Explore the core architecture of the operating system, including the kernel, memory management, and process scheduling.






Clarification on Where Application Code and Static Libraries Are Stored in Memory
Hello, I’m seeking some clarity regarding the memory storage of application code and static libraries. I understand the basic memory layout in terms of the code (text) segment, data segment, heap, and stack: • Code Segment (Text Segment): Typically stores the compiled program code. • Data Segment: Stores global and static variables. • Heap: Dynamically allocated memory during runtime. • Stack: Stores local variables and function call information. However, I’ve come across some conflicting information: 1. Official Documentation: In an illustration from Apple’s official documentation, it appeared as though application code might be stored in the heap. This seemed unusual given my understanding that compiled code is generally stored in the code segment. from document archive 2. Blog Posts: Several blogs mention that the source code for static libraries is stored in the heap. This also contradicts my understanding since static libraries, after being linked, should be part of the application’s executable code, thus residing in the code segment. Given these points, my understanding is that: • Application Code: After compilation, the executable code should be stored in the code segment. • Static Libraries: Once linked, the code from static libraries should also be part of the code segment. Could you please clarify: • Where exactly is the application code stored in memory? • Is the claim that static libraries’ source code is stored in the heap correct, or is it a misunderstanding? Thank you!
Jun ’24
sem_t in sandbox app
Hello, For educational purpose, I try to use a POSIX semaphore sem_t instead of a dispatch_semaphore_t in a sandbox macOS Obj-C app. When using sandbox, the semaphore code creation : sem_t * _unixSemaphore; char nameSemaphore[64] = {0}; snprintf(nameSemaphore, 22, "/UnixSemaphore_sample"); _unixSemaphore = sem_open(nameSemaphore, O_CREAT, 0644, 0); fails, receiving SEM_FAILED and the errno is 78 (not implemented) However, the sem_t _unixSemaphore is created and works fine when I disable sandbox I my entitlements. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you in advance Jean Marie
Jun ’24
FileHandle over XPC failure?
2024-06-04 15:17:59.618853+0100 ProxyAgent[20233:29237510] [xpc.exceptions] <NSXPCConnection: 0x60000331cb40> connection from pid 20227 on anonymousListener or serviceListener: Exception caught during decoding of received selector newFlowWithIdentifier:to:type:metadata:socket:, dropping incoming message. Exception: Exception while decoding argument 4 (#6 of invocation): <NSInvocation: 0x600001778780> return value: {v} void target: {@} 0x0 selector: {:} null argument 2: {@} 0x6000017787c0 argument 3: {@} 0x60000002d170 argument 4: {q} 1 argument 5: {@} 0x600001746600 argument 6: {@} 0x0 Exception: decodeObjectForKey: Object of class "NSFileHandle" returned nil from -initWithCoder: while being decoded for key <no key> The extension is in Swift; the recipient is in ObjC (wheeeeee). Based on the extension's logging, the FileHandle is not nil. I am trying to pass a FileHandle based on a socketpair up to the user-land code. The sockets are created happily. Any ideas what's going wrong here?
Jun ’24
AppKit/Mac Catalyst apps are being rejected by App Review for launching default web browser for login
It seems that all macOS apps currently going through App Review which use ASWebAuthenticationSession (or SwiftUI webAuthenticationSession) are being rejected, because: Reason given: Guideline 4.0 - Design The user is taken to the default web browser to sign in or register for an account, which provides a poor user experience. See here for more details: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/750400 If webAuthenticationSession is no longer permitted for production apps, what is the current recommended approach for implementing OAuth 2 authentication?
Apr ’24
Universal app link with query parameters is not working
I have configured AASA file to support path such as https://domain/forgot-password?token=asadsad3ddsd. It is not opening in browser nor app. I have tried different iterations to support the above url. iteration 1 : components : [ { "/" : "/forgot-password" , "?" : { "token" : "?*} ] iteration 2 : components : [ { "/" : "*" } ] iteration 3 : components : [ { "/" : "/forgot-password" , "?" : { "token" : "?????..." } ] my token is of length 36. so I have kept 36 question marks. do we need to configure something in flutter app delegate to support query parameters.
