Hi, as other threads have already discussed, I'd like to record audio from a keyboard extension.
The keyboard has been granted both full access and microphone access. Nonetheless whenever I attempt to start a recording from my keyboard, it fails to start with the following error:
Recording failed to start: Error Domain=com.apple.coreaudio.avfaudio Code=561145187 "(null)" UserInfo={failed call=err = PerformCommand(*ioNode, kAUStartIO, NULL, 0)}
This is the code I am using:
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
protocol AudioRecordingServiceDelegate: AnyObject {
func audioRecordingDidStart()
func audioRecordingDidStop(withAudioData: Data?)
func audioRecordingPermissionDenied()
class AudioRecordingService {
weak var delegate: AudioRecordingServiceDelegate?
private var audioEngine: AVAudioEngine?
private var audioSession: AVAudioSession?
private var isRecording = false
private var audioData = Data()
private let targetFormat = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16,
sampleRate: 16000,
channels: 1,
interleaved: false)!
private func setupAudioSession() throws {
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try session.setCategory(.playAndRecord, mode: .spokenAudio,
options: [.mixWithOthers, .allowBluetooth, .defaultToSpeaker])
try session.setPreferredIOBufferDuration(0.005)
try session.setActive(true, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation)
audioSession = session
func checkMicrophonePermission(completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
switch AVAudioApplication.shared.recordPermission {
case .granted:
case .denied:
case .undetermined:
AVAudioApplication.requestRecordPermission { [weak self] granted in
if !granted {
@unknown default:
func toggleRecording() {
if isRecording {
} else {
checkMicrophonePermission { [weak self] granted in
if granted {
private func startRecording() {
guard !isRecording else { return }
do {
try setupAudioSession()
audioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
guard let engine = audioEngine else { return }
let inputNode = engine.inputNode
let inputFormat = inputNode.inputFormat(forBus: 0)
guard let converter = AVAudioConverter(from: inputFormat, to: targetFormat) else {
print("Failed to create audio converter")
inputNode.installTap(onBus: 0, bufferSize: 1024, format: inputFormat) { [weak self] buffer, _ in
guard let self = self else { return }
let frameCount = AVAudioFrameCount(Double(buffer.frameLength) * 16000.0 / buffer.format.sampleRate)
guard let outputBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: self.targetFormat,
frameCapacity: frameCount) else { return }
outputBuffer.frameLength = frameCount
var error: NSError?
converter.convert(to: outputBuffer, error: &error) { _, outStatus in
outStatus.pointee = .haveData
return buffer
if error == nil, let channelData = outputBuffer.int16ChannelData {
let dataLength = Int(outputBuffer.frameLength) * 2
let data = Data(bytes: channelData.pointee, count: dataLength)
try engine.start()
isRecording = true
} catch {
print("Recording failed to start: \(error)")
private func stopRecording() {
audioEngine?.inputNode.removeTap(onBus: 0)
isRecording = false
let finalData = audioData
delegate?.audioRecordingDidStop(withAudioData: finalData)
try? audioSession?.setActive(false, options: .notifyOthersOnDeactivation)
deinit {
if isRecording {
Granting the deprecated "Inter-App Audio" capability did not solve the problem either.
Is recording audio from a keyboard extension even possible in general? If so, how do I fix it?
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RSS for tagDelve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.
When are you guys going to fix the CarPlay issues with this new update? I use this for work and it’s really an issue. Nothing is working and it takes up entirely too much space.
Im having issue with OneDrive that is affected our company iPads. User are able to drag and drop any folder or files over and now they cant. they are on the latest update for OneDrive and the IOS. Can someone look at this and also i reach to Microsoft and they said that nothing have change on there end.
Background Information
In the macOS operating system environment, Program A uses libusb to access USB devices that comply with the USB Mass Storage protocol. To enable Program A to start automatically after macOS boots, its corresponding plist file has been placed in the /Library/LaunchDaemons directory.
Problem and Phenomenon Description
Program A works well on macOS versions prior to 15.3, and it can access USB devices normally. However, on macOS 15.3, the following abnormal situations have occurred:
A. Program A launched by launchd cannot access the USB device. Checking the logs reveals that the IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService call in the darwin_claim_interface function returns the error code e00002be.
