Prepare and optimize your apps for 5G cellular networks.

Posts under 5G tag

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Carrier File MCC MNC
We are Telecom company and we are already registered in GSMA We have started testing our product environment and everything has been working smoothly with Android handsets. However, we are facing some challenges with iPhone handsets. We only use IPV6 for UE addresses allocation and we are seeking your support and guidance on how to register our MVNO MCC and MNC in the iPhone carrier file. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Determine which SIM is used to access the Internet
Initially, my task was to determine which type of connection is being used at the moment: 5G or 4G. And I found "CTTelephonyNetworkInfo().serviceCurrentRadioAccessTechnology" but there is a problem when the device has more than one sim. My iPhone has two sims, one physical and one electronic. I need to determine which one is used to access the network. I tried to use "CTTelephonyNetworkInfo().serviceCurrentRadioAccessTechnology" but it is a dictionary [String: String] that only indicates the connection of each of the cards, and it is not possible to find out which one is active from this dictionary. So how can I determine which of the two cards are currently being used to access the Internet?
May ’24
Troubleshooting Peer-to-Peer Connection Failure between iOS Apps Using NWListener, NWConnection, and STUN
I am currently developing two iOS applications that require peer-to-peer connectivity. To facilitate this, I've implemented NWListener and NWConnection in both apps for network communication. To determine each device's public IP address and port—necessary for establishing a connection over the internet through my mobile operator's Carrier-Grade NAT (CGNAT)—I'm using a STUN server. Despite successfully retrieving the external IP addresses and ports for both devices, I am unable to establish a peer-to-peer connection between them. My current setup involves initiating a connection using the public addresses and ports discovered through the STUN server response. However, all attempts to connect the devices directly have been unsuccessful. I am seeking guidance on whether there are additional considerations or specific configurations needed when using NWListener, NWConnection, and a STUN server to establish a direct connection between devices in a CGNAT environment. Is there a particular step or network configuration I might be missing to successfully connect both iOS devices to each other using their external network details?
Mar ’24
Issue with vlc-ios HTTP POST method for streaming playback on iOS17
I'm developing an iOS app for video playback using the external library vlc-ios, Prior to iOS17, I was able to achieve streaming playback of mp4 files hosted on a server using the vlc-ios librarys's HTTP POST method. However, after iOS17, this streaming playback no longer functions. Upon inspecting the logs, there were no traces of vlc-ios receiving data from iPhone device. Does anyone know the cause of this issue? Additionally, the occurrence condition is when the environment is iOS17 and the sim's 5G communication is enabled.
Feb ’24
iOS "5G slicing" low-latency feature support in-app support
Hi, All. Does anybody can help me, please? I have read "Optimize your app for 5G" by Apple from June 10 2021 and watched WWDC21 video "Optimize for 5G networks", but wasn't been able to find answers for questions that interesting for me: 5G Slicing Is iOS having any API for "5G Slicing" or support it somehow? Especially, interested in "Prioritise Low-Latency" feature of "5G Slicing". Can application send data using "low-latency" slice? Gaming, ARKit, CoreML, SceneKit In mentioned article - it's nothing about how to finally optimise it for gaming. No any examples and no any useful information related to highlighted frameworks.. is "5G optimisation" possible to do in case of WKWebView usage? By my requirements, I need to use "5G Slicing" with low-latency in our gaming application. In Android it having network capability "low-latency"(NET_CAPABILITY_PRIORITIZE_LATENCY). Is iOS having something similar? Thanks all in advance for anyone who can help somehow. Best regards, Eugene.
Oct ’23
Geofence for Private Networks
Hi, has anyone been able to make to work the new geofence Item under Object CellularPrivateNetwork Object, I was able to create the mobileconfig file and install it on the a Iphone 13 with iOS 17 Beta 7 without error but looks like the geofence is not actually working at all, since the properties of the object are not reflecting at all on the actual operation of the phone, specifically CellularDataPreferred and CellularPrivateNetwork.GeofenceItem any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Aug ’23
T-mobile SIM Card 5G UC Cellular data limits udp data sending
The device releases the AP hotspot, and the iPhone connects to the hotspot to send upd data communication. Use the T-mobile SIM card 5G to enable the cellular network to send upd data, but the device cannot receive UPD data. It takes about 1 minute to receive after repeated sending; It is normal for the same program to use China Mobile 5G/4G cellular data or turn off the cellular network; How to solve the problem that T-mobile SIM card 5G UC cellular data limit udp data sending?
Aug ’23
5G CBRS Private Network Support
I am trying to connect an iPad (iOS Beta 17.0 21A5268h) to our lab private 5G SA (Standalone) network. The network is in US and uses CBRS. Other (Android) phones and 5G devices are successfully connected to it. Per the article below, we have tried CBRS PLMN (315-010) and Test PLMN (999-99) without any success. Basic issues seems to be that the "5G Standalone" toggle on Cellular Data Options menu is greyed out with a message that says "Your current SIM does not support 5G Standalone. Contact your carrier for more information". Trying to choose our own network doesn't list our network (but lists other public 5G networks). Same SIMs work on some Android phones and other 5G devices to connect to this network. If you have successfully connected iPhone or iPad with 5G SA private network (not public carriers), some details/hints will be appreciated.
Aug ’23