App Review

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Understand the technical and content review process for submitting apps to the App Store.

App Review Documentation






Is there any other way to check if the screening process is successful other than the production screening?
We have taken the actions listed in the following URL. We would like to confirm if the review is approved. Is there any other way to check if it passes the review other than the actual review? We would like to do a preliminary review to make sure that what we have done is okay.
May ’24
Clarification Needed on Rejection of Astrology App While Similar Apps Are Approved
Two years ago, you did not approve my astrology app, citing the reason that you were not accepting any new astrology apps at that time. However, I have noticed that there are many approved apps related to horoscopes, palm reading, and fortune telling. Could you please clarify why my app was rejected when similar apps have been approved? As an individual developer, I have lost both time and money. I hope you can provide positive feedback regarding my problem.
May ’24
Looking For A Creative Solution To A Problem - Time Senstive
We have an app, under our company IOS account which is a white label software our company started with. We own the app store, they own the back end. We have spent the last 12 months developing our own IP, we are now ready to push it to market. Long story short its a rideshare platform, we do about 1500 rides a day and have roughly 300 drivers active on the system. The driver app is fine, we can created this IOS account separately to host that, but we obviously need to push the update of our client app. I realize without our current developer knowing or playing ball we cant "force the update" and thats a hurdle we are okay with. HOWEVER the 5-10 potential days that we have to submit the final build as an update scares the crap out of me, if our developer takes the news poorly they could crash the back end and 300 drivers are out of work and thousands of clients are without rides to work, doctors, school etc (we operate in towns and cities with no other options) If we set our old developer permissions to only see "old app", we then upload "new app" can we somehow seek approvals, do configurations and then still use the new app as an update over the old app rather than as new software? This would simply help eliminate 90% of the time where the old developer could get upset and disrupt or crash the business. Right now the plan is to lock out the old developer, send them an honest, polite email explaining our choice, as well as a bit of a financial bribe (which to be frank we cant afford so it hurts) but lets say they have sometimes been stubborn and not fun to work with, so I am not confident. Im hoping that is not our only option to go through this one of situation. Key notes: New developer says they need 3-5 days after submitted to the app store for configuration and testing (so far testing is on their apple account/testflgiht) Typically beyond that apple could be another 2-7 days for approval and update Even at this point we have no way to force the update, because we dont have access to the previous back end 300 peoples jobs, 1500 peoples daily transportation depend on us not being down for an extended period of time, which to be blunt our current developer may not care about when considering making the transition easy.
May ’24
Youtube Player Issue
Guideline 5.2.3 - Legal Your app contains content or features that may violate the rights of one or more third parties. Specifically, your app provides potentially unauthorized access to third-party audio or video streaming, catalogs, and discovery services. Your app and its contents should not infringe upon the rights of another party. In the event your app infringes another party’s rights, you are responsible for any liability to Apple because of a claim.
May ’24
message extension(sticker pack), in-app purches (IAP), Review problem
Hey everyone, I'm facing a bit of a puzzling issue with the review of my app, particularly with the in-app purchase functionality for message extension/sticker packs. I've implemented the entire store using StoreKit for in-app purchases, using exactly the same code like it is in Apple's demo application ( Here's the problem: the products appear correctly according to what's set up in App Store Connect (In-App Purchases section), and the purchase process works flawlessly in sandbox and TestFlight environments. However, during the review process, I received the following feedback: "Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We found that your in-app purchase products exhibited one or more bugs which create a poor user experience. Specifically, the app kept loading indefinitely when we tapped on “Shop”. Please review the details and resources below and complete the next steps." It seems that the products are not loading properly in the environment used by the reviewers. What's most puzzling is that another app with the exact same store implementation has passed the review and is available in the store ( I'm running out of ideas on what could be causing this discrepancy, especially since everything is functioning correctly in sandbox and TestFlight. Could someone please take a look at the code in Store.swift in this demo project and point out what might be missing? Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. @MainActor func requestProducts() async { do { //Request products from the App Store using the identifiers that the Products.plist file defines. let storeProducts = try await Product.products(for: productIdToEmoji.keys) for product in productIdToEmoji.keys { toDebug = toDebug + ", " + product } var newCars: [Product] = [] var newSubscriptions: [Product] = [] var newNonRenewables: [Product] = [] var newFuel: [Product] = [] //Filter the products into categories based on their type. for product in storeProducts { switch product.type { case .consumable: newCars.append(product) case .nonConsumable: newCars.append(product) case .autoRenewable: newSubscriptions.append(product) case .nonRenewable: newNonRenewables.append(product) default: //Ignore this product. print("Unknown product") } } //Sort each product category by price, lowest to highest, to update the store. cars = sortByPrice(newCars) subscriptions = sortByPrice(newSubscriptions) nonRenewables = sortByPrice(newNonRenewables) fuel = sortByPrice(newFuel) } catch { print("Failed product request from the App Store server: \(error)") errorMessage = error.localizedDescription } }
