receiving this error message from transporter, mainly: iTMSTransporter could not generate an itmsp: could not find any packages bundle within the swinfo description (product-metadata.packages). Sometimes it succeeds and sometimes not using the same build. Could somebody tell me what this means please? Debug log
Jan ’22
Reply to How to use a local .xcFramework as a Resource of a Swift Package
Ok, so doing so, I'm able to distribute the binaryTarget, I can now find it in the source file but im not able to use anything from the framework Its saying Cannot find type Something in scope // This file is in the Sources/SamplePackage/Sample.swift import SampleFramework // ^^ Was giving Error Module not found: Resolved struct Model { var something: Something // Something is a model in the SampleFramework.xcFramework tt// ERROR: Cannot find type Something in scope } import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: SamplePackage, platforms: [ .iOS(.v13), .macOS(.v10_14) ], products: [ // Products define the executables and libraries produced by a package, and make them visible to other packages. .library( name: SamplePackage, targets: [SamplePackage, SampleXCFramework]), ], targets: [ // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite. // Targets can depend on other targets in this package
Jun ’20