App Clips

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Provide a way to quickly access and experience what your app has to offer. An app clip is a small part of your app that lets users start and finish an experience in seconds, even before downloading your app.

Posts under App Clips tag

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App Clips Domain Status Issues
Hello, I am trying to set up my app clip experience but am having issues with the associated domain. I have added the domain to my app clip's associated domains and updated my apple-app-site-association file on my website. On app store connect under my build I see "Bad HTTP Response" for domain url status. This is what my apple-app-site-association file looks like: { "appclips": { "apps" : [ "" ] } } My associated domains looks like:
App Clip not opening from QR Code/Appclip codes
I have a Appclip in my App, which should open by scanning QR code or Appclip code(downloaded from Apple itself). When clicking on universal link of App clip its working just fine and opening the it but when making a QR code of the same link its not working, the Appclip card is popping up where the banner image is also displayed properly but the content shows App Clip is unavailable.(This QR code is working when the app is installed) I checked in diagnostic tool as well and its showing everything is well configured so now sure why the Appclip couldn’t be launched from the QR code of universal link or QR of Associated domain.