May ’24
Prevent authorisation prompt during deactivationRequest
By calling the deactivationRequest from the main app bundle, we see Privacy & Security prompts for TouchID to deactivate the System Extension. We want to know if there's way to avoid that prompt. And also need know why the prompt pops up to deactivate our own app's System Extension component. We even tried to call the deactivate request from Daemon which contain the root access. We still see the prompt. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/systemextensions/ossystemextensionrequest/deactivationrequest(forextensionwithidentifier:queue:)
Jun ’24
FileDescriptor writing to an unexpected file
I'm using a file descriptor to write into a file. I've encountered a problem where if the underlying file is removed or recreated, the file descriptor becomes unstable. I have no reliable way to confirm if it's writing on the expected file. let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/") try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url) FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: url.path, contents: .empty) let filePath = FilePath(url.path) var fileDescriptor = try FileDescriptor.open(filePath, .readWrite) // The file is recreated - may be done from a different process. try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url) // L9 FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: url.path, contents: .empty) // L10 let dataToWrite = Data([1,1,1,1]) try fileDescriptor.writeAll(dataToWrite) // L13 let dataWritten = try Data(contentsOf: url) print(dataToWrite == dataWritten) // false I would expect L13 to result in an error. Given it doesn't: Is there a way to determine where fileDescriptor is writing? Is there a way to ensure that fileDescriptor is writing the content in the expected filePath?
May ’24
NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension copy hooks?
My company has developed a desktop-Mac FileProvider extension which presents a user with shared encrypted folders; it's working well except for one issue. While we can handle moving an encrypted folder, there seems to be no way to detect that an encrypted folder has been copied or duplicated. Is there any equivalent to the Windows shell extension copy-hook handler, which can allow NSReplicatedFileProviderExtension (or some other portion of the system) to detect that a folder is being copied?
Jun ’24
Video player has an incorrect seek bar time with live stream on iOS 17
I've encountered an issue with the seek bar time display in the video player on iOS 17, specifically affecting live stream videos using HLS manifests with the time displayed in am/pm format. As the video progresses, the displayed start time appears to shift backwards in time with a peculiar pattern: Displayed Start Time = Normal Start Time - Viewed Duration For instance, if a program begins at 9:00 AM, at 9:30 AM, the start time shown will erroneously be 8:30 AM. Similarly, at 9:40 AM, the displayed start time will be 8:20 AM. This issue is observed with both VideoPlayer and AVPlayerViewController on iOS 17. The same implementation of the video player on iOS 16 displays the duration of the viewed program and doesn’t have any issues. Please advise on any known workarounds or solutions to address this issue on iOS 17.
Feb ’24
macFUSE and autofs
I'm trying to use autofs to mount some macFUSE filesystems. However, autofs requires custom filesystems to provide /sbin/mount_* and this directory is not writable nor modifiable via synthentic.conf Using a launch agent or daemon is not desirable as there is a non-blocking delay before the filesystem gets mounted which causes a race condition. Is there any other option to let diskarbitrationd or autofs to automatically mount a macFUSE filesystem?
Sep ’23
iOS 17.5.1 dyld watchdog
Hello, I get a lot of crashlogs from MetricKit watchdog on iOS 17.5.1 all related to dyld. Does anybody has the same issue or any idea what could be the problem? Attached is the watchdog log. wathchdog exhausted real (wall clock) time allowance of 30.00 seconds ProcessVisibility: Background ProcessState: Running WatchdogEvent: process-launch. crash in dyld process Following error is shown: 0 Thread 0 1 dyld objc::findhash(dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<objc::bstuff, 4294967295ull>&, unsigned int*, unsigned long long*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<objc::PerfectHash::key, 4294967295ull>&) + 584 2 dyld objc::PerfectHash::make_perfect(dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<objc::PerfectHash::key, 4294967295ull>&, objc::PerfectHash&) + 124 3 dyld objc::PerfectHash::make_perfect(dyld3::OverflowSafeArray<char const*, 4294967295ull> const&, objc::PerfectHash&) + 152 4 dyld dyld4::PrebuiltObjC::generateHashTables(dyld4::RuntimeState&) + 128 5 dyld dyld4::PrebuiltObjC::make(Diagnostics&, dyld4::RuntimeState&) + 2968 6 dyld dyld4::PrebuiltLoaderSet::makeLaunchSet(Diagnostics&, dyld4::RuntimeState&, dyld4::MissingPaths const&) + 468 7 dyld dyld4::prepare(dyld4::APIs&, dyld3::MachOAnalyzer const*) + 2920 8 dyld start + 1724 MetricKitLog.txt diagnostic.json
Jun ’24
RoomPlan: How to track rooms across a CapturedStructure.init(from:) call?
