Xcode Cloud

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Automate workflows to test, analyze, build, and distribute your app, and integrate them with other developer tools, such as TestFlight and App Store Connect.

Xcode Cloud Documentation

Posts under Xcode Cloud tag

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4 Replies
I have created a Swift package build tool plugin for colour generation. The plugin takes two input files from a project or swift package and from them generates a new Swift file containing references to all of the generated UIColors. When building locally and when using Github Actions the plugin is able to generate the required file within the pluginWorkDirectory and the project that references it can then access it as an input file during its build process. However, when building my project using Xcode Cloud, the plugin appears to be unable to create the file, it fails with the following error: Error while generating colours Files encountered an error at '/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/SourcePackages/plugins/GLA.output/GLA/ColorGeneratorPlugin/GeneratedColors/Colors.swift'. 2022-11-22T15:46:11.344345498Z Reason: fileCreationFailed 2022-11-22T15:46:11.344390826Z LLVM Profile Error: Failed to write file "default.profraw": Operation not permitted` This then means that the build of the project fails with this error: Error opening input file '/Volumes/workspace/DerivedData/SourcePackages/plugins/GLA.output/GLA/ColorGeneratorPlugin/GeneratedColors/Colors.swift' (No such file or directory) It appears that Xcode Cloud is blocking the creation of files in the pluginWorkDirectory, even though locally it can. Has anyone faced a similar issue? Is there anything I can do to make it work in Xcode Cloud?
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I'm new to Xcode cloud and I am having trouble granting my GitHub repository access to Xcode cloud on my corresponding iOS app project, and I discovered that the username specified in the grant access window is listed my old GitHub username. Therefore, when trying to grant access to the corresponding source code, it gives me an error. I already unlinked and relinked my GitHub account to Xcode and it doesn't resolve. How can I relink my GitHub account so that on Xcode it will show as my current GitHub username? Also my repository is private. Does it only work when it's public?
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2 Replies
After creating a new build and release with XCode Cloud, uploading a zip of the dSYMs to Firebase Crashlytics no longer gets processed. Despite uploading several times I'm still seeing errors like: This app has 15 unprocessed crashes. Upload 1 dSYM file to process them. Has something changed in the last 2-4 weeks in this process that I'm unaware of? TIA
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Hello! I have a Swift package (SPM) with a number of tests associated with it. These all work well locally, and I have created a GitHub repository for the package that can be used by any app. I would like to set it up where my package's tests are triggered automatically whenever I push a change to a branch in the repository. Unfortunately, per the documentation, Xcode Cloud is currently unable to build and test standalone Swift packages. I hope that this will be rectified some point soon as automated testing for them seems like it'd be a pretty common and understandable use case. My question: Is there a way to set an Xcode Cloud workflow up wherein a package's tests are triggered? Xcode Cloud clearly does support Swift packages that are used when building full apps, and there is plenty of documentation to that end. But it's not clear how to trigger those package's tests even through the use of a "dummy" app without moving a bunch of tests to the app itself. Is this possible? I'd really not like to duplicate all my tests in a dummy app if at all possible. Thanks!
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1 Replies
Hi, I'm using flutter and integrated the repository to Xcode cloud to compile the app and everything is connected properly While running the build, I get the below error and build fails always unable to open configuration settings file Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig:1
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3 Replies
I am developing my project in expo. I manage to generate the development build on the emulator and on my device.. I can also send the .ipa file to Apple connect but the build never arrives on the panel. I opted for xcode cloud but when trying to generate the build I come across this error unable to open configuration settings file Pods-project.release.xcconfig:1, could someone help me?
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7 Replies
Xcode cloud builds were failing with the following error. It wasn't the problem before yesterday morning 26.Apr.2023 before 1:00 PM. Please let me know what the issue is or if there is anything I can do to solve this. Additional information: The app is a react-native app. error: RPC failed; HTTP 502 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 502 fatal: expected flush after ref listing info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/install for documentation about this command. [in /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios] [!] Invalid Podfile file: cannot load such file -- /Volumes/workspace/repository/node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods. from /Volumes/workspace/repository/ios/Podfile:1 ------------------------------------------- require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods' require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules' ------------------------------------------- Error Command exited with non-zero exit-code: 1
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1 Replies
Hello, I am inquiring about the custom build script of Xcode Cloud. I added ci_post_xcodebuild.sh to the Post-Xcodebuild step according to the guide in the official document. I have some questions while using environment variables in Custom script. Will the IPA files stored in the environment variables CI_AD_HOC_SIGNED_APP_PATH, CI_APP_STORE_SIGNED_APP_PATH, CI_DEVELOPMENT_SIGNED_APP_PATH be uploaded to the App Store? If not, I wonder how the IPA files uploaded to the AppStore are processed and saved in which path. Also, if number 1 is wrong, for what purpose are these environment variables provided? I'll be waiting for the reply. Thank you.