May ’24
App under review for more than week
Hello, I submitted my application for review on May 1st, but received a message: "We need additional time to evaluate your submission and your Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as 'Rejected' in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. If we notice any issues that require your attention, we will let you know via App Store Connect. If we find no issues with your submission or account, the submission will be approved." I waited but nothing happened, I resubmitted a new build, I've been waiting for 3 days and again nothing happens, the status is Waiting for Review. Expedited App Review didn't help.
May ’24
App under review for more than 2 months
Hello everyone, few months ago I submitted my new app for review, but got automated message back: We need additional time to evaluate your submission and Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as "Rejected" in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. thought it won't take long (I was wrong) , I waited for a whole month and nothing, then I started researching and some other devs suggested to cancel that submition and resubmit , and I did just that , same thing happened this time , almost 3 weeks that i've been waiting , if any one from apple sees this please help me :(
May ’24
App Review Delayed for a Long Time
Hello everyone, I'm a developer, and my app has been submitted for review on the Apple App Store. Unfortunately, it has been in the "In Review" status for quite a long time now, and I haven't received any updates or review results yet. I'm very concerned that this situation might have a negative impact on my project. I have made the necessary modifications to the app as per Apple's requirements, addressing all issues raised during the previous review, and have provided the relevant qualifications. I'm confident that my app complies with all Apple review guidelines and requirements. However, despite my best efforts, my app has not yet been approved for release. I have invested a significant amount of time and resources in developing this project, and it has garnered interest and anticipation from users. I really hope to be able to make the app available to users as soon as possible to meet their needs. I would like to ask the developers and Apple staff in the forum if anyone has encountered a similar situation. How did you resolve it? What steps should I take to address the current issue? Do you have any advice or guidance? My user Apple ID is 6499257545, and if this information is needed to provide further assistance, please don't hesitate to let me know. Thank you very much for your help and support!
May ’24
Apps "In Review" for 1 Month and half - Is this Normal?
Hello, I submitted two games about a month ago, on the 1st of April, and received an email two days later for one game stating: "We need additional time to evaluate your submission and your Apple Developer Program account. Your submission status will appear as 'Rejected' in App Store Connect while we investigate. However, we do not require a revised binary or additional information from you at this time. If we notice any issues that require your attention, we will let you know via App Store Connect. If we find no issues with your submission or account, the submission will be approved." I waited for about 20 days and received no response. then I tried every solution I could find online, but nothing worked: I resubmitted a new build. I emailed Apple. I requested a Expedited App Review. I removed VisionOS and macOS from my supported devices. Despite all these efforts, my games are still under review. Has anyone experienced something similar? i'm running out of patience, as I'm an indie developer who has invested money in developing these games, yet I can't even get them on online to the store.
May ’24
Apple rejection - Safari extension
I'm stuck in the Apple rejection trap. Apple keeps rejecting our Safari extension because we refer to our portal for the login, which opens in a new tab. I have compared it with other Safari extensions. For example, the extension from Notion uses the same procedure for the login. I think it is a normal procedure. How can we solve this case? Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks for your help.
May ’24
App rejection for use of alternate icons
I am currently stuck in app rejection limbo at the moment. This has gone on all day. My iOS app allows a user to choose 1 of 4 alternate icons or just the default primary icon in the general app settings. The review team has been rejecting my app for the following reasons which I am apparently failing to decode somehow: Guideline 4.6 - Design - Alternate App Icons We continue to find that the app's binary includes icons that may support a user-selectable icons feature but does not fulfill all of the requirements for using alternate icons. Specifically: - The app includes user-selectable icons but does not provide a way to change the icons within the app. Next Steps To resolve this issue, please ensure that the app's icons can only be changed at the user’s request, are relevant to the content and functionality of the app, and can be reverted back to the app's original icon. If these icons were included in your binary for a reason other than a user-selectable icon feature, reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know. This was my previous response explaining the use of the alternate icons: 1. The app's icons *can only* be changed at the user’s request – the user does this from the general app settings as previously explained. We do NOT in anyway do this without the user's request. 2. It is a way for the user to personalise the app. A person who curates things would appreciate this (as I do) so it is relevant to the functionality of the app. This same feature is also in the macOS version presently in the Mac App store and it is implemented the same way. 3. It *can* be reverted back the same way it was changed *by the user* in the app settings. 4. I do not think the UI to change the app icon should be in the main app (as opposed to the general app settings) because the user is not expected to change the app icon very often. So it is situated in the general app settings along with many other options that the user is not expected change often but can whenever they want to. Does choosing the alternate app icon in app settings not count as "within the app" ?
May ’24