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Posts under Technotes tag
9 Posts
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Diagnose errors that occur when processing Apple Pay payments,
identify common causes, and explore potential solutions.
View Technote TN3176 >
Diagnose common errors received while displaying the Apple Pay button on your
website by identifying the underlying causes, and explore potential solutions.
View Technote TN3175 >
Diagnose errors received while presenting the Apple Pay payment sheet on
your website by identifying the underlying causes of common errors and explore
their potential solutions.
View Technote TN3174 >
Diagnose errors due to invalid Apple Pay merchant identifier configurations by identifying the underlying causes of common errors and explore their potential solutions.
View Technote TN3173 >
Learn best practices for creating rich text and image previews for display in the Messages app.
View Technote TN3156 >
Learn how to configure your App Clip to prevent it from being unavailable in the App Store.
View Technote TN3168 >
Learn techniques to help debug any coordinate space issue.
View Technote TN3124 >
Migrate existing Sign in with Apple user identifiers and private email relay addresses by exchanging transfer identifiers from one developer team to another with the user migration info endpoint.
View Technote TN3519 >