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CoreMediaIO camera extension not available immediately after activation
We activate our camera extension from host application and wait for user to allow access it in System Settings. Once our host application receives notification camera extension is ready to be used we want to communicate with the extension. When we enumerate AVCaptureDevices or try to find newly added device using CMIOObjectGetPropertyData for property kCMIOHardwarePropertyDevices, our camera extension is not shown. Once we stop and restart host application camera extension is shown as expected, issue only happens once right after activating the extension. Looks like capture devices are not refreshed for host application after camera extension is activated and approved. Is there a way to force system to refresh cameras? Or any other ideas to make extension immediately visible for host application without relaunching it?
Jul ’23
Title: Issues with NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass in Widget Extensions for iOS 14
I'm working on an app that has the following structure: MyApp MyWidgetExtension MyWatchKitApp -- MyWatchKitAppExtension ---- MyWatchKitAppWidgetExtension Both MyWidgetExtension and MyWatchKitAppWidgetExtension were developed using a shared MyWidgetBundle defined as follows: @main struct MyWidgetBundle : WidgetBundle However, I'm running into an issue when attempting to run this on devices with iOS 14. I get an error stating "App extensions must define either NSExtensionMainStoryboard or NSExtensionPrincipalClass keys in the NSExtension dictionary in their Info.plist." Interestingly, if I remove MyWatchKitAppWidgetExtension, the app installs just fine. But, if I add NSExtensionPrincipalClass or NSExtensionMainStoryboard, when I try to distribute the app to TestFlight, I receive an error stating "Unexpected key NSExtensionPrincipalClass found in extension Info.plist". I'm at a loss as to how to resolve this issue. Does anyone have any suggestions or insights?
Jul ’23
Display HDR images for PhotoKit assets
In my app I get a UIImage for a PHAsset via PHImageManager.requestImage(for:targetSize:contentMode:options:resultHandler:). I directly display that image in a UIImageView that has preferredImageDynamicRange set to .high. The problem is I do not see the high dynamic range. I see the HDRDemo23 sample code uses PhotosPicker to get a UIImage from Data through UIImageReader whose config enables prefersHighDynamicRange. Is there a way to support HDR when using the Photos APIs to request display images? And is there support for PHLivePhoto displayed in PHLivePhotoView retrieved via PHImageManager.requestLivePhoto?
Jul ’23
Matter pairing without Matter client developer profile
To be able to paire a matter device on ios I need to installed on my iPhone the matter client developper profile as indicate on the apple documentation Adding Matter support to your ecosystem | Apple Developer Documentation (To test your app on the iOS or macOS device that initiates the pairing, download the developer profile now, then install it.) When I do that it works perfectly. Otherwise the documentation says that the profile is only needed for development but when I want to use my app from the apple store (validate by Apple) and when I remove the profile it doesn't work anymore. What do I have to do to paire Matter device on iphone without the Matter client developer profile.
Jul ’23
Is there a way to specify the port on the server to add the AASA files to?
Hi. I'm trying to develop a passkey app connected with a Webauthn server. There is a problem in the process of creating the Attestation Object. Since I am assigned 8445 port, I need to upload the /.well-known/ directory to that port. In the WebAuthn specification, the RPID should not include the port number. (https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-2/#relying-party-identifier) When initializing an ASAuthorizationPlatformPublicKeyCredentialProvider object, if I add the port number to RPID, the passkey UI will work and ASAuthorization object will be checked. But, I don't get authentication from webauthn server because the Attestation Obj is generated with RPID which contains port. Is there any way to specify the port number to check the "well-known" directory? Or is it only possible on port 443? I checked the post, but there is no more feedback, so I'm asking a question. (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/730028)
Aug ’23
Do iOS Safari ServiceWorkers get shut down due to thermal state?
Hi! I'm working on an iOS Safari extension that has a ServiceWorker. Lately we've noticed that this ServiceWorker seems to get killed seemingly at random, and there are no logs or crash reports to tell us what happened. I'm hypothesizing that iOS might be shutting down Safari ServiceWorkers when the ProcessInfo.thermalState approaches .serious. I have circumstantial evidence that our ServiceWorker tends to get killed more often at higher levels of thermalState but can't yet say conclusively that this is the case. I can't find any direct evidence of this on internet searches either. Is anyone able to shed light onto this topic? The specific symptoms are: ServiceWorker stops, and the menu entry for its console window no longer appears on macOS Safari. No crash logs via Xcode or Sentry, and no Console messages as far as we could tell (caveat: MobileSafari generates a LOT of messages! We might have missed it.) If attached via debugger, the native part of our extension just disappears and the debugger loses connection with no error message. ServiceWorker no longer works for the lifetime of the Safari process. Sometimes, when we kill Safari and restart, we can get the ServiceWorker back. This usually requires toggling our extension's "enabled" state in system settings. In some cases, even killing/relaunching Safari and toggling the system setting doesn't bring our ServiceWorker back. I'm hypothesizing right now that this happens when the thermal state is high. I've tried simulating a serious/critical thermal state in the Xcode Devices window, but couldn't repro the ServiceWorker problem. I don't know if that setting affects the whole system, though, or just our own apps. Help appreciated! Yuna