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Hi community: I'm coming across two error types on Xcode cloud during ui tests. encountered an error (Early unexpected exit, operation never finished bootstrapping - no restart will be attempted. (Underlying Error: Test crashed with signal kill before starting test execution. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Volumes/workspace/resultbundlexcresult)) encountered an error (Failed to prepare device 'Clone 7 of iPhone 14 Pro' for impending launch. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Volumes/workspace/ resultbundle.xcresult. (Underlying Error: Unable to boot the Simulator. launch failed to respond. (Underlying Error: Failed to start launch_ sim: could not bind to session, launchd_sim may have crashed or quit responding))) Any ideas on how to solve them? Thanks
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1 Replies
Though everything works fine locally, while trying to build a project in xcode cloud, i get the error archive of binary target 'libjsoncpp.a' does not contain expected binary artifact named 'libjsoncpp.a' It is referenced in a Package.swift file as so .binaryTarget( name: "libjsoncpp.a", url: "https://github.com/Imajion/libjsoncpp.a/releases/download/r3/libjsoncpp.a.xcframework.zip", checksum: "f29acc8d9e5b983fde90d2f8b8c8091bed8c25d42cc58d487ef0b8f7db303ba6" ), I've also tried checking the .zip into the project and referencing locally as such .binaryTarget(name: "libopen3d.a", path: "./PreBuilt/libopen3d.a.xcframework.zip"), However I get the same error. Can anyone offer any insight? The error is quite vauge. The link above is valid if anyone would like to check the archive.
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Since a couple of days ago, the tab for Xcode Cloud on App Store Connect never ends up loading. The console seems to log some errors about the ci, so I'd assume something's broken? Works fine from Xcode though, and the builds do go though, might be just a Javascript rendering issue.
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3 Replies
Hello! I ran into an unusual problem and an internet search didn't turn up any results, so I decided to try here. I've created a lambda function and published it to AWS to read the Xcode Cloud webhook, but for some reason any request fails: An example of a response that is always displayed. This is very strange, because this request passes through Postman and is processed. There I tried to send the same data. Sending a request via Postman. I'm not sure, but apparently the problem is somewhere at the Xcode Cloud level, since its request does not even reach AWS, judging by the logs. Perhaps someone had a similar situation?
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3 Replies
I am relatively new to coding and put together this countdown timer based on code available in various public forums. This countdown timer for my iPhone puts a timer on my screen, allows me to select the time counted down in minutes and seconds, then to start the timer and, if so desired, reset it.While such timers are readily available, I wanted to try and build one myself and learn swift in the process. The program builds and runs fine. However the latter section is intended to play a chime when the countdown timer reaches the 1/2 way point and then when it finishes. This is not working and I'm at a loss to get it to do so. I would appreciate it if someone would modify my code to make this work. Also, I don't know how to compile the program so that I can move it off my MacBook and onto my iPad and would appreciate guidance on that. The code follows: Thank you // // Content-ViewModel.swift // Countdown Timer // // // import Foundation import AVFoundation extension ContentView { //contains the initial user interface final class ViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var isActive = false @Published var showingAlert = false @Published var time: String = "1:00" @Published var minutes: Float = 1.0 { didSet { self.time = "\(Int(minutes)):00" } } private var initialTime = 0 // sets the var initialTime to 0 private var endDate = Date() // sets endDate to the current date // this next func starts timer in minutes func start(minutes: Float) { // this starts timer in minutes self.initialTime = Int(minutes) self.endDate = Date() self.isActive = true // true means the timer is active self.endDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .minute, value: Int(minutes), to: endDate)! } // this next func updates the var minutes to original time func reset() { self.minutes = Float(initialTime) self.isActive = false self.time = "\(Int(minutes)):00" } // this next func calculates the elapsed time func updateCountDown() { guard isActive else { return } let now = Date() let diff = endDate.timeIntervalSince1970 - now.timeIntervalSince1970 if diff <= 0 { // means timer is at zero self.isActive = false self.time = "0:00" self.showingAlert = true return // coud add code here to signify time is up } // This next code allows us to grab minutes and seconds from the calendar let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: diff) let calendar = Calendar.current let minutes = calendar.component(.minute, from: date) let seconds = calendar.component(.second, from: date) self.minutes = Float(minutes) self.time = String(format: "%d:%02d", minutes, seconds) // this creates the 2 digit