Endpoint Security

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Develop system extensions that enhance user security using Endpoint Security.

Posts under Endpoint Security tag

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Track socket listen events for an endpoint security product
Hello! I'm trying to capture socket state changes for an endpoint security product and have tried the Endpoint Security APIs as well as a Network Extension but there doesn't seem to be a way to detect listening sockets in real time. I've so far been able to capture all process, file and network flow/packet information in real-time but I'm also interested in getting an event when a server socket is opened for listening for incoming connections. Is there a way to do this? If yes, can someone please point me to the documentation or any other information on how to go about it? Thanks!
May ’24
Does an app need Full Disk Access if System Integrity Protection is disabled?
I am going through the list of ways to check if my app is given Full Disk Access (FDA) or not. Out of which only one method is supported by apple. @note The only supported way to check if an application is properly TCC authorized for Full Disk Access * is to call es_new_client and handling ES_NEW_CLIENT_RESULT_ERR_NOT_PERMITTED in a way appropriate * to your application. I have implemented this method using EndpointSecurity and calling it from a root process as required. But when I disable System Integrity Protection (SIP) and call it, it succeeds without FDA. No error is thrown. Then I tested, in our app both EndpointSecurity and protected folder access (like Documents folder) functionalities are working fine even without FDA when SIP is disabled. Now my questions are When SIP disabled, does every app has FDA access by default?. Is there any use case that still needs FDA access when SIP is off?. Is there any way to check for FDA permission given or not whenever SIP is off, since above method won't work in that case?.
May ’24
What type of profiles are reported by the ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_PROFILE_ADD and ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_PROFILE_REMOVE events?
[Q] What type of profiles are officially reported by the ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_PROFILE_ADD and ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_PROFILE_REMOVE events? It looks like to be only Configuration Profiles. Which would make sense as the properties of es_profile_t match closely the payload keys of a configuration profile file. Also only addition and removal of configuration profiles are reported when playing with configuration profiles and provisioning profiles.
May ’24
Block iOS device from being mounted on mac.
Hello. Is there a legal way to block iOS devices from being mounted on macOS? I noticed, that when an iOS device is connected, it pretends to be like a storage device but it is not. It not even going through diskArbitration. It seems that some fileProvider is taking place there. I know that it is possible to do via the MDM profile: <key>PayloadContent</key> <dict> <key>.GlobalPreferences</key> <dict> <key>Forced</key> <array> <dict> <key>mcx_preference_settings</key> <dict> <key>ignore-devices</key> <true/> </dict> </dict> </array> </dict> </dict> But is there some programmatic solution? If I use EndpointSecurity and block file operations for the usbmuxd process on /var folder, it prevents iOS devices from being mounted. But wouldn't be there any negative side effects from such a solution?
May ’24
`listener failed to activate: xpc_error=[1: Operation not permitted]`
Hi :wave: I started a new project to experiment with EndpointSecurity framework. It seems to have been worked, but when I try to add XPC I face some troubles. I am not able to send XPC message from my app to my system extension. No runtime error, but when I'm inspecting logs: That correspond to this code: https://github.com/tony-go/TestES/blob/main/Extension/main.swift#L21-L30 Full project: https://github.com/tony-go/TestES/ I thought at first that it could come from a missing @objc somehere but it does not seems ... I also wonder why I cannot catch this error at runtime ?
Jun ’24
sysext crashed while sending lots of log to host app
hi all. I subscribe the notify write event, every time I recieve a notify write event message i will send log data and reply block(didn't do nothing) with async method to host app(Objc XPC API).host app will reply immediately once it recieves data. after a while my sysext crashed, then I checked system log find the log below. launchd: exited with exit reason (namespace: 30 code: 0xc40000000004aaaa) - (unknown reason) is it because of exceeding the maximum limit of xpc's block queue length, or too many memory allocation, or... by the way, host app didn't crash. how this happened exactly? how could i solve it?
Jun ’24
bluetooth control
I am learning about endpoint security and other system extensions, while I was handling ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_IOKIT_OPEN event I realized that I cannot auth deny any bluetooth events. I tried to deny any open or execute events related to com.apple.bluetoothd but it did not work. I searched google and found out that I can use CoreBluetooth to control bluetooth. But when I get connected to bluetooth keyboard or mouse, didConnectPeripheral dose not get called or when I call [central cancelPeripheralConnection:peripheral] disconnection never happens. Is there any recommendation for handling or controlling events related to bluetooth connection?
Jun ’24
macOS15 enable system extensions failed
We have developed a system extension based on the Endpoint Security framework, but after upgrading to macOS 15 beta, the system extension fails to enable in Login Items & Extensions. The specific prompt is shown in the image , and the system log indicates an XPC connection failure. When we use the command to check the extension status, it is [activated waiting for user]. We have tried some other products that use system extensions, and they are also unable to load the system extension.
Jun ’24
Endpoint Security Client doesn't pick up on file writing notifications
Hello, I am writing an Endpoint Security Client application that is supposed to monitor file creation/writing/deletion. It works fine except for one thing - it doesn't pick up changes to the cron jobs file. I am monitoring directory that stores cron job config file and if I would add/delete/write to any new file manually (using for example vim) it will be picked up on by the ES client (yes I know cron files are not meant to be edited manually). But if I want to make changes with command crontab -e then although the contents of the file change, ES client is not sending a notification about it. Any ideas why? Is the mechanism responsible different than just file writing?
