Beta is the prerelease version of software or hardware.

Posts under Beta tag

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Apple ID username or password is "incorrect" while trying to install OS X 10.11
After trying to install OS X El Capitan onto my hard drive, I've come across a problem. When it asks me to sign into my Apple ID I do with the correct information. It then says that my username or password is incorrect. I know this is not the case because I have reset my password and tested it by signing into the App Store on my phone. Anyone else have this problem? Any fixes? Thanks.
Oct ’23
Safari is taking too much memory
Hello Guys;I'm trying to use the new geat features with Safari with El Capitan in my Macbook Retina 12", 1.3Ghz. Everything starts fine, but there must be a memory leak somewhere. Just after a few minutes, even with no activity in the browser I can see the safari's memory usage grows to 4 then 5 then 6Gb of RAM.Do you have the same behaviour?Thanks;
Sep ’23
Notes: New Note disabled
Hello,I have Notes 4.0 (512) running on OS X 10.11 (15A226f). I cannot create a new note. Using the shortcut cmd+N. And the menu item File > New Note is disabled (grayed). I can only create folders.All my notes are stored on iCloud. I have space available on my iCloud storage plan. Notes sync with iCloud is activated. I restarted my Mac; it did not help.Did anyone encouter that? Is this a feature or a bug? I Google for this and found nothing. I can't remember if it happened right after updating to 15A226f or a while after.Also to note, I had an issue with no free storage available on iCloud. I fixed it by deleting an iOS backup to reclaim 4GB.Thank you!
Sep ’23
Smart mailbox problem - added mailboxes disappear and deleted mailboxes reappear after quitting
I've been using 10.11 beta (15A225f) on a late 2011 MacBook Pro. One issue I've run into is that although I can create and delete smart mailboxes, the changes don't stick if I quit and restart I've tried a number of things -- most recently deletingBackupTOC.plistDefaultCountsEnvelope%20IndexEnvelope%20Index-shmEnvelope%20Index-walExternalUpdates.storedataExternalUpdates.storedata-shmExternalUpdates.storedata-walLSMMap2SmartMailboxesLocalProperties.plistfrom ~/Library/Mail/V3/MailData and letting rebuild everything, but the problem persists. I can see entires being created in SmartMailboxesLocalProperties.plist when I add something, but that file gets reset when is restarted. Any ideas?Thanks!!
Aug ’23
CNContactViewController highlightPropertyWithKey produces blank VC
Has anyone tried to display a contact with the CNContactViewController making one of the email addresses highlighted? I tried it, but if I use the highlightPropertyWithKey method, the resulting controller is blank and the following message is logged:[CNUI ERROR] error calling service - Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.I also tried using the deprecated API (ABPersonViewController), and the result is exactly the same. It works fine on iOS8 though.Here's a sample code: func openAppleSeed(highlight:Bool) { let store = CNContactStore() let request = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [CNContactEmailAddressesKey]); do { try store.enumerateContactsWithFetchRequest(request, usingBlock: { (contact:CNContact, stop:UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in for address in contact.emailAddresses { if address.value as! String == "" { do { let fullContact = try store.unifiedContactWithIdentifier(contact.identifier, keysToFetch: [CNContactViewController.descriptorForRequiredKeys()]) let vc = CNContactViewController(forContact: fullContact) vc.contactStore = store if highlight { vc.highlightPropertyWithKey(CNContactEmailAddressesKey, identifier: address.identifier) } self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true) return } catch { print("CATCHING (B)") } return; } } }) } catch { print("CATCHING (A)") } }Calling this function openAppleseed(highlight:false) works fine, but openAppleseed(highlight:true) generates the blank view controller and the log message mentioned aboved.I tested it with the latest beta (5), and both simulator and device. Same result. I am submitting a bug report now, but I was curious if anyone had the same issue. Any workarounds?Cheers.
Aug ’23
Enabling parts of System Integrity Protection while disabling specific parts?
Is there a way to disable certain parts of SIP while enabling parts of it? If so, then how do I do this?I'd like to enable most of SIP (such as filesystem protections), but disable debugging restrictions so that I can attach a debugger to System Preferences to debug a preference pane, something that is normally not allowed. I'm aware of csrutil, but there's no manual for the tool, and the online help doesn't say whether it can do this or not.