I'd like to be able to associate some data with each CapturedRoom scan and maintain those associations when CapturedRooms are combined in a CapturedStructure. For example, in the delegate method captureView(didPresent:error:), I'd like to associate external data with the CapturedRoom. That's easy enough to do with a Swift dictionary, using the CapturedRoom's identifier as the key to the associated data. However, when I assemble a list of CapturedRooms into a CapturedStructure using StructureBuilder.init(from:), the rooms in the output CapturedStructure have different identifiers so their associations to the external data are lost. Is there any way to track or identify CapturedRoom objects that are input into a StructureBuilder to the rooms in the CapturedStructure output? I looked for something like a "userdata" property on a CapturedRoom that might be preserved, but couldn't find one. And since the room identifiers change when they are built into a CapturedStructure, I don't see an obvious way to do this.
Oct ’23
How does rendering to a higher resolution RenderTarget and then downsampling to a Drawable cause image distortion?
Rendering the scene onto a RenderTarget with twice the resolution of the Drawable, and then downsampling to the Drawable, causes the image to appear distorted. Modifications were made on the Xcode VisionOS template Foveation should be enabled by default struct ContentStageConfiguration: CompositorLayerConfiguration { func makeConfiguration(capabilities: LayerRenderer.Capabilities, configuration: inout LayerRenderer.Configuration) { configuration.depthFormat = .depth32Float configuration.colorFormat = .bgra8Unorm_srgb let foveationEnabled = capabilities.supportsFoveation configuration.isFoveationEnabled = foveationEnabled let options: LayerRenderer.Capabilities.SupportedLayoutsOptions = foveationEnabled ? [.foveationEnabled] : [] let supportedLayouts = capabilities.supportedLayouts(options: options) configuration.layout = supportedLayouts.contains(.layered) ? .layered : .dedicated } } To avoid errors, rasterizationRateMap is not set. var renderPassDescriptor = MTLRenderPassDescriptor() renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = self.renderTarget.currentFrameColor renderPassDescriptor.renderTargetWidth = self.renderTarget.currentFrameColor.width renderPassDescriptor.renderTargetHeight = self.renderTarget.currentFrameColor.height renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = .clear renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = .store renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0.0, green: 0.0, blue: 0.0, alpha: 0.0) renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.texture = self.renderTarget.currentFrameDepth renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.loadAction = .clear renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.storeAction = .store renderPassDescriptor.depthAttachment.clearDepth = 0.0 //renderPassDescriptor.rasterizationRateMap = drawable.rasterizationRateMaps.first if layerRenderer.configuration.layout == .layered { renderPassDescriptor.renderTargetArrayLength = drawable.views.count } The rendering process is as follows:
Apr ’24
How do I switch a thread in my app to use ARM’s big endian mode? The thread code is complied in with the app using Xcode; however other ways of compiling/linking such as libraries, support threads or even cooperative apps might work. Open to ideas. I need to get the iPad processor into big endian mode. Please feel free to ask for any additional information. Best, BR.
Jun ’24
`listener failed to activate: xpc_error=[1: Operation not permitted]`
Hi :wave: I started a new project to experiment with EndpointSecurity framework. It seems to have been worked, but when I try to add XPC I face some troubles. I am not able to send XPC message from my app to my system extension. No runtime error, but when I'm inspecting logs: That correspond to this code: https://github.com/tony-go/TestES/blob/main/Extension/main.swift#L21-L30 Full project: https://github.com/tony-go/TestES/ I thought at first that it could come from a missing @objc somehere but it does not seems ... I also wonder why I cannot catch this error at runtime ?
May ’24
Logger messages not showing in XCode console
XCode version 13.2.1 I enabled os_log messages using the following code:    let myLog = OSLog(subsystem: "testing", category: "exploring")   override func viewDidLoad() {     os_log("LOGGING TEST BLAH BLAH", log: myLog)     print("Starting ViewDidLoad")     super.viewDidLoad()     os_log("LOGGING TEST BLAH BLAH", log: myLog)' ... However, I do not see anything on the XCode console - just the print ("Starting ViewDidLoad"). Is there a setting in XCode to echo messages from the logger that needs to be turned on? I understand that Logger is the preferred method now instead of os_log, but both should echo the log messages on XCode debug console from what I can tell.. Thanks!
Jan ’22
How to distribute a DriverKit extension to third parties developing on iOS
Hello, We're developing a framework that needs to talk to a camera on iOS. We've written a Driverkit Extension to enable this but we're having trouble working out how to distribute this to third parties. We have to specify the application's bundle id in the driverkit's bundle ID. But as far as I can tell that means if there are multiple consumers, they each need their own specially built driverkit extension. For MacOS, we can see an entitlement that allow any 'user client' to connect to our driverkit extension. But from what I can tell, that doesn't seem to be the same for iOS. Am I missing something? Or is it expected that we should have to build a new driverkit extension with a different bundle ID for every app that every third party wants to develop? Let me know if I'm missing too much context, thanks in advance!
May ’24