B. Program A launched from the terminal command line with sudo privileges can access the USB device normally, and the return value of the IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService call is 0.
So the battery level value is in accurate returns the battery percentage in multiple of 5 values e.g. battery percentage is 42 but the api returns it as 40. So please fix the issue if possible because i checked that the
devices running iOS versions below 17 appear to be working fine.
I have an Iphone Xsmax and the battery health is degraded to 69
i noticed whenever I put it on charge it just restarts and keeps doing that until I start using it or keep the screen on before it charges
please is it my charger or it’s because the battery health has degraded to 69?
For the "Required device capabilities" in my info.plist I have:
iPhone Performance Gaming Tier
iPad Minimum Performance M1
But a beta test just informed me they cannot install on iPhone 16 Pro Max due to "incompatible hardware"
I need to limit to iPhone 15 or newer and M1 or newer. I read that iPhone Performance Gaming Tier also limits iPads to M1 here:
Perhaps I should only use "iPhone Performance Gaming Tier" and by using "iPad Minimum Performance M1" it is not allowing it to be installed on an iPhone?
It would be very nice if I could see what devices are supported by the current settings.
Hello everyone,
I want send haptics to ps4 controller.
CHHapticPatternPlayer and CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer good work with iPhone.
On PS4 controller If I use CHHapticPatternPlayer all work good, but if I use CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer I get error. I want use CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer to use additional settings. I don't found any information how to fix it -
CHHapticEngine.mm:624 -[CHHapticEngine finishInit:]_block_invoke: ERROR: Server connection broke with error 'Не удалось завершить операцию. (com.apple.CoreHaptics, ошибка -4811)'
The engine stopped because a system error occurred.
AVHapticClient.mm:1228 -[AVHapticClient getSyncDelegateForMethod:errorHandler:]_block_invoke: ERROR: Sync XPC call for 'loadAndPrepareHapticSequenceFromEvents:reply:' (client ID 0x21) failed: Не удалось установить связь с приложением-помощником.
Не удалось создать или воспроизвести паттерн: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service with pid 5087 named com.apple.GameController.gamecontrollerd.haptics" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service with pid 5087 named com.apple.GameController.gamecontrollerd.haptics}
My Haptic class -
import Foundation
import CoreHaptics
import GameController
protocol HapticsControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
func didConnectController()
func didDisconnectController()
func enginePlayerStart(value: Bool)
final class HapticsControllerManager {
static let shared = HapticsControllerManager()
private var isSetup = false
private var hapticEngine: CHHapticEngine?
private var hapticPlayer: CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer?
weak var delegate: HapticsControllerDelegate? {
didSet {
if delegate != nil {
deinit {
private func startObserving() {
guard !isSetup else { return }
selector: #selector(controllerDidConnect),
name: .GCControllerDidConnect,
object: nil
selector: #selector(controllerDidDisconnect),
name: .GCControllerDidDisconnect,
object: nil
isSetup = true
@objc private func controllerDidConnect(notification: Notification) {
@objc private func controllerDidDisconnect(notification: Notification) {
hapticEngine = nil
hapticPlayer = nil
private func createAndStartHapticEngine() {
guard let controller = GCController.controllers().first else {
print("No controller connected")
guard controller.haptics != nil else {
print("Haptics not supported on this controller")
hapticEngine = createEngine(for: controller, locality: .default)
hapticEngine?.playsHapticsOnly = true
do {
try hapticEngine?.start()
} catch {
print("Не удалось запустить движок тактильной обратной связи: \(error)")
private func createEngine(for controller: GCController, locality: GCHapticsLocality) -> CHHapticEngine? {
guard let engine = controller.haptics?.createEngine(withLocality: locality) else {
print("Failed to create engine.")
return nil
print("Successfully created engine.")
engine.stoppedHandler = { reason in
print("The engine stopped because \(reason.message)")
engine.resetHandler = {
print("The engine reset --> Restarting now!")