Aug ’23
iCloud deleted all my Desktop and Documents files
So I updated a machine with a bunch of files on the Desktop and in the Documents folder, and when I upgraded it asked me if I wanted to store these folders on iCloud as well. I hit YES and it began trying to upload everything. Now, I guess I had a large file in one of the folders because the total upload was almost 9GB (i have 200GB of available iCloud space). It failed the upload and has just been stuck on 57kb of 8.89GB uploaded for over a day. I've tried restarting and it hasn't moved. I haven't found a way to quit it either. This has been making my machine incredibly slow and has caused the fans to speed up like crazy. Anytime I try to access an Open or Save dialog, the app I'm using crashes, whether it's Preview, Xcode, Photoshop, or even Safari. So I went to the iCloud system preferences and unchecked the "Desktop and Documents" item. I figured it wouldn't delete things that were still locally saved on my disk. But I was wrong and now every single file on both my Desktop and in my Documents is gone. Not in the trash, nowhere to be found. Gone.Can any one help me with this? Has anyone experienced something similar? The iCloud upload is still there and still isn't progressing at all (not sure what its trying to upload anyways since the files were all deleted). My computer is unusable and my files are all gone. I have a Time Machine backup from last week, but I will not have access to for almost 2 more weeks so if there's a way to recover my files sooner and kill this upload task, that would be amazing.Thanks.
Jul ’23
Dirty shutdown "shutdown -u"
Hi, For some reason, dirty shutdown is no longer working for me under 10.12 betaI have a script running that switches of my Mac Pro 5,1 at midnight every day. Since I travel a lot, I can remotely switch on my Mac Pro with an remotely controlled power plug switch off/switch on. Works like charm - until now. Looks like something has changed with 10.12... Anybody has an idea? Is it still working for you?Steps to reproduce:1) shutdown via terminal "shutdown -u now"2) wait until shutdown and a few minutes3) unplug the power plug and replug. Computer should start.Please note: if you do a regular shutdown, and then unplug and re-plug, computer will not start.
Oct ’23
Notes App Self Scrolls
I just filed a bug report for the Notes app as follows:Area: Notes Summary: When opening Notes with content that is larger than the open Notes App window, and attempting to edit the note, the entire note content scrolls automatically to the top although the cursor remains where text editing was inserted. Typing on the Smart Keyboard will allow text entry however the note insistently keeps scrolling to the top regardless of how often or how much text is entered into the note. Scrolling the note manually with your touch will stop the action from occurring, however that is intermittent and sometimes will scroll automatically as well. This issue will occur on both iPad and iPhone and regardless of the app is used full screen on the iPad or in Split Screen. When the Notes window is not focused and the user is engaging an app in the other split screen window, the Note window does not scroll, only when it is the focused App. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open Notes2. Begin to edit the note by scrolling down and selecting text or placing your cursor to enter text.3. More likely to happen with a note which has enough text to enable scrolling of the note.Expected Results: The note body of text should not scroll while editing or entering text and should remain where placed either by scrolling to the place of entry with using touch or with moving the cursor with the direction keys of the Smart Keyboard. Actual Results: The note scrolls on its own without intervention. Version: IOS Beta 10.0(14A5261v) Configuration: iPad Pro 12.9" and iPhone 6S both with iOS beta 10.0
Aug ’23
Disk not ejected properly
Since upgrading my iMac to High Sierra Beta I somtimes got the 'Disk not ejected properly' from my Thunderbolt 2 raid (still HFS filesystem).After now connecting my USB 2 external disk to back up after about a minute or two it started to constantly connect and disconnect (Hole list of "Disk not ejected properly" in notifications).Connecting both disk to my Sierra MacBook Pro does not show this behavior. Any idea what is triggering this?
Oct ’23
Update UIDragPreview during DragInteraction
Hey,during my drag, I need to update the UIDragPreview of the dragged item depending on it's location. I'm currently doing that by setting a new previewProvider each time the preview needs to be updated. When doing this, the current preview gets scaled down a little bit and the new one scales up, which looks a bit weird.Is there a better way to update the DragPreview? Or is there at least a way to get rid of the scaling?Best,Klemens
Nov ’23
EAAccessory support over Lighting Audio Module in iOS 11 is unstable
I have noticed various strange behaviours with the EAAccessory interface on iOS 11 (Betas 5 and 6 **update and now in the full production version 11.0.2 **)). I wonder if anyone else has had these issues? Everything worked OK on iOS 10.I am communicating with an accessory over a lightning socket (via a LAM), and get the following behaviour:1. Connecting to a device, EAAccessoryManager returns a connected EAAccessory (an EASession can be established, and data received, although this doesn't always happen), but then immediately disconnects from the EAAccessory, and then returns another connected EAAccessory.2. After opening an EASession on this new EAAccessory, no communications to the device is possible (sending data over the OutputStream doesn't result in the data getting to the accessory)3. On switching away from the app and back again, either:a) the app crashesorb) the input stream reports endEncountered and the output stream just seems to stop working, it never reports hasSpaceAvailable again.Some simplified code which illustrates this problem is below:import UIKitimport ExternalAccessoryclass ViewController: UIViewController, StreamDelegate { var connectedAccessory: EAAccessory? var eaSession: EASession? let supportedProtocolName = "My.Supported.Protocol" @IBOutlet weak var logTextView: UITextView! @IBOutlet weak var sendButton: UIButton! