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Posts under Wallet tag

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Apple Wallet Pass Creation
I'm trying to build my first Apple Wallet Pass and I've been following the tutorial here: I get to this point but it fails: To sign and compress the pass, use the signpass tool to sign the pass package. In Terminal, run the following commands: cd ~/Documents ./signpass -p Lollipop.pass These commands create a signed and compressed pass named Lollipop.pkpass in the Documents folder. If the signpass command fails, make sure you are using your correct pass type identifier and check that the pass.json file contains valid JSON. Here is the error I get from Terminal: 2021-10-21 10:44:11.678 signpass[1461:45126] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'data parameter is nil' *** First throw call stack: ( 0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000019194f838 __exceptionPreprocess + 240 1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00000001916790a8 objc_exception_throw + 60 2   Foundation                          0x00000001926962ec -[_NSJSONReader init] + 0 3   signpass                            0x00000001000fe044 +[PassSigner passTypeIdentifierForPassAtURL:] + 124 4   signpass                            0x00000001000fe4d8 +[PassSigner signPassWithURL:certSuffix:outputURL:zip:] + 1124 5   signpass                            0x00000001000fdc9c main + 864 6   libdyld.dylib                       0x00000001917f1430 start + 4 ) libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException zsh: abort      ./signpass -p Lollipop.pass Any help would be appreciate as I would love to create a Wallet Pass for my customers, but can't seem to get past this error. Thank you, Darren
Sep ’23
Using to open doors with NFC reader
G'day. At my office the doors are locked with an NFC reader. We carry around a little NFC tag on our key chains which will read out a number and this then will open the door if the number matches a number in the database. I am tired of carrying around the tag, people keep loosing it, forgetting it and it would be nice to open the door using a Phone - which we tend to always have on us. So I used a credit card which is NFC enabled to readout the NFC information, added this number to the database and can now open doors using my credit card. This is pretty cool. If I forget my keys (most likely they will be on the desk but silly me left the desk without them), I may have my wallet with me. Then I tried on my iPhone and select the same credit card. However the door doesn't open. When looking in the door software I noticed that the tags will always transmit the same number. So does my credit card. However will read out 4 readings (or maybe just one very long one) and they are always different. So I can not make them match with the door database. Any ideas how to make this work? Can I give somehow an NFC number which I can then add to my door database? Or how come the credit card and the very same one in don't match? Thanks for your help! Would be neat if I could make this work out. This will make a lot of people happy at my office! Cheers!
Sep ’23
Apple Wallet geofencing notification
Hi, I'm new to wallet, but I already implemented a Loyalty Pass with some use cases: distributing, pushing updates, standard notifications, geofencing notifications with lock screen notifications. Until a month ago, all worked flawlessy, but now the majority of my audience (the users that have installed the pass in their Apple Wallet) don't see the notifications when they enter in the location radius. The strange thing is that with the same json content (same id, same locations list, same coordinates) some users see said notification without a hassle while the other see nothing, even toggling on and off all the related permissions. I suspect (only a suspect, I'm going by exclusion) that the new device subscriptions are those who don't see the notifications and only the old ones see everything as before. Any suggestion? Do a users dashboard (or at least a device subscription list) exist in my Apple Developer portal? Is a known bug, already reported? Thanks for all your replies
Sep ’23