do {
try engine.start()
} catch {
print("Failed to restart the engine: \(error)")
return engine
func startHapticFeedback(haptics: [CHHapticEvent]) {
do {
let pattern = try CHHapticPattern(events: haptics, parameters: [])
hapticPlayer = try hapticEngine?.makeAdvancedPlayer(with: pattern)
hapticPlayer?.loopEnabled = true
try hapticPlayer?.start(atTime: 0)
self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(value: true)
} catch {
self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(value: false)
print("Не удалось создать или воспроизвести паттерн: \(error)")
func stopHapticFeedback() {
do {
try hapticPlayer?.stop(atTime: 0)
self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(value: false)
} catch {
self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(value: true)
print("Не удалось остановить воспроизведение вибрации: \(error)")
extension CHHapticEngine.StoppedReason {
var message: String {
switch self {
case .audioSessionInterrupt:
return "the audio session was interrupted."
case .applicationSuspended:
return "the application was suspended."
case .idleTimeout:
return "an idle timeout occurred."
case .systemError:
return "a system error occurred."
case .notifyWhenFinished:
return "playback finished."
case .engineDestroyed:
return "the engine was destroyed."
case .gameControllerDisconnect:
return "the game controller disconnected."
@unknown default:
return "an unknown error occurred."
custom haptic events -
static func changeVibrationPower(power: HapricPower) -> [CHHapticEvent] {
let continuousEvent = CHHapticEvent(eventType: .hapticContinuous, parameters: [
CHHapticEventParameter(parameterID: .hapticSharpness, value: 1.0),
CHHapticEventParameter(parameterID: .hapticIntensity, value: power.value)
], relativeTime: 0, duration: 0.5)
return [continuousEvent]
I am currently working on a USB HID-class device and I wanted to test communications between various OSes and the device.
I was able to communicate through standard USB with the device on other OSes such as Windows and Linux, through their integrated kernel modules and generic HID drivers. As a last test, I wanted to test macOS as well.
This is my code, running in a Swift-based command line utility:
import Foundation
import CoreHID
let matchingCriteria = HIDDeviceManager.DeviceMatchingCriteria(vendorID: 0x1234, productID: 0x0006) // This is the VID/PID combination that the device is actually listed under
let manager = HIDDeviceManager()
for try await notification in await manager.monitorNotifications(matchingCriteria: [matchingCriteria]) {
switch notification {
case .deviceMatched(let deviceReference):
print("Device Matched!")
guard let client = HIDDeviceClient(deviceReference: deviceReference) else {
fatalError("Unable to create client. Exiting.") // crash on purpose
let report = try await client.dispatchGetReportRequest(type: .input)
print("Get report data: [\(report.map { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined(separator: " "))]")
case .deviceRemoved(_):
print("A device was removed.")
The client.dispatchGetReportRequest(...) line always fails, and if I turn the try expression into a force-unwrapped one (try!) then the code, unsurprisingly, crashes.
The line raises a CoreHID.HIDDeviceError.unknown() exception with a seemingly meaningless IOReturn code (last time I tried I got an IOReturn code with the value of -536870211).
The first instinct is to blame my own custom USB device for not working properly, but it doesn't cooperate with with ANY USB device currently connected: not a keyboard (with permissions granted), not a controller, nothing.
I did make sure to enable USB device access in the entitlements (when I tried to run this code in a simple Cocoa app) as well.
...What am I doing wrong here? What does the IOReturn code mean?
Thanks in advance for anybody willing to help out!
Battery health reduced to 89 from 98 within 2 months on iPhone 15 Pro and Cycle Count is just 314.
Is it the software update doing this?
