Build an app with SwiftData

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SwiftData Configurations for Private and Public CloudKit
I did manage to save my Entities to CloudKit with SwiftData but the default database is the private database. I need to store some Entities in the private and other Entities in the public CloudKit database. How do I manage that with SwiftData? With CoreData I always used different configurations for both private and public and added the entities to one or the other.
Nov ’23
SwiftData preview sample code
Hi, re: the SwiftData session "Create an app with SwifData" ( I noted the mention of generating sample preview data. In CoreData, I had a similar need and this was achieved by creating a shared in-memory context; fairly straight forward. The example given for SwiftData was decorated with @MainActor and then added to the target project, then in the #Preview closure, the modelContainer is amended to point to the preview data. Anyways, my problem is that I'm receiving an error when trying to render the preview in question: main actor-isolated let 'previewContainer' can not be referenced from a non-isolated context I suppose my issue is not having used the MainActor wrapper before and being unclear on what's possibly going wrong here (or if it's not just a "me" problem). Can anyone help?
Oct ’23
Apple demo code lacking view models
All demo code from Apple that I know lacks view models. Every time model data is directly injected into the view and even modified from the view via the new @Bindable macro. Is Apple not using ViewModels and therefore MVVM at all? I understand it might not really be required for the small demos, but it would still be helpful to understand, e. g. how the new @Model, @Observable, @Binding fit into the MVVM model.
Oct ’23
SwiftData Query relationships not working
Overview I have 2 models: Deparment and Student Each Department can contain multiple students Each Student can only be in one Department I have DepartmentList, tapping on the department should take it to the StudentList which lists all students in the department Problem When I use Query in StudentList to filter only students for a specific department id, no students are shown. Questions: What should I do to list the students in a department? (see complete code below). let filter = #Predicate<Student> { student in student.department?.id == departmentID } let query = Query(filter: filter, sort: \.name) _students = query Complete code App @main struct SchoolApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } .modelContainer(for: [Department.self, Student.self]) } } Department import Foundation import SwiftData @Model class Department { var id: UUID var name: String var students: [Student] init( id: UUID, name: String, students: [Student] = [] ) { = id = name self.students = students } } Student import Foundation import SwiftData @Model class Student { var id: UUID var name: String @Relationship(inverse: \Department.students) var department: Department? init( id: UUID, name: String, department: Department? = nil ) { = id = name self.department = department } } ContentView import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var selectedDepartment: Department? var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { DepartmentList(selectedDepartment: $selectedDepartment) } detail: { if let department = selectedDepartment { StudentList(department: department) } else { Text("no department selected") } } .task { printStoreFilePath() } } private func printStoreFilePath() { let urls = FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask) if let path ={ $0.path(percentEncoded: false) }).first { print("Storage: \(path)") } } } DepartmentList import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct DepartmentList: View { @Binding var selectedDepartment: Department? @Query(sort: \.name) private var departments: [Department] @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext var body: some View { List(selection: $selectedDepartment) { ForEach(departments) { department in NavigationLink(value: department) { Text( } } } .toolbar { ToolbarItem { Button { addDepartment() } label: { Label("Add", systemImage: "plus") } } } } private func addDepartment() { guard let index = (1000..<10000).randomElement() else { return } let department = Department(id: UUID(), name: "Department \(index)") modelContext.insert(department) } } StudentList import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct StudentList: View { var department: Department @Query private var students: [Student] @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext init(department: Department) { self.department = department let departmentID = let filter = #Predicate<Student> { student in student.department?.id == departmentID } let query = Query(filter: filter, sort: \.name) _students = query } var body: some View { List { ForEach(students) { student in Text( } } .toolbar { ToolbarItem { Button { addStudent() } label: { Label("Add", systemImage: "plus") } } } } private func addStudent() { guard let index = (1000..<10000).randomElement() else { return } let student = Student( id: UUID(), name: "Student \(index)", department: department ) modelContext.insert(student) } }
Jul ’23
Inserting a Model entity with a relationship results in a runtime error.
Hi, when inserting an entity with a relationship I get the following runtime error: Illegal attempt to establish a relationship 'group' between objects in different contexts [...]. The model looks like this: @Model class Person { var name: String @Relationship(.nullify, inverse: \Group.members) var group: Group init(name: String) { = name } } @Model class Group { var name: String @Relationship(.cascade) public var members: [Person] init(name: String) { = name } } It can be reproduced using this (contrived) bit of code: let group = Group(name: "Group A") ctx.insert(group) try! let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<Group>() let groups = try ctx.fetch(descriptor) XCTAssertFalse(groups.isEmpty) XCTAssertEqual(groups.count, 1) XCTAssertTrue(groups.first?.name == "Group A") let person = Person(name: "Willy") = group ctx.insert(person) try (See also full test case below). Anybody experiencing similar issues? Bug or feature? Cheers, Michael Full test case: import SwiftData import SwiftUI import XCTest // MARK: - Person - @Model class Person { var name: String @Relationship(.nullify, inverse: \Group.members) var group: Group init(name: String) { = name } } // MARK: - Group - @Model class Group { var name: String @Relationship(.cascade) public var members: [Person] init(name: String) { = name } } // MARK: - SD_PrototypingTests - final class SD_PrototypingTests: XCTestCase { var container: ModelContainer! var ctx: ModelContext! override func setUpWithError() throws { let fullSchema = Schema([Person.self, Group.self,]) let dbCfg = ModelConfiguration(schema: fullSchema) container = try ModelContainer(for: fullSchema, dbCfg) ctx = ModelContext(container) _ = try ctx.delete(model: Group.self) _ = try ctx.delete(model: Person.self) } override func tearDownWithError() throws { guard let dbURL = container.configurations.first?.url else { XCTFail("Could not find db URL") return } do { try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: dbURL) } catch { XCTFail("Could not delete db: \(error)") } } func testRelAssignemnt_FB12363892() throws { let group = Group(name: "Group A") ctx.insert(group) try! let descriptor = FetchDescriptor<Group>() let groups = try ctx.fetch(descriptor) XCTAssertFalse(groups.isEmpty) XCTAssertEqual(groups.count, 1) XCTAssertTrue(groups.first?.name == "Group A") let person = Person(name: "Willy") = group ctx.insert(person) try } }
Aug ’23
Adopting SwiftData for a Core Data app - Error?