Endpoint Security entitlement for internal distribution
My company is developing internal security software to deploy exclusively on corporate Mac endpoints. We are using the Endpoint Security framework, which requires the restricted com.apple.developer.endpoint-security.client entitlement. We were granted development access to this entitlement, but we have been denied distribution access. It's not practical to use ad-hoc provisioning for distributing the app internally to our users. Unfortunately the brief denial message did not provide any advice for a path forward. If my company signed up for the Apple Developer Enterprise Program (https://developer.apple.com/programs/enterprise/), is it possible to grant the Endpoint Security entitlement for internal enterprise distribution? Otherwise, we appear to be stuck and unable to use Endpoint Security for our internal applications.
Which message should monitor to replace by Endpoint Security
I'm using the ES framework to control files created by handling the event ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_CREATE, but when a file is created by replacing the same name file, ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_CREATE won't be reported. I've searched and tried the event ES_EVENT_TYPE_AUTH_EXCHANGEDATA, but it didn't work. Which event should I monitor for 'creating a file' by replacing a file with the same name?
EndPointSecurity system extension crashing due to deadline
Hi , Greetings of the day! I would like to get help to avoid the Endpoint Security System Extension crash due to below reason: Termination Reason: Namespace ENDPOINTSECURITY, Code 2 EndpointSecurity client terminated because it failed to respond to a message before its deadline Couple of events we have subscribed and for AUTH related events we are receiving deadline of 14 seconds in Sonoma and to avoid above issue we have implemented a queue to provide verdict within the deadline to avoid the OS killing of our extension however sometime we observe that we are getting crash with below message: Termination Reason: Namespace ENDPOINTSECURITY, Code 2 EndpointSecurity client terminated because it failed to respond to a message before its deadline **Dispatch Thread Soft Limit Reached: 64** (too many dispatch threads blocked in synchronous operations) There is no GCD API to check whether queue is reached to soft limit so we need help here to know or check whether queue is reached to soft limit 64. if we can check above then we should avoid adding the new tasks in it until its free to accept the tasks. And for NOTIFY_CLOSE, we are getting big value in seconds as deadline however we are adding all the processing of NOTIFY_CLOSE with dispatch_async however still receiving the crash. Here is code for AUTH_OPEN : dispatch_queue_t gNotifyCloseQueue = dispatch_queue_create( "com.example.notify_close_queue", dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL, QOS_CLASS_UTILITY, 0)); dispatch_queue_t gAuthOpenQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.example.auth_open_queue",dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL,QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE, 0)); BOOL AuthOpenEventHandler(es_message_t *pesMsg) { //Some Processing we are doing here like Calculate the deadline in seconds etc. and we are receiving 14 seconds in Sonoma // deadline - 14 seconds if ( deadlineInSeconds < 10 ) { dispatch_time_t triggerTime = dispatch_time(pesMsg->deadline, (int64_t)(-1 * NSEC_PER_SEC)); __block es_message_t *pesTempMsg; pesTempMsg = es_copy_message(pesMsg); dispatch_after(triggerTime, gAuthOpenQueue, ^{ if (pesTempMsg != NULL) { esRespondRes = es_respond_flags_result(pesClt,pesMsg,pesMsg->event.open.fflag,false); if(ES_RESPOND_RESULT_SUCCESS != esRespondRes) { es_free_message(pesTempMsg); return; } if (pesTempMsg != NULL) { es_free_message(pesTempMsg); } } return; }); } // Some Processing we are doing here to provide verdict and we are making sure that within 11 seconds we are setting the verdict // we are setting iRetFlag here based on verdict if (NULL != pesMsg) { esRespondRes = es_respond_flags_result(pesClt,pesMsg,iRetFlag,false); if(ES_RESPOND_RESULT_SUCCESS != esRespondRes) { es_free_message(pesMsg); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } Here is the code for NOTIFY_CLOSE: BOOL NotifyEventHandler(es_message_t *pesMessage) { if (pesMessage->event_type == ES_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFY_CLOSE && YES == pesMessage->event.close.modified) { __block es_message_t *pesTempMsg; pesTempMsg = es_copy_message(pesMessage); dispatch_async(gNotifyCloseQueue, ^{ // Performing Some processing on es_message_t if (pesTempMsg != NULL) { es_free_message(pesTempMsg); } }); if (pesMessage != NULL) { es_free_message(pesMessage); } } else { es_free_message(pesMessage); } return TRUE; } It would be helpful if someone help us to identify what could be wrong we are doing in above code and how to address/solve those problems (code snippet would be helpful) to avoid all possible crashes. ... Thanks & Regards, Mohamed Vasim
can a sysext with earlyboot propertykey enabled run it's host app before other app run?
hi! I know endpoint security sysext with earlyboot property key enabled will run before all other applications run while system booting. presume all these are done before earlyboot time out: sysext run it's host app, host app notify sysext to subscribe some events through xpc, then other apps start runing. though this whole process seems to violate "sysext runs before all other applications run"... I still wonder is this possible?
EnpointSecurity System Extension is crashing in macOS Sonoma
Hi All, We have Endpoint Security System Extension. We are facing an issue in macOS Sonoma only where we have found that open() API is not returning any response when we try to open the files and OS killing/crashing the extension. We have found in log streaming below lines for our extension: error 12:50:51.093673+0530 tccd Failed to create LSApplicationRecord for file:///Library/SystemExtensions/3378971F-D41D-4230-A887-E0DC0F61E98D/com.*.sysextcontainer.onlineext.systemextension/: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -10811.)' It seems internally some access is removed by apple on booting however we can still see our extension has Full Disk Access in System Settings. We have installed new macOS Sequoia Public beta 24A5289h and above issue is not observed and also issue not seen in previous OS(Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura) and seen only in Sonoma. We already have filed a Feedback : FB13806349 ... Thanks & Regards, Mohmad Vasim