display of minutes and seconds as a string let halftime = minutes/2 // This shoud create a float variable equal to 1/2 run time let chimesSoundEffect = "Chimes-sound-effect.mp3" /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ var player: AVAudioPlayer? func playSound() { guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "sound", withExtension: "mp3") else { return } do { try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback, mode: .default) try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true) player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url, fileTypeHint: AVFileType.mp3.rawValue) guard let player = player else { return } player.play() } catch let error { print(error.localizedDescription) } let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { timer in /* why doesn't the sound play when the halftime reached minutes/2 or when time reaches 0 */ if minutes == halftime { playSound() if minutes == 0 { timer.invalidate() playSound() } } } } } } }
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1 Replies
I use Bitbucket Cloud with SSH. I can see the SSH key in my Bitbucket admin panel. It seems to be correctly configured inside Xcode. But all dialogs from Source Control menu indicates "no remote". When I want to create the workflow it says "to create Xcode Cloud workflows, first add a remote source code repository". How to configure it? Thank you.
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Hi! I'm working with a new workflow in Xcode Cloud. The workflow basically edits the Info.plist file to increase the build number and then sends the new version to TestFlight. The workflow works fine, but after editing and sending the file, I want to save the Info.plist file with the new version and create a new commit automatically. Is this possible? I can't find any documentation about it. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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While trying to configure Xcode Cloud I am stuck in a continuous loop. When I setup the project in Xcode and click “Grant Access”, it navigates me to AppStore Connect on the screen showing “Select Source Control Provider”, “Gitlab Self-Managed” is showing as connected, but its not. When I initially tried to setup, the configuration failed and since then its shown as connected. If I then click on GitLab Self-Managed to re-connect and continue the setup process, but after a few moments an error message is displayed saying. What I would like to do, is delete the connection and re-connect but can't see anywhere within options that its actually connected other than this page. Though when click on the "SelfHosted Option", I get this. “Connecting Xcode Cloud with your source control provider was incomplete. An unexpected issue has occurred. Please try again.”. Now when I open Xcode, under primary repo in the cloud setup page I dont see any git repos, just project locations. Though my hidden git config is configured as expected.
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I'm having issue using Xcode Cloud with my developer account. I have active Apple Developer Program membership (Individual) associated with my Apple ID: I am getting the message.... Your developer account is not a member of a team that is eligible to use Xcode Cloud.
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I just created a new project in Xcode and added it to GitHub. The remote repository shows up in Xcode. But when I try to run Xcode Cloud, it tells me that I need to add a remote repo, and doesn't give me any other option.
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2 Replies
Hi, If you all know anything about these errors below your help would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more information about this feel free to comment. I'm pretty lost at this point. I've been archiving my Flutter app with Xcode Cloud and am getting these four errors: could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig' in search paths could not find included file 'Generated.xcconfig' in search paths Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks-Release-output-files.xcfilelist' Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks-Release-input-files.xcfilelist' I'm also getting these two warnings (Idk if they're related): Run script build phase '[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. Unable to read contents of XCFileList '/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner-frameworks-Release-output-files.xcfilelist' I'm using the defualt workflow for Xcode Cloud and am using the following as my post clone script: # The default execution directory of this script is the ci_scripts directory. cd $CI_WORKSPACE # change working directory to the root of your cloned repo. # Install Flutter using git. git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git --depth 1 -b stable $HOME/flutter export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/flutter/bin" # Install Flutter artifacts for iOS (--ios), or macOS (--macos) platforms. flutter precache --ios # Install Flutter dependencies. flutter pub get flutter build ios # Install CocoaPods using Homebrew. HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 # disable homebrew's automatic updates. brew install cocoapods # Install CocoaPods dependencies. cd ios pod install # run `pod install` in the `ios` directory. exit 0