Iphone 13 stuck on iOS beta 13
cant update it downloads but doesn‘t install have tried using a laptop didn't work my backup won’t work as well
Trial Rollout: 652eff3d1bce5442b8d753c9 (ramp:654d29cb7e430f0ea5135e4b namespaces:VISUAL_INTELLIGENCE_RICH_LABEL_I18N)
Trial Rollout: 654439cdafbf5b61207873a9 (ramp:65443b27f764584e3e121677 namespaces:SIRI_DATA_SHARING_MTE_OPT_OUT)
Trial Rollout: 6090733d1c1e594b6765e603 (ramp:61f1fd4757c72d21f3fd20dc namespaces:WIRELESS_DATA_ANALYTICS_SIS_FR2HARVESTING)
Trial Rollout: 63f9578e238e7b23a1f3030a (ramp:64af3a8e3789f0013152c6ea namespaces:SMART_REPLY_ACTIONS_EN)
Trial Rollout: 64c17a9925d75a7281053d4c (ramp:64d297de1008ca2fac17a1dc namespaces:SIRI_AUDIO_DISABLE_MEDIA_ENTITY_SYNC)
Trial Rollout: 64628732bf2f5257dedc8988 (ramp:651ca4291993407e6d574317 namespaces:)
Trial Rollout: 6434420a89ec2e0a7a38bf5a (ramp:64c96f230d0abc3f1813bdab namespaces:)
Trial Rollout: 639124e81d92412bfb4880b3 (ramp:63ffdf0ac679dd6bc58280c1 namespaces:SIRI_UNDERSTANDING_TMDC)
Trial Rollout: 6246d6a916a70b047e454124 (ramp:6449728db0bf6a06721af761 namespaces:WALLET_APP_ECOM_PAYMENT_SHEET)
Trial Rollout: 6425c75e4327780c10cc4252 (ramp:642b12bf4327780c10cc42e5 namespaces:SIRI_HOME_AUTOMATION_INTENT_SELECTION_CACHE)
Trial Rollout: 60f8ddccefea4203d95cbeef (ramp:640141a8c679dd6bc5828185 namespaces:)
Trial Rollout: 5f72dc58705eff005a46b3a9 (ramp:63d9571c2cb48e1296b0749a namespaces:SIRI_VIDEO_APP_SELECTION)
Trial Rollout: 5fb4245a1bbfe8005e33a1e1 (ramp:635c675bc8a2104545a56d45 namespaces:)
Trial Rollout: 60356660bbe37970735c5624 (ramp:618b79164b3765609b8b8252 namespaces:)
Trial Rollout: 60da5e84ab0ca017dace9abf (ramp:6137762b61217b31102314aa namespaces:)
Trial Rollout: 6081ed9716bb6d61d81d5014 (ramp:67953013d0a7cc3ee9718297 namespaces:BIFROST_PROD_1)
Trial Rollout: 601074e4af9bef000c169ea8 (ramp:67953105c871785bbdefd35c namespaces:BIFROST_DEV_1)
Trial Rollout: 6761d0c9df60af01adb250fb (ramp:6788a4224ebe024683e5aa2e namespaces:)
what do i do is it going down too fast?
I purchased an iPad Pro M4 in early December, and since day one, I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue. Almost every day, at random times, the device freezes for 1–5 minutes and then restarts itself.
The tablet is not under heavy load when this happens — I mainly use it for light tasks such as watching videos in a player or Safari browser, web surfing, and reading books. The issue has even occurred while the iPad was idle and locked; it froze, displayed the Apple logo, and rebooted.
I brought the device back to the store where I purchased it, and they sent it for a diagnostic check. However, the experts concluded that the device is fully functional, and no defects were found. After one of these crashes, I noticed that my Apple Pencil started lagging (see video file IMG_5688.MOV). However, after another reboot, the issue with the Apple Pencil resolved itself.
I’ve documented the issue with several video recordings showing the freezing and rebooting behavior, as well as error logs generated after such incidents.
Device Details:
Model: iPad Pro M4
Usage: Light tasks only (video streaming, web browsing, reading)
Environment: No overheating, no resource-heavy applications running
What could be causing this issue, and how can I resolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
P.S. I’ve uploaded all the device logs and videos demonstrating the issue to Google Drive.
I am working on an iOS application that relies on CoreMotion Attitude, and I need clarification regarding the behavior of reference frames.
According to the documentation, when setting the attitude reference frame to CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXTrueNorthZVertical:
The Z-axis of the reference frame is vertical (aligned with gravity).
The X-axis of the reference frame points to the geographic North Pole (True North).