Hello everyone! I'm trying to run this project by Apple, but it doesn't let me, I'm trying to learn more about to swiftData... On the code it says next: `@MainActor #Preview { AddBucketListItemView(trip: .preview) .modelContainer(PreviewSampleData.container) } But it show me next error, Type 'Trip' has no member 'preview' anybody knows how can I solved, thank you.
Jun ’23
SwiftData nested custom model CRASH
@Model class AModel { @Attribute(.unique) var id:String var date:Date var b:[BModel] init() { = UUID().uuidString = Date() self.b = [] } } @Model class BModel { @Attribute(.unique) var id:String var date:Date init() { = UUID().uuidString = Date() } } struct MainView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var db @State private var a:AModel = AModel() var body: some View { VStack { } .onAppear { a.b.append(BModel()) print(a.b) } } } // CRASH : @Model class AModel { @Attribute(.unique) var id:String var date:Date var b:[BModel] /** Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0) { get { _$observationRegistrar.access(self, keyPath: \.b) return self.getValue(for: \.b) } set { _$observationRegistrar.withMutation(of: self, keyPath: \.b) { self.setValue(for: \.b, to: newValue) } } } */ init() { = UUID().uuidString = Date() self.b = [] } } @Model class BModel { @Attribute(.unique) var id:String var date:Date init() { = UUID().uuidString = Date() } }
Aug ’23
Document and SwiftData ignore imported types
Hello there, I would like to bring attention to an issue I'm facing with SwiftData while attempting to create my own document type and a document-based app. It appears that there is a lack of support for imported types, and I'm unsure if this is a result of the beta version or an intentional omission. To reproduce the problem, please follow these steps: Create a document-based app with SwiftData enabled. Define your document type as "test" in the info.plist file. Include the "test" type in the list of exported type identifiers. Add a commonly used type such as "pdf" or "txt" to the list of imported type identifiers. Within the app's body, include a DocumentGroup with the content type set as "test." Currently, the app is capable of opening and creating new documents with the "test" type. However, I am unable to open common file types, such as images or text files. This limitation is a significant concern since the app often needs to handle these general file formats rather than being limited to its specific format. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate any assistance you can provide in resolving this issue. Best regards, Jeremy Vizzini
Jun ’23
Thread 1: Fatal error: expected attribute to be Codable
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I'm taking this opportunity to add persistence to an app that hadn't had it yet. I followed the session advice but I get this crash when running it: SwiftData/BackingData.swift:201: Fatal error: expected attribute to be Codable The crash is on this line: modelContext.insert(RentSplitDataModel()) The object being created and inserted there is simple and the compiler confirms it does conform to Codable:
Sep ’23
SwiftData - Multiple modelContexts in one modelContainer
In the WWDC presentations, it was mentioned that you could have multiple modelContexts within one modelContainer. Does anyone know of any examples of a project with multiple modelContexts? Specifically, I'm wondering how you distinguish between the two different modelContexts when doing things like @Query. I'd like to keep different sets of data in separate modelContexts and only Query the one that I want to pull from for a particular view. Thanks in advance!
Jul ’23
Previews are not building for the SwiftDataCardSample project.
I set my active schema to SwiftDataCardSampleEnd, open ContentView.swift, and bring up the Canvas. When I click the little refresh button I get the follow error from Canvas: == DATE: Friday, July 14, 2023 at 9:02:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time 2023-07-14T13:02:26Z == PREVIEW UPDATE ERROR: SchemeBuildError: Failed to build the scheme ”SwiftDataFlashCardSampleEnd” linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Link SwiftDataFlashCardSample (arm64): ld: Undefined symbols: unsafeMutableAddressor of self #1 : SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card in SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card.creationDate.init : Foundation.Date, referenced from: SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card.creationDate.init : Foundation.Date in Card.o unsafeMutableAddressor of self #1 : SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card in SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card.back.init : Swift.String, referenced from: SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card.back.init : Swift.String in Card.o unsafeMutableAddressor of self #1 : SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card in SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card.front.init : Swift.String, referenced from: SwiftDataFlashCardSample.Card.front.init : Swift.String in Card.o clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) I've made a similar preview in another project where I define a model and I try to use that model in a SwiftUI Canvas preview. I get a very similar error. Basically Canvas is saying it can't find the symbols for the properties on the type. Is there something I'm missing here? Some hidden build setting I need to flip. Or is this just busted?
Jul ’23
SampleData on Previews @MainActor issue
Hi all, I am trying to render my SwiftUI views that uses SwiftData classes using sample data using the approach shown in the example code of wwdc2023-10196: @MainActor #Preview { TripsWidgetEntryView() .modelContainer(PreviewSampleData.container) } Unfortunately this seems no longer valid. Indeed I get this error: I then tried to remove the @MainActor as suggested, but the error in then moved to another level: What do you suggest to be the best approach to have back my preview working? I am using Xcode Beta 4 - 15A5195m
Jul ’23