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() log("loaded") // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: NSNotification.Name.EAAccessoryDidConnect, object: nil, queue: nil, using: accessoryConnected) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: NSNotification.Name.EAAccessoryDidDisconnect, object: nil, queue: nil, using: accessoryDisconnected) EAAccessoryManager.shared().registerForLocalNotifications() // Maybe we're already connected if let connectedAccessory = EAAccessoryManager.shared().connectedAccessories.first { self.connectedAccessory = connectedAccessory openSession() } } private func accessoryConnected(_ notification: Notification) { log("accessoryConnected") for accessory in EAAccessoryManager.shared().connectedAccessories { log("accessory: \(accessory)") log("") } // Connect to the first one (only expect there to be one for this test) self.connectedAccessory = EAAccessoryManager.shared().connectedAccessories.first openSession() } private func openSession() { guard let connectedAccessory = self.connectedAccessory else { return } self.eaSession = EASession( accessory: connectedAccessory, forProtocol: self.supportedProtocolName) openStream(eaSession?.inputStream) openStream(eaSession?.outputStream) } private func openStream(_ stream: Stream?) { stream?.delegate = self stream?.schedule(in: RunLoop.current, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode) stream?.open() } public func stream(_ stream: Stream, handle streamEvent: Stream.Event) { switch streamEvent { case Stream.Event.openCompleted: log("\(stream) openCompleted") if (eaSession?.inputStream?.streamStatus == && eaSession?.outputStream?.streamStatus == { log("both input and output are open") } case Stream.Event.hasBytesAvailable: log("hasBytesAvailable") readAll() case Stream.Event.hasSpaceAvailable: log("hasSpaceAvailable") case Stream.Event.errorOccurred: log("\(stream) errorOccurred") closeSession() case Stream.Event.endEncountered: log("\(stream) endEncountered") closeSession() default: log("\(stream) default") closeSession() } } private func readAll() { let bufferSize = 128 var numberOfBytesRead = 0 repeat { var buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: bufferSize) numberOfBytesRead = eaSession!.inputStream!.read(&buffer, maxLength: buffer.count) if (numberOfBytesRead > 0) { log("read:\(buffer)") } } while (numberOfBytesRead == 128) } @IBAction func sendDataButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) { sendData() } private func sendData() { let data: [UInt8] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3] log("Sending: \(data)") self.eaSession?.outputStream?.write(data, maxLength: data.count) } private func closeSession() { closeStream(eaSession?.inputStream) closeStream(eaSession?.outputStream) eaSession = nil } private func closeStream(_ stream: Stream?) { stream?.close() stream?.remove(from: RunLoop.current, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode) stream?.delegate = nil } private func accessoryDisconnected(_ notification: Notification) { log("accessoryDisconnected") for accessory in EAAccessoryManager.shared().connectedAccessories { log("accessory: \(accessory)") log("") } guard let accessory = notification.userInfo?[EAAccessoryKey] as? EAAccessory else { return } log("disconnected accessory: \(accessory)") log("") closeSession() } private func log(_ msg: String) { self.logTextView.insertText("\(msg)\n") scrollLogToEnd() } private func scrollLogToEnd() { let stringLength = self.logTextView.text.characters.count self.logTextView.scrollRangeToVisible(NSMakeRange(stringLength - 1, 0)) } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. }}
Jul ’23
memory issues since iOS 11 or iOS 10.3
Hi,I have an App that is using geofencing and beacons since about one year in the app store. Recently I noticed more and more crashes and users are reporting of missing notifications upon geofence entry or exit ( I send a local notification upon entry or exit).so i suspect those crash reports are related to those user reports. The crash reports indicate memory management issues: lib dispatch.dylib _dispatch_callblock_and_releaseThese problem only occur since iOS 10.3. So I have some reports with iOS 10.3 but most of them with iOS 11. When I run the app in the simulator the memory usage is at around 50MB and does not increase. Even when I simulate geofence entry and exit etc it stays around the 50 MB usage.So my first question is it possible that the app crashes when not in foreground when it uses only 50MB?To investigate further I implemented the function func applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning(_ application: UIApplication)And send a local notification when it get´s called. And indeed sometimes I sometimes get this warning and I myself have irregularities with the geofence enter and exit notifications.Now to further investigate I installed another App to monitor the same geofence (IFTTT). Here too I have irregularities with the geofence enter and exit notifications.Until now I was quite relaxed as I was sure it´s the early iOS 11 beta´s that have memory management issue. But i´m using the latest Beta (15A5372a) and I guess we are close to the final now. Also what worries me is that some users experience these issues also with iOS 10.3.Any ideas how to investigate this further or does anybody experience something similar?Very BestStephan
Sep ’23