When a device’s orientation matches this reference frame, the roll, pitch, and yaw values reported by CMAttitude should be (0,0,0).
However, in my testing:
When I align the device’s position with the CMAttitudeReferenceFrameXTrueNorthZVertical reference frame by orienting the screen (device Z-axis) upward and the right side (device X-axis) toward north, the yaw value reported by CMAttitude is 90 degrees instead of the expected 0 degrees.
To have CMAttitude report yaw as 0, I must instead orient the top side (device Y-axis) toward north.
This seems to contradict my understanding that the X-axis of the device should be aligned with True North, to have the device match the attitude reference frame and have roll, pitch, and yaw values reported by CMAttitude should be (0,0,0).
What I'm missing?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
I am developing a virtual Bluetooth HID keyboard device on my Win desktop that connects to my iPad over bluetooth and advertises itself as a keyboard to control the iPad.
It works very well already on Android, but not on iOS. I can see in Packet Logger that it reads well as a HID device, reads the report map and HID information correctly, which data is all valid. It doesn't subscribe to the report's Client Characteristic Configuration, just silently quitting and the keyboard does not work.
I can post more information if needed, but my question in short is what are the requirements for iOS to accept a HID over GATT as a keyboard peripheral. I feel like I am close.
My phone broke a little bit ago, with the screen either flashing green or it being green continuously. I asked somebody who would know and he said that the connection from the motherboard to the screen is messed up. It’s refurbished so that makes sense. Since then, the issue has gone away. it stopped a few days ago but I have insurance on it through a third party and I’m wondering if I should still make a claim.
Hi everyone,
I am seeking clarification regarding the communication capabilities between an ESP32 microcontroller and Apple's latest devices, specifically the iPhone 16 Pro Max and iPad Pro, both equipped with USB-C ports.
MFi Certification: Historically, establishing communication between external devices and iOS devices required MFi (Made for iPhone/iPad) certification. But I remember this being necessary in the Lightning Cable to USB era.
With the introduction of USB-C ports in recent iPhone and iPad models, there is an indication that MFi certification may no longer be necessary for certain peripherals. Perhaps I'm not confident on the terminology here: https://mfi.apple.com/en/who-should-join
Project Requirements: I am working on a sensor research project that necessitates the collection of low-latency time-series data from an ESP32 microcontroller, which features a USB-C port. The data needs to be transmitted to an iPhone 16 Pro Max or iPad Pro. Bluetooth communication has proven insufficient due to its limited data transfer rates (~1.2 Mbps with L2CAP). While NEHotspot could be an alternative, it restricts the iPad's internet connectivity. Therefore, establishing a direct USB-C connection between the ESP32 and the iOS device appears to be the most viable solution.
MFi Certification Necessity: Is MFi certification still required for an ESP32 microcontroller to communicate with iPhone 16 Pro Max or iPad Pro via USB-C?
USB-C Communication Support: Do the iPhone 16 Pro Max and iPad Pro natively support serial communication over USB-C with microcontrollers like the ESP32? If not, are there recommended protocols or interfaces to facilitate this communication?
App Development Considerations: Would developing a custom iOS application be necessary to handle data transmission from the ESP32 over USB-C? If so, are there specific APIs or frameworks provided by Apple to support this functionality?
Data Transfer Rates: Considering the need for high-speed data transfer, are there any limitations or considerations regarding the data transfer rates achievable through a USB-C connection between the ESP32 and iOS devices?
Thank you!
I have a device. After pairing, it is shown as connected in the Bluetooth list of the mobile phone. Before iOS 18, I could retrieve the device through the retrieveConnectedPeripherals method, but after iOS 18, I cannot retrieve it. What is the reason? Because when the device is connected, it no longer sends broadcast packets. How can I retrieve the device?
Invalid entitlement for core nfc framework. The sdk version '18.2' and min OS version '14.0' are not compatible for the entitlement 'com.apple.developer.nfc.readersession.formats' because 'NDEF is disallowed'.
Anyone knows what is the correct configuration SDK version and minimum iOS deployment target for NFC that has NDEF format?