Explore the intersection of business and app development. Discuss topics like device management, education, and resources for aspiring app developers.

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Guideline 3.2 - Business
We continue to find in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Next Steps To resolve this issue, review the other distribution options available for apps designed for specific businesses or organizations and choose a distribution option that works for your app and users. You can review these I am not able to resolve the above issue kindly help.
Jan ’24
Disabling the extra buttons on UIReferenceLibraryViewController
Hi! I am developing a word game for children. It is intended to be educational and help children pass the time by playing. I use UIReferenceLibraryViewController ( I use a UIViewControllerRepresentable as the app is essentially in SwiftUI) to show a definition of a word that the child comes across during play. This part works fine - except that the view contains a button to look on the web, and another to manage dictionaries - both of which I do not want children to be able to do. How do I disable these buttons? Alternatively, is there a way to just get the dictionary definition text and show that in a custom view?
Jan ’24
Subject: PPPC Config File Issue: App Disappears from Security & Privacy in Standard User
I'm encountering a strange issue with PPPC configuration files and app visibility in Security & Privacy for standard users on the latest macOS version. The Scenario: I created a PPPC file granting accessibility and screen recording permissions for my app. I deployed the PPPC file to devices using MDM. Surprisingly, the app doesn't appear under Security & Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording or Accessibility for standard users. However, if I remove the PPPC file, the app instantly shows up in those locations. What I've Tried: Double-checked the PPPC file syntax and permissions configuration. Redeployed the PPPC file and verified successful installation on devices. Restarted devices and re-registered the MDM profile. The Impact: This issue prevents standard users from granting my app the necessary permissions through the standard system interface. They require admin intervention to grant permissions manually, which is inconvenient and not ideal for our workflow. Seeking Help: I'm reaching out to the community for any insights or suggestions on resolving this issue. Has anyone encountered a similar problem with PPPC files and standard user permissions? Any advice or potential solutions would be greatly appreciated!
Dec ’23
Apple App Publish - Distribution Method Issue
Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Next Steps To resolve this issue, review the other distribution options available for apps designed for specific businesses or organizations and choose a distribution option that works for your app and users. You can review these app distribution options on Apple Developer. How to resolve this issue - when my App's Business Model is - Business - to - Business Model and my app doesn't involve Registration Technique. If somebody has any information on this issue, Please Guide us.
Dec ’23
Version Number Conflicts
We are the client of a vendor who built a custom app for us. We use mobile device management to automate application updates. We push 45 apps and 44 work flawlessly. The 45th is this app and we always have to manually force it to update which causes drastic issues when the app is updated. After troubleshooting, it appears there is some type of mismatch between the store version number and what the device sees. The store will show the app as but the device shows 1.2.3 when I force it to update. The vendor shows that they fill out the version as 1.2.3 and the build number as 4 which then produces Are they filling this information out correctly? Are there other fields that are required for them to fill out elsewhere with the version number? Thank you
Dec ’23
Mac Assessment Mode in Electron App
I am implementing the Mac Assessment Mode feature on an Electron application. I have successfully activated it (verified through the assessmentSessionDidBegin function), but the application hangs on a gray screen. Additionally, I tried adding the Calculator app and VS Code (which is built with Electron) to the whitelist. The Calculator app can display, but VS Code cannot. I suspect that helper processes (Render, GPU, ...) may be blocked by this mode, preventing the application from displaying content. Therefore, I would like to ask if The Mac Assessment Mode supports Electron applications. Thank you for reviewing.
Dec ’23
How to enable push notification settings for PWA app with App Restriction payload?
Push notification for PWA app is supported on iOS >= 16.4. I want to restrict app usage using Restriction payload of configuration profile. Formerly we could it by defining a restriction like this. (actually via MDM) <key>whitelistedAppBundleIDs</key> <array> <string>com.apple.webapp</string> </array> However on iOS >= 17.0, the notification setting of the PWA app is disappeared!! Without the restriction payload, or with the restriction payload without whitelistedAppBundleIDs, the notification setting for the PWA app is shown as expected. Also we discovered that the issue can be avoided by adding com.apple.WebKit.PushBundle.xxxxxx into the restriction payload. <key>whitelistedAppBundleIDs</key> <array> <string>com.apple.webapp</string> <string>com.apple.WebKit.PushBundle.7880D99FB56F4FF7B5DC019E0EDBCBD0</string> </array> com.apple.WebKit.PushBundle.7880D99FB56F4FF7B5DC019E0EDBCBD0 can be found with console log using Apple Configurator. However it cannot be found via MDM command (ex. InstalledApplicationList). We want to configure and install the restriction payload into multiple devices via MDM. So how can we know the com.apple.WebKit.PushBundle.xxxxxx via MDM? or how can we enable push notification settings for PWA apps with restriction payload? Thank you
Dec ’23
[MDM] How can we trigger retrying app installation after assigning VPP license via declarative device management?