Aug ’23
App version is not showing up in crash reports
Facing crashes with a deamon that I'm working with has info.plist embedded within it. It also has CFBundleVersion, CFBundleShortVersionString properties with the appropriate values. But somehow the macOS is not picking up the version while generating crash reports. Crash reports just shows ??? in the version field. Here is info plist within the binary, I'm using macOS Monterey 12.2.1
Aug ’23
How to draw a mesh generated by SceneReconstructionProvider in VisionOS
I want to draw a mesh generated by SceneReconstructionProvider with a material set, but how should I draw the ShapeResource? I want to give a material to the mesh of the recognized wall or object to direct it. print("Part of the scene has been updated: ", update.anchor) task(priority: .low) { let shape = try await ShapeResource.generateStaticMesh(from: update.anchor) let entity = Entity() // What do I need to add? entity.components[CollisionComponent.self] = .init(shapes: [shape]) entity.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] = .init( massProperties: .default, . material: nil, , mode: .static) } ```
Aug ’23
iOS 17 beta 8 crash UIPrintPanelNavigationController
Hi everyone I started to see crash in iOS 17 beta 8 when try to show UIPrintInteractionController for iOS 16 and less it works fine let vc = UIPrintInteractionController.shared vc.printingItem = pdfFileUrl vc.present(animated: true) { (controller, success, error) in } UIApplicationInvalidInterfaceOrientation', reason: 'Supported orientations has no common orientation with the application, and [UIPrintPanelNavigationController shouldAutorotate] is returning YES App supported only portrait orientation in AppDelegate func application(_ application: UIApplication, supportedInterfaceOrientationsFor window: UIWindow?) -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask { return .portrait }
Sep ’23
Xcode 15 beta 8: try await .purchase() consistently throws StoreKitError.Unknown during XCTest on iOS 17 simulator
In my Xcode 15 beta 8 setup, I'm encountering an issue with the iOS 17 simulator where StoreKit.Product.purchase() consistently throws StoreKit Error.Unknown while running XCTest. Inside XCTest, I have declared SKTestSession(configuration: ""). I'm using try await StoreKit.Product.purchase(options: []). However, it always throws StoreKit Error.Unknown. There's no such problem with the iOS 16.4 simulator, where I can retrieve the result and handle it appropriately. This issue is only present in the iOS 17 simulator. Is there any necessary workaround or fix for this? I've also included the console log output for your reference: デフォルト 10:06:45.981812+0900 storekitd AMSURLRequest: [597e_SK2] Failed to fetch client ID domains from bag. Defaulting to not including analytics cookies. error = { Error domain=AMSErrorDomain, code=204 | URL = http://localhost:XXXXX/inApps/history?REDACTED
Sep ’23
FIFinderSync not working in iCloud Drive on Sonoma
When setting up a Finder Sync Extension, even when just using the minimal template given by the File → New → Target → macOS ones provided in Xcode, the right-click menu does not show up within iCloud Drive, while toolbar buttons always work. Outside iCloud Drive multiple extensions show up when right-clicking on Finder's background. When right-clicking inside iCloud Drive (here my synced Desktop folder), they do not show up. Before macOS Sonoma this worked perfectly for me, but it broke beginning with the first beta. No Finder extension from any app (such as the Keka one) work anymore. I have seen it discussed that not more than one Finder extension can be active in a directory, but that is not true as can be seen in the first screenshot. Q: How can I circumvent this issue?
Sep ’23
DriverKit Support on USB-C iPhones
Hi @eskimo! With the introduction of USB-C ports on the newest iPhones, will there be any support for DriverKit (or USBSerialDriverKit 🤞) similar to the USB-C iPads? We are wanting to enable serial communication with a custom USB peripheral via the new USB-C port. Is this (or will this) be possible in any manor? Additionally, will this require MFi certification? Thanks!
Sep ’23
PDF reading using PDFKit cannot render some text in iOS 17
Hello y'all, I would like to discuss here if anyone else is noticing that some PDF files are not rendered as expected in iOS/iPadOS 17, it seems that some text with background (screenshot attached) are not rendered and you can only see the back color. The issue is reproducible on Preview, Safari, where I guess Apple is using PDFKit framework too. We submitted different issues with Feedback Assistant, however I've not hear back from Apple yet. Is anyone else able to reproduce the issue? Thanks,
Sep ’23
macFUSE and autofs
I'm trying to use autofs to mount some macFUSE filesystems. However, autofs requires custom filesystems to provide /sbin/mount_* and this directory is not writable nor modifiable via synthentic.conf Using a launch agent or daemon is not desirable as there is a non-blocking delay before the filesystem gets mounted which causes a race condition. Is there any other option to let diskarbitrationd or autofs to automatically mount a macFUSE filesystem?
Sep ’23
XCTest - addUIInterruptionMonitor not working on iOS 17
For my test automation project I use addUIInterruptionMonitor to keep the tests running smoothly. On iOS 17 this function seems to never get triggered. This code snippet contains a test that passes on iOS 15 and 16, but not on iOS 17 (tested on iPhone 12, iOS 15.5, iPhone 13 Mini, iOS 16.4.1 and iPhone 14 Pro, iOS 17.0). To run the test, disable wifi and cell data on the test device first. import XCTest class Interruptions: XCTestCase { func testCatchInterruption() { // Run test on device with wifi and cell data disabled var caughtInterruption = false addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Generic Alert Handler") { element -> Bool in element.buttons["OK"].tap() caughtInterruption = true return true } let safariApp = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "com.apple.mobilesafari") safariApp.launch() // Expect to see pop-up saying "Cellular Data is turned off" safariApp.tap() sleep(5) // Pop-up should be gone XCTAssert(caughtInterruption) } }
Sep ’23