I tried the new feature of iOS 17.2 com.apple.configuration.app.managed A configuration and its activation are defined with the data like this. { "Identifier": "389459bf-0902-58dd-be0e-11c83c695a8b", "Type": "com.apple.configuration.app.managed", "Payload": { "InstallBehavior": { "Install": "Required", "License": { "VPPType": "Device" } }, "BundleID": "com.microsoft.Office.Powerpoint" }, "ServerToken": "..." } After distributing the configuration with DeclarativeDevicement MDM command, an error is notified via status channel app.managed.list. { "active": true, "identifier": "389459bf-0902-58dd-be0e-11c83c695a8b", "valid": "valid", "server-token": "21b95e4cb0b616a3ac77a5905ed08756fa36f605ad1a30a9bd347a4a8092532c" }, "app": { "managed": { "list": [ { "state": "failed", "declaration-identifier": "389459bf-0902-58dd-be0e-11c83c695a8b", "identifier": "com.microsoft.Office.Powerpoint", "name": "Microsoft PowerPoint", "reasons": [ { "code": "Error.LicenseNotFound" } ] }, After VPP license for the app is assigned, I tried to issue DeclarativeManagement command again. However iOS device doesn't fetch the configuration because it is not changed. App installation is not retried even after the valid license is assigned. How can we trigger the retrying installation? Thank you
Dec ’23
How to configure settings to enable communication with the AppStore
◆premise ① We are planning to use self-produced App (published in AppStore) which is installed on our iPad in a closed network. ② We will implement the update of the app automatically. ◆Question In order to allow the automatic update of the app in AppStore, do we need to allow communication with servers or domains? If it is a case, could you tell us the port number for this connection?
Nov ’23
How to generate developer token for api.ent.apple.com?
We are an MDM and are trying to migrate to the new App and Book Management APIs. In this doc mentioned below it asking us to send the public key generated to my Apple contact in a plain-text file. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/app_and_book_management/apps_and_books_for_organizations/generating_developer_tokens?language=objc I'm not sure who my Apple contact is? I already understand how to generate JWT token for the api.ent.apple.com. I would like to know who can authorize the public key for the organization. Thank you
Nov ’23
Exploring Time-Based Activation Predicates in Declarative Device Management (DDM)
Hello Apple Community, I've been delving into the realm of time-based activation predicates through DDM. In my recent pursuits, I've been experimenting with the device's local time to evaluate a predicate expression and apply activation configurations. Is it possible to achieve this? Our DDM currently leverages device status items and server management properties to activate predicates. These predicates come to life when the logic becomes true, initiating activations seamlessly. While the Apple Predicate Guide provides a solid foundation, I've encountered some challenges when it comes to time-based expressions. The guide covers basics such as context and numerical-based predicates, but I find myself seeking more clarity on implementing time-based logic effectively. If any of you have insights, tips, or experiences to share regarding time-based activation predicates expressions in declarative device management, your input would be immensely valuable. I'm particularly interested in understanding practical approaches and gaining a deeper comprehension of the nuances involved. Thank you in advance.
Nov ’23
Install ad-hoc to iOS device remotely (iPad Mini 4)
I have an ad-hoc app that our company uses internally. I am at a different physical location than where the app is used (on iPad mini 4 units). Is there any way I can remotely update the app from my location? One solution I thought of was to use TestFlight, but that creates an app that will expire in 90 days and has potential for long term problems if it expires before an update. Currently I have to go and gather all the iPads and bring them to my location, install the updates by plugging each unit into my iMac. Is there a better way to do this? Can this be done with DeviceManagement? (assume I know nothing about this)
Nov ’23
About the grace period when VPP application licenses are not assigned
After assigning VPP application license and installing the app in device, I revoked the license while it was still installed. However, I was able to use the app even after 30 days. I think this app is not available in ASM(Apple School Manager) specification. Is this specification applied in ABM(Apple Business Manager)? I found this discription in ASM, but I couldn't find it in ABM. https://www.apple.com/au/education/docs/VPP_Education_Guide_EN_Oct13.pdf “When apps you’ve assigned are no longer needed by a user, you can revoke and reassign them to different users. The user gets a 30-day grace period to continue to use the app, save data, or buy a personal copy. ”
Nov ’23